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Requested by @mattandshawnsbae47
Warning: This contains spoilers

Of all the supernatural creatures that live in Beacon Hills, Sirens were given the least amount of credit. And when people found out that you were one, all of the stereotype questions started flowing.

"Do you turn into a mermaid?"
"Do you live in the ocean?"
"Do you lure people to their deaths?"
"Can you breathe underwater?"
"Aren't you supposed to be breathtakingly beautiful?"

The last one was asked by some annoying guy that you immediately slapped and yelled at. Truth be told, you weren't a mermaid, but you did like being in or near water.

Your powers included the ability to sing, with the added bonus of putting people in a spell that let them do or say anything you wanted them to for a set amount of time. The strength of your songs could vary, but the stronger they were, the more energy was sapped out of you.

Scott and his pack put your abilities to good use. Whenever a hostile force was captured and they refused to talk, they were put in an isolation room with you as their only company. The pack stayed far away so they wouldn't fall under your spell, but when you were through, you gave your notes to Scott and everything went on from there.

This exact situation was what you were recently called in for. You were swimming in the pool outside of your house at night, and Scott opened the gate and walked through your backyard. He knew that he was always welcome, so he didn't even have to ask. You came up for air after a lap and looked over,

"Hey, Scott, did you come to swim?"

He smiled and shook his head while holding out a towel as you lifted yourself out of the pool, "No, but we finally caught Theo. Isaac knocked him out, but it wasn't an easy fight."

You nodded and held your towel close as you drifted into your thoughts. You had always liked Isaac, but when you found that he was going steady with Allison, you gave up all hope on him. You had decided to try and develop feelings for Scott after Kira left. The only problem came when Allison died, and your feelings for Isaac hit you full force. You were so confused...yet you didn't know which path to follow.

"(Y/N)? Can you hear me?"

You blinked rapidly as you looked up at Scott, "Sorry, what happened?" He sighed, "You zoned out for like a full minute while I was talking. Anyways, I need you to come to my house to interrogate Theo. He's got information on the Dread Doctors that we need as soon as possible."

You nodded, ran inside, changed into a tank top and shorts, and met Scott in your driveway. Thankfully, it was a short walk to his house, so you didn't have to use any gas, "Was Stiles at all involved in his capture?"

Scott laughed, "Oh, God, yes. He was forcing me to watch The Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Theo didn't know I was there. He snuck into the house with the goal of kidnapping Stiles as bait to lure us to whereever the Dread Doctors wanted. I attacked him when I sensed that he was behind the couch, and Isaac just happened to be at the door because he was going to ask us to go get Mexican food with him. It was all just pure luck."

You giggled, "Well, thank god that Stiles is trying to get you to join his fandoms." "His what??" "Nothing, just something only certain people will understand."


When you made it to Scott's house, you found Stiles continuing his movie on his laptop with his earphones in, Isaac playing the drums on Rock Band with the volume extremely loud, and Melissa yelling at Lydia to try to carry on a conversation over the noise. Scott smirked and glanced over, "If you can't tell, they're ready for you."

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