☾hapter IX

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Mikasa and Armin soon joined me at Eren's side. It felt like an eternity since the three of us had shed tears together. As Mikasa embraced Eren, I gently ran my fingers through her hair, trying to offer some comfort amidst the chaos that had unfolded.

" You haven't lost your entire family, Mikasa". I whispered softly, hoping my words could provide a semblance of solace.

The sight of Eren being the one responsible for annihilating the titans around the HQ left Jean in utter shock. A few minutes elapsed, and then the three of us - Mikasa, Armin, and myself - were given the task of escorting Eren to the wall.

Our path quickly became enveloped by a contingent of Garrison soldiers. These were the individuals who had sought safety on the wall, abandoning the fresh-faced, newly graduated soldiers to their grim fate, akin to insects left to perish.

Eren appeared to regain consciousness, yet his words were a jumble of incoherence. Armin and I steadied him, supporting him by his shoulders, while Mikasa positioned herself protectively in front of us.

" I'll kill you". Eren muttered, a smile forming on his lips that mirrored the unsettling grin of a psychopath.

" Eren ?". The simultaneous concern in Armin's and my voice reverberated in the air.

Slowly, Eren's gaze seemed to focus, snapping back to the reality of our predicament. It dawned on him that the four of us were encircled by fellow troops, backed into an inescapable corner.

What transpired in his mind just moments ago ? Was it a fleeting daydream, a fragment of his imagination ?

Abruptly, Eren gasped, his breath catching as if he'd been submerged underwater and had just resurfaced, desperate for air.

" Eren !". Mikasa's cry was laden with anxiety.

" Eren, can you move ? Are you back with us ?". My words were infused with both hope and apprehension.

" Share everything you know with them ! They'll understand, I'm sure of it !". Armin implored, his eyes reflecting a profound empathy for Eren's bewildered state.

My heart ached for him. He seemed so utterly adrift, as if the threads of his memory were unraveling. Could he genuinely not recall anything that had occurred just moments ago ?

" Armin, Izzy...". Eren muttered.

" Did you hear that ? He said, 'I'll kill you !'". A soldier's voice pierced through the tense air.

Another soldier nodded, his expression wrought with fear," Yeah, I heard it too. He wants to devour us all !".

But Eren's fury has always been directed at Titans, not humans. Why would he suddenly have the desire to consume his own kind ? Then again, it's unfair to judge them without understanding Eren's complexities.

Eren appeared lost in contemplation, deep in thought. We needed to respond and defend ourselves. This wasn't the time for introspection about his life's journey.

" Cadets Jeager, Ackerman, Pierce, and Arlert ! Your current behavior is tantamount to high treason ! What do you have to say in your defense ?". The commanding officer of the regiment bellowed at us.

" What...?". Eren's voice held a note of confusion.

" Should you attempt any deceptive moves, or show signs of aggression, the artillery will rain down upon you without hesitation ! We won't hold back !". The soldier's declaration carried a weight of authority.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his theatrical threats.

Eren regarded him, a puzzled expression furrowing his brow," Huh ?".

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