☾hapter XII

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Before we left, Levi introduced Eren and me to his squad.

" I suppose you already know this brat. And this is Anelise Pierce, the newest member of the squad". Levi stated, his voice carrying an air of indifference.

I offered a salute, conveying my respect," It's an honor to work with you".

The man with blond hair flashed a reassuring smile," None of that with us, kiddo". He said.

A girl in the group nodded in agreement, her eyes bright," That's right. We're teammates now, and it's great to have another girl in the squad !".

A man, trying to imitate Captain Levi, chimed in," Remember that you have to respect your elders. Don't imagine anything else".

His attempt at imitation struck me as rather odd, and I furrowed my brow, studying him closely.

The last member of Levi's squad, with a curious expression, asked me," How many Titans have you killed ?".

I replied confidently," I've taken down 42 Titans-32 on my own and 10 with Mikasa or Squad Leader Ian".

Their collective reaction was nothing short of astonishment, and Levi couldn't help but smirk.

" Wow". Muttered the man with the blond hair.

" But I'm sure I still have a lot to learn from you! I mean, if you don't mind". I quickly added, eager to foster a positive atmosphere.

The squad members exchanged smiles at my humility.

" Yes, you still have a lot to learn". Replied Levi's imitation, a hint of amusement in his voice.

" Gladly". Said the black-haired man who had inquired about my Titan kills.

Interrupting the formalities, I offered," Uh, we haven't introduced ourselves ! I'm Petra Ral".

" Eld Jinn, a pleasure to work with you". Eld said, nodding with a warm smile.

" Likewise !". I replied, genuinely happy to receive such a warm welcome.

" My name is Gunther Schultz. It'll be a pleasure to teach you things, even though you already seem to possess a lot of skills". Gunther complimented me.

I felt a flush of embarrassment at all the praise.

" Oluo Bozado, you'd better remember it, little girl". Oluo declared.

I noticed Levi's stern glare directed at Oluo, likely because of his height-related comment.

" Let's go". Levi ordered.

" Yes, sir !". The squad members responded in unison.

Turning to Eren, I took his hand," Let's go, Eren".

Eren had been sidelined since Levi's introduction. I understood my responsibility to watch over him, given his Titan-shifting abilities, but he was also my friend, and I had no intention of treating him any differently because of his powers.

" Y-yeah". He stammered, attempting to conceal the blush creeping onto his cheeks.

We mounted our horses and set off for our destination, where we would be staying for the next few days.

I rode alongside Petra, Levi on my left, and Eren leading with Oluo.

I confess that for half the journey, I was lost in my thoughts until Petra's voice snapped me back to reality. I glanced around and realized we were already deep within a forest.

" Is something troubling you, Anelise ? You seem lost in thought". Petra inquired, her concern evident.

" Sorry, Petra. I was just thinking about two of my friends". I replied with a sad smile.

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