☾hapter XXV

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As I drifted into sleep, I found myself returning to that 'galaxy,' or at least, that's what I had come to call it, as I still didn't know its true name. Ymir was there, just like before, and I conversed with her as if I were speaking to Mirry, though they were entirely different individuals.

Ymir was remarkably outspoken, often injecting a dose of amusement into our interactions, whereas the one beside me now was more reserved, speaking less. But it wasn't fair to compare them based solely on a name; it was likely my connection to the Ymir of my training years that colored my perception.

From time to time, I thought I glimpsed a smile on her face, and that brought me joy. Seeing her happy, even if only a little, made me happy. She deserved it.

" Ymir, am I mistaken in believing that Eren is the only one who can truly set you free ? I don't know the exact details yet; I haven't fully regained my memories. Did you have any role in causing my memory loss as well ?". I asked, inquiring into the shadows of uncertainty.

Ymir hesitated before nodding. I didn't press her for the reasons behind her actions; perhaps she'd share them with me in due time.

" I don't blame you, Ymir". I reassured her, seeing the fear in her eyes. 

She must have been afraid of my anger, abandonment, or something else deeply rooted from her past.

People had inflicted so much pain upon her that it had left lasting scars, ones that lingered even now.

" I understand that you see Eren as your salvation, as the one who can free you from this never-ending nightmare. However, I fear that Eren himself will become ensnared in this nightmare in the future. In fact, I believe it has already begun, that the machinery of fate is already in motion. I'm doing everything I can to help him, but there are times when I feel so small and powerless.

My memories are fragmented, and it's odd because they sometimes overlap with my life before, a life that's slowly fading away. I remember that Eren was my first confidant, or the time I fashioned crowns for Armin, Eren, and myself to seal our promise of friendship.

I don't want to witness him like this; I want him to be happy, to not sacrifice his dreams and freedom for others. I don't know if there's a way to save him, but if there is, I would seize it without hesitation". I explained, my gaze fixed on the galaxy above.

Ymir contemplated my words before nodding and gently taking my hand, surprising me with her gesture. I responded with a smile, and she returned it.

" Thank you, Ymir". I whispered.

" You're welcome, Ana". Ymir replied, her voice ringing in my ears for the first time.

Suddenly, everything around me began to fade away, just as it had when I first arrived. Perhaps it was because I was waking up ?

" Maybe we'll meet again in the future ! The next time I come, could you explain to me exactly what this place is ? It's beautiful, but you must feel so alone". My voice trailed off.

All I saw was a faint smile from her, a nod, and then she vanished. That was the last vision I had before opening my eyes.

When I woke up, I felt someone holding my hand. I glanced around and saw Eren sleeping at the edge of my bed. I gently stroked his hair, wondering why he was here. He should be in his own bed; he must be exhausted from his experiments.

Eren stirred slightly, a smile forming on his face as he noticed I was awake, and the weariness in his eyes vanished in an instant.

" Izzy ! How are you ?". He asked, genuinely happy to see me awake.

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