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Ok, so MOST of us sing in the shower, right? Well, you and your boyfriend definitely did. You both weren't the best singers, but were pretty average. Like people didn't want to beat you with a stick whenever you started to vocalize some chords, but you definitely wouldn't be comfortable singing on stage for anyone.

One day, you were in your shower singing at the top of your lungs to In the Night by the Weekend. Being Scott's sister meant a lot of stress at times...and random visitors to your house. To cope, you took extra long showers that made you much calmer, but then Isaac Lahey moved in.

He would gripe and complain about how long your showers were, and once even went as far as to unlock the door and walk into the bathroom while you were only covered by your flimsy shower curtain. After a few months of living with him, though, you two got very close. He asked you to be his girlfriend, and you immediately accepted, but that still didn't change his thoughts about your showers.

"(Y/N), hurry up!! I'm next, and I'm not staying up until 1 AM again just to take a freaking shower!!" In response, you turned your shower speaker up louder and sang so that you couldn't hear him. You secretly loved making him mad about this kind of thing.

When you were through, you stepped out to find it eerily quiet.
Isaac was usually standing on the other side of the door and lecturing incessantly about how you were going to pay the water bills. After getting dressed, you crept out of the bathroom and looked both ways before throwing your stuff in your room and walking silently downstairs.

You thought for sure that he was going to play a prank on you, but instead, you found him sitting with Derek, Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Allison in your living room. You made sure you couldn't be seen as you tried to eavesdrop, but you completely forgot about the werewolf hearing.

"(Y/N) probably just got out of the shower, so I'll show you my punishment for her." Isaac's voice made you narrow your eyes. You saw him pick up his phone, connect to a Bluetooth speaker, and begin playing a recording of your very messy serenade in the shower.

In the blink of an eye, you had bounded down the last few stairs, sprinted across the living room, and swiped Isaac's phone from his hand. Everyone was laughing hysterically as you cut off the music and slammed Isaac's phone down on the table, "THIS ISN'T FUNNY, LAHEY!!!"

Stiles spoke up between spurts of laughter, "Oh my god, but it is, (Y/N)!! You should be on American Idol!!" You rolled your eyes, "Can't, sorry, it's their last season." Scott tried to hold in even more laughter, "It's alright, (Y/N), we won't judge you for the attempted high notes." That made them laugh even more.

Ever since the incident, you had been teased and picked on by your fellow pack members nonstop. After a few weeks of it, you decided to crack down and get revenge.

You got out early from your shower one night to find Isaac standing outside the door staring at his watch, "Hmm, 10 minutes earlier than your usual. That's weird. Well, good job I guess, and I'll see you in your room after I'm done with mine." He kissed you on the cheek and closed the door behind him.

Little did he know that your shower speaker had a recording button, and when he connected his phone to it, it immediately started to work. You lounged outside of the bathroom until you heard the song change, and Isaac's voice begin laying out the lyrics to Writing on the Wall by Sam Smith. He even tried to hit the high notes, which made it so much better.

When he came out, you slipped into the bathroom, grabbed your speaker, and ran. He still thought you were going to meet him in your bedroom, so it gave you a clean break to dive into your car and speed to Derek's loft.

Lydia had called a meeting there to talk about supernatural things, so when you arrived, it wasn't a surprise. Everyone asked where Isaac was, but you simply waved them off and told Derek to send him a reminder text. You placed your little shower speaker of doom on the window and waited.

Isaac ran through the door and glared at you, "You know, (Y/N), you could have told me you were leaving." You simply shrugged, turned up the volume as loud as you could, and pressed the playback button on your speaker.

Everyone laughed harder than they had with your recording, and it was even better when Isaac ran to stop it because Scott guarded the speaker. He had to wait in embarrassment as the recording finished, and when it was done, he surprised you with his reaction.

He held up his hands and turned to you, "Truce!! I'm impressed." You smiled and hugged him, "As long as we're even, that's all that matters." He gave you the puppy dog eyes, "No, as long as we're together, that's all that matters."

You kissed Isaac, fully aware that Scott was glaring at him like it would be his last day on earth.

Hope you liked it! I'm a singer, so I love to sing in the shower lol and don't forget to like and comment!!

Isaac Lahey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now