Mikasa Ending

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Three years had elapsed since the fateful day known as the Battle of Heaven and Earth. The survivors, who had miraculously endured the devastating toll it took on countless lives, remained haunted by indelible scars that refused to heal.

Amidst the world's ongoing ordeal, their worst apprehensions materialized into reality. The Nation of Eldia gave rise to a self-proclaimed army under the control of the Jaegerists, whose singular focus lay in bolstering their military might.

With trepidation gripping them, the island's inhabitants united in a resounding cry. A resolute mantra emerged : If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. The battle cry echoed further : If you don't fight, you can't win ! The conflict persisted, an unyielding duel that would culminate only when either Eldia or the world itself ceased to exist.

Eren's words reverberated through time—a prophecy that seemed increasingly accurate as days passed. Nevertheless, he bequeathed the world into our hands and departed it. Thus, we persisted in existence, survivors in a world now bereft of Titans.

Within the ranks of the Survey Corps, Armin ascended to the position of the 15th Commander following Hange. The mantle was handed to him after the arduous battle. Hange, while assisting in negotiations alongside Erwin, embraced a semblance of a life less burdened.

Historia, in her new role as a mother, cradled a cherubic daughter in her arms. The resemblance between mother and child was striking, and I enjoyed visiting and engaging in playtime with the little one.

Levi and Kenny, ensconced within a town's embrace, savored a life untainted by warfare for the first time. Gabi and Falco became their caretakers, a testament to the unexpected alliances forged through tumultuous times.

I've also had a bit more of a chance to explain what happened before I woke up here... What I'd told Eren. Even if there wasn't much to say, given that most of my memories from my past life have faded over time.

As for Mikasa... Her feelings were disclosed to me once the dust of the battle had settled. She articulated her desire to share her life with me, an aspiration I couldn't fathom denying. A partner, both formidable and breathtaking, she epitomized my heart's truest yearnings. 

Light-hearted jests by Sasha about our inseparability elicited chuckles, while Mikasa's blushing cheek and whispered avowals of love only deepened our bond. Her endearing vulnerability was nothing short of endearing.

So it was that we established our sanctuary, a haven nestled within the embrace of a comfortable home. Eren's body, however, remained a mystery—lost to us. Mikasa, determined to honor his memory, erected a small grave under the tree where he liked to nap, a conduit for us to communicate with his memory.

Yet, an uncanny sensation persisted—a feeling that Eren lingered, somewhere, somehow. Ymir's words about sinners and retribution echoed in my thoughts. Was this his fate, and if so, for how long ?

As I sat near Eren's grave beneath the tree where countless childhood memories were forged, a soft brush against my temple made me turn, and there was Mikasa, her gaze gentle and searching.

" Lost in thought ?". Mikasa inquired, her voice a soothing melody.

I nodded, my mind a whirlwind of contemplation," Just reflecting on everything that's transpired these past years... But it's nothing. What do you have there, in your hands ?".

" A letter from Armin". She replied, her eyes fixed on Eren's resting place.

I observed her with curiosity as she tenderly patted the grave marker.

" Eren... Soon, everyone will come to pay a visit. Isn't that a comforting thought ?". Mikasa murmured.

A soft smile played on my lips," Indeed, it'll be a heartwarming reunion, won't it, Mika ?".

Her grasp on my hand tightened, her gaze heavy with a mixture of emotions as she looked upon the tomb. I knew the weight of her grief, having lost her last ties to family. In response, I squeezed her hand gently, a wordless pledge of my unwavering presence.

Abruptly, my eyes widened as a fluttering sensation enveloped me. Raising my gaze, I witnessed a bird winding Mikasa's scarf around us. A shared glance of astonishment passed between us before our attention turned to the feathered messenger.

" Do you think...?". My words trailed off.

" I have no doubt... Thank you for wrapping this scarf around us, Eren...". Mikasa declared with a knowing smile.

A peaceful silence lingered, words unnecessary in the face of this silent connection. But eventually, Mikasa broke the stillness.

" Thank you for always standing by my side, Izzy". Mikasa whispered.

My smile widened, my heart brimming with warmth," No, thank you for being a steadfast presence in my life, Mika".

With tenderness and sincerity, she confessed," I love you, and I'm grateful to have your name engraved as the most beautiful sentiment in my heart, darling".

A blush tinted my cheeks," I love you too, and I'm honored to have the most radiant soul by my side, my angel".

In that moment, Mikasa and I sealed our affection with a kiss, followed by a warm embrace. We watched the bird take flight, carrying our unspoken emotions on its wings.


A/N : A year after posting the first chapter of this fanfiction, I'm posting the first ending... I have to say it's pretty moving.

And a little clarification : when Anelise was a child, it's true that she only saw Mikasa as a 'sister', but as she grew older, the feelings and vision that were purely childish eventually disappeared.

As the other endings come after this one, you are free to choose the one you prefer.

- Sanseviera Kana. 

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