The End

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Well, that's where this fanfiction ends. I never thought I'd be writing this, as I started it on a whim. I've always loved writing; it's been my escape from daily life, and I'm grateful I could share this story with you.

That's why I'd like to express my gratitude for your readership and kindness. I'd also like to thank those who will read it in the future ! I always enjoy reading your comments on the chapters or the votes you give to this story; it's truly motivating !

Of course, this story still needs editing because I know the chapters are far from perfect, but perfection doesn't exist, after all.

I can't help but mention my admiration for the original story Mr. Isayama created with "Attack on Titan." I really appreciate the way he's written and realised the manga, and I have a lot of respect for his work. He's undoubtedly a hugely talented Mangaka. But I also wanted to provide my own ending to this story regarding the main character. You might say, "That's why it's called fanfiction," but I wanted to mention it nonetheless.

I've also already started working on several fanfiction projects. One of them, which has been released. The title of this new fanfiction is : The Girl Who Lived Beyond the Veil of Titans : Blossoms of Destiny. It is once again based in the "Attack on Titan" universe (I can't get enough of this manga and anime, what can I say...). As for the rest of this fanfiction ? It's a secret you'll have to discover. Don't hesitate to come and read it; I'd be delighted.

Thank you once again ! It was a pleasure to share "You are my Soul" with all of you !

- Sanseviera Kana.


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