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(Y/F/C)= your favorite color

Isaac took your hand and made triple sure that you were completely covering your eyes. You could hear the smile in his voice as he excitedly spoke, "C'mon!! All you have to do is follow my lead, and no peeking!!"

Your boyfriend had been working his little werewolf butt off for the past few weeks by planning a surprise for you. Christmas was special for you both, since it was also your three year anniversary. Being the gentlemen he was, Isaac wanted to make sure that he did everything to show you how much you meant to him, and that's exactly why he had spent so much time on his surprise.

You squealed as your fuzzy socks made contact with the cold snow, causing Isaac to laugh, "Sorry, Hun, I should've told you to put on shoes. It'll be ok, we're getting in the car anyways." You slipped into the passenger seat, and when you heard the driver's door close, you dared to ask, "Can I open my eyes now?"

Isaac nodded, quickly realized that you couldn't see him, and exclaimed, "YES!!" You didn't think anything would be too special in his car... But it didn't smell like Isaac's. You snapped your eyes open and gasped.

You were sitting in a brand new Jeep Wrangler, and when you leaned out the window, you saw that it was (Y/F/C). You screamed, but if that wasn't enough, Isaac nudged your arm and pointed to the dashboard in front of you. Your hands flew to your mouth as you stared in shock at the tickets.

"ISAAC LAHEY!! ARE THESE PLANE TICKETS TO THE BAHAMAS?!" His smile got even brighter when he saw how delighted you were, "Well, they aren't plane tickets to Alaska, if that's what you're asking." You threw your arms around him and kissed him on the lips as hard as you could.

After a few seconds, he pulled away as he began to laugh, "I've already packed your bags; they're in the back. Plus, I bought you a ton of new clothes that I had seen you pin on Pinterest... Including umm..." You laughed at his innocent blush, "You found my Victoria Secret board, didn't you?"

He meekly nodded, causing you to envelop him in another hug, "Isaac Lahey, I don't know what I'd do without you. Thank you so much." Suddenly, something cold hit the back of your head, and you spun around to glare through the open window.

Stiles and Scott had built a snow fort in the middle of your yard while you had received your gift. Stiles peeked out above the protection of his fort and threw another snowball, but his aiming was way off. Scott was much better, making you squeak and duck as you tried to roll up the window.

Your knight in shining armor, though, had other plans. He had slipped out of the Jeep unnoticed, and winked at you through the window as he readied his ammo. You counted him down on your fingers, and screamed, "Fire!!", while darting out of the brand new car and taking cover behind your boyfriend.

After many successful hits, Scott and Stiles surrendered and followed you inside for hot chocolate. Lydia and Allison arrived soon after, and even Derek showed up for your famous gooey chocolate chip cookies. You all snuggled together in front of the fireplace while watching Elf, and you cuddled into Isaac's chest and sighed in content.

This was,by far, the best Christmas ever with the best family that anyone could ever ask for.

Hey guys!! I love you ALL and I hope that each and every one of you has a WONDERFUL day! Stay safe, and Merry Christmas!!!🎄

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