☾hapter XXVIII

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Anelise's POV :

I struggled to regain consciousness, gradually awakening to a disorienting reality. As I opened my eyes, the unfamiliar surroundings left me initially bewildered. We were evidently inside an abandoned house, and I squinted wearily to confirm this unsettling fact. Next to me, Eren was bound, his posture resembling that of a trapped animal, provoking a surge of anger within me.

Regrettably, my tightly bound hands rendered me powerless. With focused effort, I discerned Historia standing before me, accompanied by another man. My frustration grew as I recognized the corpulent figure; that man had to be her father.

" Historia...". Her father's voice broke the silence before he enveloped her in a tight embrace.

I knew he would manipulate her, coercing her into fulfilling his sinister desires. All I could do was pray that Historia would heed my earlier advice. Yet, an unsettling intuition told me that my prayers might be in vain.

" I've always thought about you. I've always dreamt of the day when I could hold you like this. You're special... Royal blood flows through your veins". Her father declared.

" It... does ?". Historia questioned, her uncertainty palpable.

Her father nodded, conviction lacing his words," Indeed, Historia. Our Reiss family is the true royal lineage. And because you're special, you're the only one who can save all of humanity".

" Historia... Don't listen to what this man tells you..." I chimed in sternly." I've warned you before. He cannot be trusted. The only reason he's here now is because he sees some sort of profit in it. He never dreamt of holding you like this before, so why did he keep you hidden ? Why didn't he do this sooner ? Ymir... Ymir and I don't want this for you. We want you to be free, not enslaved to this man".

Historia's eyes widened in surprise, and the corpulent man shot me a venomous glare before walking in my direction.

" Anelise Pierce, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said, his hand brushing my cheek." Believe me, you're destined for great things, but we can discuss that later, my dear".

I couldn't suppress a shiver of disgust at his touch. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Eren's anger blazing, and I lamented not having enough saliva to respond to him in kind.

Reiss rose from his seat, taking Historia with him.

" Knock them out and rendezvous with us at the chapel. Now, let's go, Historia, back to where it all began...". Reiss ordered.

A nearby soldier nodded, and the last thing I saw was the retreating figures of Historia and the corpulent man. Eren and I reluctantly closed our eyes once more.

 Eren and I reluctantly closed our eyes once more

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Third person POV :

Sannes, who had just revealed the truth about the royal family's secrets to Levi and Hange, found himself in the same cell as Ralph, escorted there by Moblit and Hange.

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