☾hapter LXII

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Third person POV

Falco gasped for air as he slowly regained consciousness, a heavy cough racking his body. As his eyes fluttered open, he was met with the sight of colossal hands hovering protectively above him. 

At first disoriented, he struggled to comprehend his surroundings, gradually realizing that these gigantic appendages shielded him from a world plunged into chaos. It was a nightmare scene that unfolded before his eyes, an eerie tableau of colossal Titans locked in ferocious combat, while soldiers on the ground desperately attempted to bring them down.

" What in the world...?". Falco's voice trailed off, disbelief evident in his trembling words.

His eyes widened in horror as he focused on a soldier who, with relentless determination, attempted to shatter the crystal that contained Lara Tybur's lifeless form. But what sent shivers down his spine wasn't this grim revelation. 

No, it was the sight of the Titan, grotesquely impaled upon a massive spike. The person within that grotesque form—the very same person who had offered reassurance and support when he needed it most, the person he had placed his trust in and admired without reservation—had shamelessly betrayed him, exploiting his innocence.

" Is that really him ? Mister Kruger ? No... Jaeger... You ! You deceived me...". Falco muttered, his voice quivering with anger and betrayal.

With a heavy heart, Falco then turned his gaze toward the rubble, where lifeless bodies protruded grotesquely, victims of the devastating conflict. Some were instantly claimed by the impact, while others succumbed to the brutality of their injuries.

" Were they living here ?". Falco wondered, aghast at the carnage that surrounded him.

But Falco had little time to dwell on this grim revelation, as his thoughts quickly turned to someone who had been with him through this nightmarish ordeal.

" Captain Braun !". Falco shouted, desperation coloring his voice.

Without hesitation, he sprinted toward the still-unconscious Titan, compelled by the memory of Reiner's selfless act—using his own body to shield Falco from harm.

" He risked everything to protect me". Falco thought, panic coursing through his veins.

Reaching the Titan's neck, Falco's eyes fixated on Reiner's prone form, almost serene in its unconsciousness. It was as if he were peacefully slumbering, despite the cataclysmic chaos that surrounded them.

" Sir...I'm so sorry... This is my fault". Falco murmured, guilt gnawing at his conscience.

Panicking, he gently placed a trembling hand on Reiner's neck, desperately searching for a pulse. A sigh of relief escaped him when he detected the faint but reassuring rhythm of life.

" He's alive... But unconscious... With the power of the Titans, his injuries should heal, as long as he has the will to live". Falco reassured himself, determination now overshadowing his fear.

Falco paused for a moment, recalling that Reiner had once begged Eren to end his life. A furrow formed on his brow, and he regarded the slumbering Titan with newfound resolve.

" Sir...I'll call for help ! Not everyone out there is our enemy. There's me, there's Gabi... We're all on your side". Falco declared, his voice filled with conviction.

Meanwhile, near the Beast Titan, Jean, Connie, and other soldiers gathered, their faces etched with concern and determination. Jean's eyes widened as the Beast Titan's massive hand scooped up enormous stones, foreboding in its intent. He knew they had to move quickly.

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