☾hapter L

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Tension hung heavy in the air, threatening to shatter the fragile calm that had barely held us together. I had loosened my grip around Mikasa, and I could feel the tension coursing through her body, her hands trembling with the suppressed rage she fought to contain as she glared at Levi.

There was no doubt that this situation was on the brink of violence.

" Do you two have any idea what you're doing ?" Levi's voice cut through the tension like a knife." We're talking about Erwin Smith, the Commander of the Survey Corps. Are you telling me to sit here and leave the risk that he may never wake up ?".

Eren and Mikasa exchanged horrified glances. I couldn't help but lower my gaze, biting my lower lip. For Eren and Mikasa, the choice seemed clear, but for me, there were no easy answers.

" There's no time. Get out of my way". Levi demanded, his voice unwavering.

Eren's anger flared, and he grabbed at the box Levi was holding. It was the first time I had seen him defy Levi so boldly.

" Eren, look past your own feelings". Levi said, his tone grave.

It was clear that, despite his stern exterior, Levi was driven by his own emotions.

" My feelings ? Why did you hesitate before handing over the injection ?". Eren retorted, his voice laced with frustration.

" I was considering the possibility that Erwin was alive". Levi replied honestly.

" I don't see how you could have predicted that Floch would bring the dying Commander here". Eren argued.

" You're right," Levi conceded," But now that Erwin is here, we're using it on him".

Eren yanked the box toward him, and in a flash, Levi's fist connected with Eren's face.

" Eren !". I exclaimed, gasping in shock before rushing to his side.

" Izzy". Eren mumbled sadly, his face bloodied and bruised from the punch. 

His front teeth were nearly all gone.

Why had Levi resorted to violence when his intentions were to save Erwin ? The answer remained elusive.

Mikasa's cry of surprise echoed through the room as she launched herself at Levi, moving like a relentless predator. She pressed her blade against his neck, and I could only watch in wide-eyed disbelief.

Oh my God, what the hell was she doing ?! Would she dare to kill him ? In the state she was in, I couldn't be sure

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Oh my God, what the hell was she doing ?! Would she dare to kill him ? In the state she was in, I couldn't be sure.

" Mikasa, stop right now ! It's the Captain ! You can't kill him; you're not a killer !". I shouted desperately.

But Mikasa remained silent, her blade still aimed at Levi's neck.

I rose to my feet, my hands trembling as I reached for my blades. I couldn't allow her to harm Levi, but I couldn't bring myself to hurt her either. My heart ached with the conflict tearing me apart.

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