☾hapter XX

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Third person POV :

Eren's Titan, seething with fury, thrust its massive fist into the head of Reiner's Titan.

" Eren !". Mikasa's voice pierced through the chaos.

If only... I could have executed that maneuver flawlessly and decapitated both of them! It was our golden opportunity... I should have been capable of pulling it off. Why did I falter? This was our last shot... There won't be another. Mikasa's thoughts raced as she clenched her teeth.

Mikasa's gaze shifted toward Bertholdt, widening in shock as she spotted Anelise unconscious within its colossal hand.

" Izzy !". Mikasa screamed in sheer horror.

The Colossal Titan hurled its enormous fist towards the soldiers stationed on the wall, forcing them into a frantic retreat.

" All troops, evacuate the wall !". Hange's orders resonated urgently.

" He's taken Ymir and Anelise !". Historia struggled in the grasp of the soldier holding her.

" He's taken another one !". Gunther's shout echoed.

Bertholdt's Colossal Titan parted its monstrous jaws, then unceremoniously tossed Ymir, Anelise, and the unfortunate soldier inside.

Armin, Mikasa, Hange, and Historia watched helplessly, their faces contorted with horror.

" He devoured them !". Cried out a soldier.

" Bertholdt...". Armin murmured, nervously clenching his teeth.

Hange's jaw tightened as they stared at the empty hand that had cradled Anelise just moments before.

" All troops, prepare for combat !". Hange's voice rang out, determination burning in their eyes.

Hange swiftly deployed their 3DM Gear, ascending to the top of the wall with unwavering resolve, ready to confront the Colossal Titan and eliminate the looming threat.

Hange swiftly deployed their 3DM Gear, ascending to the top of the wall with unwavering resolve, ready to confront the Colossal Titan and eliminate the looming threat

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" Eliminate the Colossal Titan ! You're facing humanity's most formidable adversary ! All troops, attack !". Hange's stern command echoed through the air.

Bertholdt's Titan attempted to swing its colossal fist at Hange, Gunther, and another soldier, but they skillfully evaded the attack and maintained their full-speed pursuit.

" It's slow". Gunther observed, his thoughts racing.

" Just like the reports indicated". Another soldier mused silently.

" All it's got is size !". Exclaimed a soldier in his mind.

" Compared to the smaller Titans we usually engage, it's nothing !". Another soldier thought, their determination unwavering.

" We've got this !". Moblit's motivation surged within him.

As all the soldiers converged upon the Colossal Titan's vulnerable point, Hange shouted," Now ! All troops, cut through !".

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