Look This Way

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(Y/F)= your favorite
(Y/F/C)= your favorite color

On a sunny spring day, you and your boyfriend walked out onto the lacrosse field. You were dressed in black Nike shorts, (Y/F) tennis shoes, and (Y/F/C) sports bra, but he only wore black Nike shoes and a pair of basketball shorts. You smiled at him as you dropped your things in the center of the field.

It was actually quite a busy time to practice. Due to limited space, another school's lacrosse teams had already taken up their own section. The girls team was doing push ups while the boys were tossing the lacrosse ball back and forth. They only took up half the field, so that left you and Isaac with plenty of room to shoot goals.

He raised his eyebrows as you took out 3 of your own lacrosse balls and tried to juggle them,

"(Y/N), as much as I love to see you embarrass yourself, we play a match against that team in a few weeks. Let's keep an eye out for their movements while we practice."

In a quick motion, you threw one of the balls at his chest, but he caught it with lightening fast reflexes as you responded,

"So, you're suggesting that we cheat by memorizing their strategies?"

With a shrug, Isaac tossed the ball into his lacrosse stick before he chucked it at the goal. It hit dead center and dropped to the ground just to roll right next to your foot. You swiped it up off of the grass and bounced it in your hand,

"Alright, let's do this then."

While you took turns shooting goals and giving each other pointers, you noticed that Isaac rarely looked over at the boys team. His eyes continuously locked onto a girl on the other team, whose long raven hair was pulled back into a sleek pony tail. She was a phenomenal lacrosse player, but you didn't think that was the reason for Isaac's stare.

Jealousy began to creep into your chest, but you shoved it down as you stopped your progress to grab a sip of water,

"So, what have you noticed about their movements? Does anything stand out?"

It seemed to take effort for Isaac to peel his eyes away from the girl,

"What? Oh, well...ah..."

"They tend to run to the left first and shoot to others on the right. It's a simple zig-zag to throw off other players. You didn't notice that?"

"No, but I did notice that the girls have matching water bottles. I wonder if that has anything to do with their performance."

You rolled your eyes, "Isaac, WE have matching water bottles. You sound like you're distracted. Is there any reason why?"

Isaac scratched the back of his head and looked away from your piercing gaze, "No, I just have my mind on a project that I forgot to do."

"Do you want to go home to work on it before coming back out?"

Isaac nearly spat out his water as he quickly shook his head, "No, I think that we're doing well with our progress. Let's keep going."

With slight resignation, you agreed. However, Isaac kept his eyes glued on the girls team. That raven haired beauty had completely stolen his attention, and pure jealousy finally stormed through you when she began to throw glances to your side of the field.

Isaac began to act like a fool. When you threw him the ball, he would do insane things that he definitely didn't do during games. For example, he jumped into the air and did a 360 spin before catching the ball and making a goal. You knew that he was showing off, and that did nothing to soothe your envy.

Finally, you'd had enough. When Isaac was looking at the girl, you launched the ball at his head. He didn't have time to turn around before it struck, and you merely crossed your arms when he yelled in surprise.

He fell to the ground quite dramatically while you gathered your things and stormed off of the field. Before you could get too far, something made you halt. Isaac's raven haired beauty had spoken to her coach and was heading towards where you and Isaac were.

Unsure of her motives, you walked briskly to intercept her halfway,

"Ok, listen, I don't know why you keep looking over at Isaac, but-"

The girl tilted her head before she interrupted you,

"Isaac? Is that your friend? Oh, he was annoying our coaches with how many tricks he was doing. The guys on our team started to do tricks too, and it messed with our practice time. Does he always do that?"

"No, he only show off when he thinks someone is attractive and he tries to get their attention. It seems like he got yours-"

The girl's confused expression cleared as she laughed, "My attention? You think that his random tricks caught my attention? No, it wasn't that. You stole my focus! I was just running over to tell you how well you launched that ball! Is everything all right? Was he annoying you?"

You furrowed your eyebrows as you tried to make sense of the girl's words, "You were focused on me? Why?"

She smiled brightly, "Because I think you're gorgeous, of course! We don't have girls like you at my school. What's your number? Maybe we could go out for dinner some time to get to know each other."

Your eyes widened as you understood her intentions, "Oh, well, sure! I thought that you were staring at my boyfriend the whole time."

The girl took your phone and shook her head as she punched in her number,

"So, that's your boyfriend? He's a real prick since he's been staring at my team the whole time. Is that why you nearly knocked him out?"

You nodded, "Yeah, I was pretty annoyed. You're not attracted to him at all?"

The girl laughed again as she handed your phone back to you,

"Oh no, I don't swing that way. If he ever looks at other girls again, just give me a call. Someone as beautiful as you shouldn't put up with someone as petty as him. See you later!"

With a wink, the girl ran back to her teammates. You were shocked by the turn of events, and you only moved when Isaac ran up next to you,

"Sorry that I didn't see that pass coming. Why did you storm off like that? What did I do?"

You grunted in disgust and began to walk to the car, "Ask me what you really want to know."

"Did she say anything about me?"

In a quick movement, you spun and slapped Isaac across the face. He staggered backwards in surprise as you smirked,

"Only that you're a prick for looking at other girls. You may need to rearrange your priorities, Lahey. She was interested in me, and not you."

"What? (Y/N), I...I'm..."

"You're sorry? Well, it didn't look like that a few minutes ago. Why don't you go show off for the other teams again? Besides, it holds your attention better than I ever could."

You left Isaac in stunned silence as you threw your stuff into the back seat of your car and drove away.

Plot twist and unhappy ending? I like to shake things up a bit. How are all of my favorite readers doing?

Isaac Lahey imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora