Eren Ending

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Three years had elapsed since the fateful day known as the Battle of Heaven and Earth. The survivors, bearing the weight of countless lost lives, still bore the unhealed scars as a constant reminder.

Amidst the world's ongoing turmoil, their worst fears materialized. The Nation of Eldia had birthed a self-proclaimed army led by the Jaegerists, who were now dedicated to bolstering their military might.

Haunted by the specter of retaliation from the remnants of humanity across the distant sea, the island quivered as a single entity. If victory was achieved, life would prevail. Should defeat be their fate, death would be the only outcome. The dire choice was clear—fight, or surrender the hope of victory. This struggle knew no end until either Eldia or the world itself ceased to exist.

Eren's words reverberated in the air, their resonance undeniable. Despite the grim reality, he had chosen to entrust this world to their hands. And now, they persevered, thriving in a world devoid of Titans.

Within the ranks of the Survey Corps, Armin ascended to the position of the 15th Commander, succeeding Hange. Following the battle, Hange had opted to step aside, allowing Armin to lead. They continued to lend their wisdom to Armin's negotiations, while also indulging in the pleasures of life. Levi and Kenny relocated to a town, savoring a newfound existence free from conflict, as Gabi and Falco dutifully cared for them.

Historia's life had taken a different turn—she now embraced the role of a mother to an endearing little girl, a spitting image of her. I took pleasure in visiting and engaging in playtime with the little one.

I've also had a bit more of a chance to explain what happened before I woke up here... What I'd told Eren. Even if there wasn't much to say, given that most of my memories from my past life have faded over time.

In contrast, Mikasa had sought solace in a tranquil abode, necessitating a respite from the tumultuous world. She had erected a small grave for Eren, a conduit for the collective voices of those who cherished his memory. Regrettably, our search for his body yielded no results.

Still, an unsettling certainty lingered—Eren's presence endured, though shrouded in mystery. Ymir's words echoed in my mind, a reminder that every transgressor must face retribution. Was this his fate ? And if so, how long would it persist ? 

My current residence neighbored Mikasa's, our afternoons invariably spent together. Today, however, her obligations led her to Miss Kiyomi. Thus, I stood alone before Eren's tombstone.

A single flower remained untouched in my hands, as I hesitated to place it upon the stone. For me, Eren's resting place symbolized an absence that defied acceptance—an insistence that he still lived on. 

" Another day without you. I truly wonder where you have gone... Where could you be ? I tried everything within my power to keep you alive, and yet I failed... You see, I cannot bear this burden any longer". I murmured sadly, my gaze fixed on the tombstone before me.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I shifted my attention to the tree nearby—a tree we had once climbed together, back when we first crossed paths. Call it naive, perhaps even childish, but I yearned to ascend its branches once more, to relive that memory... to feel that connection again.

Without hesitation, I embarked on my ascent, moving up the tree one branch at a time. It was evident that I had lost some of the boldness I possessed as a child. Once, I was unafraid of falling; now, however, the prospect held a different weight.

Peering through the leaves, I took in the view, a landscape that had undergone significant changes since... No more confining walls, only an expanse of boundless freedom. If only he could witness this transformation. Yet, suddenly, an unsettling noise reached my ears as the branch beneath my feet began to crack.

A nervous chuckle escaped me at the sight. Undoubtedly, this would lead to pain... I attempted to descend the branch, but it snapped entirely. I closed my eyes, bracing for impact, yet moments passed, and the expected pain failed to materialize.

" How long do you intend to keep your eyes shut ?".

Never before had I opened my eyes so swiftly, stunned by a voice I had never anticipated hearing again. My gaze widened as my hands instinctively cupped his cheeks, needing to confirm his presence before me.

" Is it truly you, Eren ?". I whispered, disbelief coloring my words.

A gentle smile graced his lips," Who else could it be ? Although, I must say that this situation brought back memories...".

Tears welled in my eyes as I embraced him with all the strength I could muster, his arms encircling me just as tightly. That's right... The last time it happened, it was when I was cleaning the library and I almost fell... He was the one who helped me.

" Where were you ? We searched tirelessly... only to come up empty. We feared...". My voice trailed off, emotions overwhelming me.

" I was... I was condemned by Ymir, sentenced to a punishment for my actions, for agreeing to halt the rumbling. Over the past three years, I've been forced to relive my mistakes, the deaths, again and again... There was some measure of mercy in the duration—only three years, though it could have spanned two millennia...". Eren replied.

I couldn't help but gasp at the revelation, my heart aching for the torment he had endured.

" Ymir chose the shorter duration... I can't fathom the reasons, but I am grateful, nonetheless. I was trapped within a waking nightmare. The sole tether that kept me from losing my sanity, the one thing that drove me forward, was the prospect of finding you again. 

I awoke only a few days ago, back at what used to be my family's home... where it all began". Eren explained.

So, that had been the punishment Ymir spoke of. Astonishingly, he had managed to retain his sanity throughout.

" I'm sorry I couldn't rescue you from that agony". I offered, remorse lacing my words.

Eren shook his head," No, I deserved every moment of it... My sins shall never find absolution, regardless of what others might say, regardless of the punishment inflicted... Yet, I yearn to strive towards atonement, however futile it may seem. Even a small effort".

" Of course... I shall stand beside you, supporting you in your endeavor to seek forgiveness". I replied, determination underscoring my tone.

" But why ? How can you stand by a monster like me ? Fight for someone stained by such darkness ? Your energy could be better directed toward someone more deserving". Eren queried, genuine bewilderment and emotion in his gaze.

I shook my head, dispelling his doubts," I, too, am a monster, having played a part in the cataclysmic events by bestowing upon you those powers... Yet, I, too, strive to atone for my actions. Standing by your side and fighting for you was never a waste of energy; it was a testament to our strength...

Throughout those three arduous years, I could not let you go, no matter how hard I tried. The struggle was unrelenting. I even found myself on the precipice of recklessness, yearning to experience life anew, to relive the moments that bound us since our initial meeting. 

Above all, your memory never left me, for I love you beyond measure. As I proclaimed when we were but children, you are my soulmate. Destiny drew me to you".

His eyes widened briefly, gazing upon me as if I were a work of art. Then, he cupped my chin, his lips meeting mine in a kiss that felt enchanting. Once our lips parted, our foreheads touched in an intimate gesture.

" It has been an eternity since I first dreamt of this moment. I pledge to strive tirelessly, to be worthy of the emotions you gift me, for everything you mean to me. From the instant I laid eyes upon you, my heart beat with an intensity I had never known, a rhythm that echoed in your presence.

I carry the weight of your sacrifices within me. I am resolved to repay them, to evolve into a better version of myself. I intend to seek forgiveness, to extend my apologies anew to Mikasa, Armin and everyone else for my actions. And to you... I'm sorry for any pain I've caused you. Above all, I yearn to cherish you and love you for all eternity. I love you, my darling". Eren declared.

His grip tightened around mine, drawing me into yet another kiss. The path that stretched before us would be far from easy, but from the very beginning, ease had never been our companion. For Eren's sake, for our happiness, I was prepared to traverse this challenging road. 

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