Sugar Sugar

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It was a drizzly, lazy December Saturday, and you were bored. Your mom was already gone, and your older brother had left the house at some time during the night to deal with werewolf business.

This left you alone, so you decided to do something that you never did with company in the house. You made up your mind to scroll through your "Food" board on Pintrest and follow a recipe.

You blasted "All I Want for Christmas Is You" over your speaker as you bounded down the stairs and set it on the counter. A cool idea had popped into your feed, and you frantically ran around the kitchen to gather supplies.

Humming and twirling around the kitchen, you had almost picked up everything you needed. All that was left was a mixing bowl. As you were bending down to peer into a particularly low cabinet, you felt a pair of hands latch onto your waist.

With a yelp of surprise, you sprung straight up and automatically grabbed a frying pan. You lifted it high over your head and planned on slugging the intruder until you noticed who it was,

"Oh, Isaac, why don't you ever ring the doorbell?"

Your boyfriend held his hands high as if to block the pan if it came to swing down at him, "(Y/N), that's too old fashioned. I like scaring you, anyways."

You lowered the pan and instead punched him in the arm, "Next time, don't sneak up on me when I'm in my zone. I'm trying to make a creation."

Isaac stared at you blankly, and you laughed, "I'm cooking!! Peppermint sugar cookies are on the way."

Isaac wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned his head in your shoulder as he watches you work. You mixed in all of the ingredients in a large bowl, but you made sure to send a floof of the flour into your boyfriend's face.

He soon sat on the counter and watched as you danced and rolled the dough in your hands,

"I'm bored. What can I do to help?"

You pointed at a stack of candy canes, "Peel those and then crush them."

Isaac huffed, "These better be some damn good cookies for all the work that you're putting into it."

You chuckled as "Baby It's Cold Outside" played over the speaker. You smiled slightly as you sang lightly and placed the dough balls around on a stone tray,

"I really can't stay..."
"But baby, its cold outside."

You turned around and looked to see Isaac smirking as he threw the last wrapper away and began to crush the candy canes,

"I've got to go away..."
"But baby, it's cold outside."
"This evening has been..."
"Been hoping that you'd drop in"
"So very nice"
"I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice."

You laughed and placed the cookies in the oven as Isaac crushed the last candy cane by simply closing his hand around it. He wiped his hands on a towel before he snuck a handful of flour. When you turned around, you got a taste of your own medicine,

"Ha! How does that feel, (Y/N)? You've just been PRANKED!!"

You lifted the frying pan again and smacked it over his head. He gasped and tackled you to the ground, where you both began to fight. You ended up being on top of him, so you pinned down his hands and smiled,

"I win."

Before he could do anything else, you leapt off of him and ran to the front door. You tugged on your boots, flung open the door, and ran into the snow as your boyfriend followed after for revenge. However, you had your own plans.

You formed a snowball (more like just a handful of snow) and chucked it at Isaac. He dodged the frosty bullet and hid behind a tree to gather his own defenses. You had to think fast, so you grabbed a shovel from where it was stuck in the snow.

Isaac began to pelt you rapid-fire with snowballs, and you managed to block the majority of them with your shovel.

Your snowball war went on for a while until another idea popped into your head. Then, you disappeared from his view.

He yelled, "You can't hide from me, (Y/N)! I have your scent!"

With a quick laugh, you scaled the side of your house like you had done many times before. You soon stood on your uncharacteristically flat roof and stared down at the confused werewolf in your front yard.

You dug your shovel into the snow that covered your roof. With a heave, you sent the snow flying on top of Isaac.
He yelped and covered his head as the ice rained down on him.

You were laughing so hard that you had to sit down. Isaac's face had been priceless. Suddenly, you remembered,


You watched as he ran inside before you expertly made your way back to the ground. Well, you *may* have landed on your butt, but who's counting that?

You tore your boots off at the front door as you skidded into the kitchen. Isaac had oven mitts on as he held the tray over the dormant stove. You smiled in relief to see that your cookies weren't too badly burned, only slightly singed.

You grabbed the bowl of crushed candy canes and sprinkled it on top of the cooking sweets. Isaac helped to scoop the cookies onto a cooling rack as you turned on the tv.

You set the movie to "A Charlie Brown Christmas" as you called over your shoulder,

"Come over here and watch a movie with me! We need to celebrate our success."

When you didn't hear him respond, you spun around. Isaac was grinning wickedly as he quickly overturned a bucket of snow...on top of your head. The shock of cold made you gasp as you looked at the quickly melting ice that covered the couch.


Now, it was his turn to fall to the ground laughing. You glared at him, just to see that he was drenched as well from your own pranks.

"Ok, wisecrack. We both need a shower."

Isaac raised his eyebrows, "Together?"

You smirked, "Together."

#ForeverStiles CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS SEASON OF TEEN WOLF?! I've been hit in the feels too many times, Jeff Davis.

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