☾hapter LXXXVII

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After absorbing the revelations from Ymir and Eren, a heavy silence enveloped the interior of the flying boat, leaving us to grapple with the weight of our newfound knowledge. It was Connie who shattered the quietude, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

" So... How are we supposed to stop the Founder ?". Connie's inquiry hung in the air, a reflection of the collective perplexity we all shared.

" Perhaps by triggering the bones to explode," Hannes conjectured, his tone laced with cautious contemplation." But, as Ymir cautioned us, it's undoubtedly an endeavor".

Abruptly, the flying boat quivered, prompting Hange to swivel towards Onyankopon, seeking an explanation for the disturbance.

" What's happening ?". Hange's voice betrayed a mix of concern and urgency.

" Damn it ! The engine's sputtering on fumes !". Onyankopon's exclamation underscored the gravity of the situation.

Kenny's eyes scanned the scene beyond the small window, his observations hastening a realization," We've reached the Rumbling ! The colossal skeleton looms dead ahead !".

" That was swifter than anticipated". Erwin mused aloud, his thoughts momentarily escaping his lips.

" We need to abandon flying boat !". Armin's urgency sliced through the tension, a call to action that couldn't be ignored.

" Move, Onyankopon !". Jean's voice carried a note of command, spurred by the urgency of the moment.

" Wait just a moment. I need to position us directly over the Founder first. Only then can we attempt an emergency landing," Onyankopon's instructions held a precarious blend of determination and caution." Ensure you time your leap perfectly to reach the Founding Titan once we're aligned. Understand ?".

" Agreed. Erwin, I'll need your cooperation for this". Hannes rallied, his resolve unwavering.

" Understood. With my singular arm, your assistance will be invaluable". Erwin affirmed, his tone projecting a resolute spirit.

As the flying boat commenced its perilous descent, a knot of apprehension tightened within me. 

" Evade, Onyankopon !". Hange's command sliced through the urgency that enveloped us.

" Brace yourselves !". Onyankopon's swift response was accompanied by a violent twist of the controls, sending us careening against the walls as he deftly maneuvered to dodge the projectiles hurtling our way.

" I know that damn move". I muttered, my frustration simmering.

" Yeah, look who's paying us a visit". Kenny's voice carried a somber edge as he gazed out of the window.

" That furry bastard !". Levi's words dripped with restrained anger, his teeth audibly clenched.

As the flying boat finally regained its stability, Armin's voice pierced the air, cutting through the palpable tension.

" At least that saves us the trouble of tracking him down. Remember, our main target is the Beast Titan. Pool all available resources to bring him down". Armin's orders rang out with authority.

" With his barrage momentarily halted, the true battle begins. This is where we put an end to the rumbling". Hange's voice added, laden with a resolute determination.

Armin flung open the flying boat's door, the rushing wind an additional challenge in an already demanding moment.

" Now ! Jump !". Onyankopon's urgent shout battled against the roaring gusts.

Without a second thought, we leapt from the flying boat. Here we stand, Eren. Just as pledged, we're here to terminate all of this, I vowed silently, my conviction unshaken.

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