Liam Roundup

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Ok, so in this story, you look more like Tracy instead of Jackson.

Isaac leaned against a tree and tried to catch his breath while you, Scott, and Stiles all skidded to a halt. Stiles turned to address all of you, "That little were-bastard couldn't have gone far, right?"

Scott gave him a stern look, "Stiles, he's a newly formed werewolf, he's fast, and he has great vision. You are the only one who can't see, since it's freaking pouring outside."

It was true, and the only thing that helped you see through the dense sheets of rain was your night vision. Since you were the only Kanima in the group, Stiles gave you a curious look, "Hey, (Y/N), aren't Kanimas really agile?"

You raised an eyebrow as you pushed your soaked hair behind your ear, "Yeah, why?" Isaac looked up at the tree that he was leaning against, "You could climb this tree and get a good view through the leaves and all over the forest." Stiles rolled his eyes and scoffed, "That was my line, scarf boy."

You shrugged and leaped into the air, grabbing onto a branch that was relatively close to the ground. You climbed higher and higher until you were able to see out over the expanse of woods. In your night vision, a tiny speck of red zig zagged to the right of your location...but it quickly turned around and raced straight towards your pack.

You screamed, "Scott, Stiles, Isaac, watch out!!" To you dismay, your voice was carried off by the wind. You tried to scale down the tree as quickly as you could, but your foot slipped. You tumbled over and over in the air as the ground came up to meet you... But you never did get to meet it.

Isaac had caught you, but he kind of wasn't expecting you to come falling into his arms. He stumbled and fell, and you sprawled on top of him before you scrambled off. He laughed, "If we were in other circumstances, that would have been much different." You hit his arm, "I'm sure, but Isaac, Liam's coming back at us."

He sat up to question you more about it, but at that moment Liam came bursting through the trees and tackled Scott to the ground. Stiles held up his silver bat, "I've got him, I've got him!!"

When he swung it down, a loud clang ensured that he had definitely hit something. Your eyes widened as you watched Liam spin around and advance towards Stiles while Scott had been knocked out cold. Isaac bit his lip to hold in the laugh that was threatening to come out at the mistake Stiles had made.

Liam backed Stiles up against a tree, "Uh, guys? A little help here?" Isaac immediately tackled Liam from the back and wrestled with him while rolling to and fro on the damp earth. You transformed fully into your Kanima form before coating your claws in venom and looking for the perfect moment to strike.

Soon, Liam rolled on top of Isaac and tried to claw his eyes out. You swiped your claws down, and smiled victoriously as they met flesh. Your victim stiffened, but when you looked down, Isaac was staring at his arm in horror as his entire body seized up. You rolled your eyes and uttered a few choice words as Liam turned his sights to you.

Yet again, you coated your claws in venom and ended up circling Liam in a tense stand off. The angry little wolfie growled while you hissed and faked a lunge at him. To your great surprise, his eyes reflected fear as he took a step back, but that was soon replaced with even more rage as he actually did lunge at you.

You felt your arm slice open as you screamed and blindly swiped your claws in the air. The angry puppy wasn't letting up as he punched you multiple times in the face, and even was smart enough to pin your hands to the ground underneath his feet as he scratched at your neck.

Biting him just wasn't working, so you yanked your hands out from underneath his shoes, quickly rolled over, and kicked him in the stomach. You were about to poison him, with your claws hovering over his back when you felt sharp needles on your leg. He had bitten you.

Isaac Lahey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now