☾hapter XXII

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I glanced over at Ymir and noticed that her hand and leg were almost completely regenerated. Or, perhaps it was more accurate to say that I attempted to look, for with each passing moment, my vision grew increasingly blurred.

Eren remained at my side, his gaze fixed on Ymir. It was evident that he was displeased with her decision to remain silent, withholding whatever knowledge she possessed.

As my attention shifted towards Reiner and Bertholdt, I couldn't help but sense that they were on the brink of taking action. There was still an hour left before sundown.

From the corner of my eye, I observed Bertholdt and Reiner engaged in a hushed conversation. Unfortunately, their words remained beyond my auditory reach. Why couldn't I possess superhuman hearing ? I lamented in frustration.

Then, to my astonishment, my eyes widened as I spotted distant green flares being launched into the sky. The Survey Corps was drawing near ! However, that also meant that Hannes' life hung in the balance. I needed to find a way to recover my strength and prevent his impending demise, a resolve that filled me with determination.

" Eren, we must find a means to delay them as much as possible. Given my current condition, my options are limited". I whispered to him.

Eren nodded in contemplation, his mind clearly racing with thoughts left unspoken.

" They won't be able to assemble a scouting formation without transporting a considerable number of horses over the wall !". Bertholdt exclaimed.

" I never anticipated they'd mobilize so swiftly... This is frustrating. Commander Erwin might be among them. We're up against a formidable group". Reiner grumbled irritably as he landed on the branch where Eren and I stood.

" Huh ? What's the rush, Reiner ? Nightfall hasn't arrived yet". Eren feigned innocence.

" It doesn't matter. We're departing immediately". Reiner replied with unwavering determination.

As Reiner spoke, I began to cough up blood. It was a wretched feeling. Perhaps if I closed my eyes for a brief respite, the situation might improve ? I pondered, feeling the weight of exhaustion.

" Eren, don't be foolish; put up a fight". I heard Reiner urge.

" Come on, don't try to act tough. Look at the state I'm in. I couldn't possibly fight back". Eren retorted, displaying his arms.

My eyes shot open in astonishment as I heard Eren strike Reiner.

" Die ! Die !". Eren shouted defiantly.

Well, at the very least, one could argue that it succeeded in buying us some time, I thought, sweat forming on my brow.

Well, at the very least, one could argue that it succeeded in buying us some time, I thought, sweat forming on my brow

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Reiner made a desperate attempt to restrain Eren and render him unconscious. I found myself incapacitated, devoid of any weaponry, unable to intervene for fear that any push might inadvertently bring Eren crashing down with him.

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