You Get Hurt

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You were a newly added addition to Derek's pack. Isaac was turned about the same time as you, so you automatically became best friends. Of course, as all stories seem to go, you ended up developing feelings for him, but he didn't know. He just kept acting like your goofy, slightly insane best friend.

Derek had sent you and Isaac out to find Stiles, since he had been missing for over 5 hours with no response to anyone. Isaac shoved his hands in his pockets and bumped into you playfully, "So where could he have gone? I mean, Derek wouldn't even tell us why he was missing." You shrugged, "Don't ask me, you were turned 3 minutes earlier than me." Isaac laughed softly, "Are you always going to hold that against me?" You smiled, "Yeah, probably, Sassy Wolf."

After a bit more walking, you two came to a clearing beside a fairly wide stream. A piece of a blue shirt hung tangled in a tree, and when you smelled it, it matched Stiles's scent. Isaac hid his climbing worry with a snort, "Now we've got a crazy shirtless Stiles on the loose. What now?" You furrowed your brow, "Well, it doesn't seem to be a lot of cloth, so it's probably just his sleeve. Plus, I don't even smell a drop of blood."

Isaac suddenly stiffened, and when you turned, his eyes glowed that gorgeous bright gold, "(Y/N). Slowly get behind me. No quick movements." You whipped your head around and whispered, "Why, I don't see-" All of a sudden, there was a whooshing sound and a sickening thud as pain radiated out from your back. You screamed and fell as Isaac charged the incoming attackers.

After being shot at multiple times himself, Isaac limped over to you. He had effectively scared off all of the hunters by scratching one and biting another. He sat heavily next to you as he pulled a bullet out of his shoulder, "All I have are flesh wounds. Are you ok?"

You tried to move, but like the many times before when you tried to activate your healing, a burning pain surged through your veins. You gritted your teeth, "There was something in that freaking arrow, and I can't move. It's not that I'm paralyzed, but I think it's some sort of-", you winced, "burning poison." Isaac swore, "Oh my god, (Y/N), that's terrible. I swear I'll make them pay for this. Is there any way you can move enough for me to pick you up?"

After many absolutely horrific moments where you almost passed out from the pain, Isaac had you in his arms and was carefully walking towards the loft. You gritted your teeth and bit back a scream, gasping, "Stop, please stop walking. Everything's turning yellow." Isaac slowly set you down, propped up against a tree. The genuine worry in his eyes made your heart melt as he took your hand in both of his, "I can take some of the pain away, and you know it."

You said the same thing that you had been since he picked you up, "No, you're not taking my burden on yourself." Isaac sighed in finality and helplessness before nuzzling into your shoulder, "I'll call Deaton and tell him to come get you. Maybe he can give you something that can tide you over as he brings you to the clinic." You smiled and ruffled his hair. "You know what? For God's sake, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I like you Isaac." He looked up at you with puppy dog eyes, "Well, that's unfortunate."

Isaac stood up, walked off, and called Deaton as you stared at his back in shock. You had just been rejected by your best friend. So, to say you were surprised when he suddenly rushed over and kissed you was an understatement. When he finally pulled away, he smiled, "It's unfortunate that you like me, because I love you."

Isaac Lahey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now