The Doctors (Part 1)

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Does anyone know how to share a vine on a story?
Searching through Teen Wolf vine edits is seriously one of the best things!

Theo gazed up at the metal-masked trio in disdain, "I don't need to work for you anymore. I have my pack, and I promised that I wouldn't bother you. Why are you bringing me back?"

"We don't want you. We must acquire one last task from your services, then our agreement will go as planned", the creepy voice of one of the Doctors snarled. Theo smirked, "And what if I don't do it?" The middle Doctor stepped closer, "Then we will kill off each and every member of your pack, compromise the antidote that brought them from the dead, and make you the next target of the Beast."

Theo narrowed his eyes while looking away from them to weigh his options. Finally, he groaned, "Alright, what the hell do you want?" The Doctor on the right tilted his head, "We're sending you to kidnap someone for our last chimera. The resident werewolf pack needs a short distraction away from the Beast. In addition, we also have a chimera type that we have yet to experiment with. It is very strong, and the chimera will not live long after the procedure. Perfect circumstances for our victim."

{1 week later}
"Beep beep beep"
You rolled your eyes and slammed your phone onto the table as you lost connection with Isaac...again. You loved that he was so happy in France, but you absolutely hated the cell service of where he lived. Expecting a call back any second, you darted into the kitchen, grabbed an apple, and dove onto the couch just as your phone began to ring.

"Sacré bleu!! Why does our service suck so much?!" You giggled, "Don't you start using French phrases with me, Lahey!! You know that I take Spanish in school!!" "Je suis sûr que vous regardez belle." You narrowed your eyes and almost threw your apple across the room, "What did you just say to me?!"

He laughed so hard that he could barely speak, "I said, 'I'm sure you look beautiful!' It's quite the opposite of an insult, I swear!!" You leaned back, "Ok, ok that was smooth, I admit." His voice suddenly began to crackle, "Dangit, (Y/N), I think we're breaking up again. Wait, I didn't mean BREAKING breaking up, you know..."

You smiled, "I got it, Isaac, trust me. I love you, goodbye." His voice was even more muffled, " beep beep"

You casually tossed your phone onto the cushions beside you and began to munch on your apple. Just as you crunched on another bite, though, Scott burst through your front door. You looked over at him and scolded, "Excuse me, next time you should knock! Common courtesy." He waved you off dismissively, "It's my house, too, so I can do what I want."

You were about to yell a sarcastic comment back when you were interrupted by Stiles bounding down from the second floor. You stood up, "STILES!! Have you been up there this whole time?!" He smirked quickly in your direction, "Yep!" Scott began to talk faster and lower, as if to make sure you couldn't hear. You rolled your eyes and still were able to pick out some words.

"Theo... hasn't been seen...Hayden's worried...where?"

As the conversation lost its appeal, you tuned out and happily ate the rest of your apple while watching TV.

{2 weeks later}
Isaac hadn't answered the phone in a week, and to say you were worried was an understatement. Sure, you knew he was busy, but he still had managed to call you at least once a week ever since he left. You decided that you were going to just let your nerves chill for a while by going for a drive.

After you got dressed into a white sweater, light blue scarf, skinny jeans, and boots, you snatched the keys on the dining room table and headed towards the door. Scott and Stiles were sitting in the living room, and you heard them discussing Theo (aka the devil) again.

"I don't know what Theo's got going on, Scott. He disappears for a week, and then shows back up in town with no explanation or clue to where he was. Nothing has changed, and we even sent Liam to get information from Hayden. Something isn't adding up." Scott groaned, "He keeps smirking at us when he thinks we're not looking, but I don't think his pack knows what he's up too either."

Stiles and Scott continued their conversation, but you quit your eavesdropping and quietly slipped out the door so that they wouldn't demand to go with you. You smiled to yourself at the thought of your little getaway, turned around, and walked to your car. You didn't notice it at first, but when your peripheral vision caught something standing at the end of your driveway, you froze.

Isaac freaking Lahey stood with his head down and his hand awkwardly held away from his body. You took a minute to admire his gorgeous brown curls and the newly prominent muscles that were taut under the fabric of his shirt. As if feeling your stare, Isaac's head snapped up. Your eyes connected, but the first thing you noticed wasn't their magnificent blue. His eyes were terribly bloodshot.

You started forwards to give him a hug, but he shook his head causing you to freeze again. He called out to you in a panic stricken tone, "I'm not stable, (Y/N)." Surprised as you were by his state at the moment, you were used to comforting him like this. It used to happen often after nightmares.
"Isaac, dear, what do you mean?"

He suddenly tilted his head to the side and squeezed his eyes shut before answering, "Something's different!! I can't...control-" Isaac's demeanor immediately relaxed, and his hands came to rest at his sides. He let out a low laugh and gave you a curious sidelong glance, "Well, that's much better."

Your eyes widened as they met his again... Except they weren't bloodshot. They were an odd color, even for a place like Beacon Hills.

You backed up against the bumper of your car as Isaac casually clasped his hands behind his back and strode closer, "Do you know what this eye color means, (Y/N)?" You shook your head which made him chuckle, "Of course you don't. They don't make many Chimeras anymore. Actually, I think I'm the last one."

You breathed out, "Isaac, no!! What did they do to you?" He smirked, "Oh, not much. They just set my sights on the real threats of Beacon Hills, and gave me a little bit more power to use against them." He was so close that he had to look down as you whispered, "What powers?" Isaac slowly held up a his right hand with his palm facing skywards, "My dearest (Y/N), the deep violet eye color means that I'm a Witch."

Fire erupted in his open palm, and he took a step back with a maniacal look in his eye, "And the threats include everyone in association with Scott McCall!!" You screamed and dove out of the way as flames were thrown in your direction. As fast as you could muster, you ran back towards your house...only to run headlong into Scott coming out.

You both knocked heads together and fell to the ground, but you quickly regained your footing and spun to face Isaac again. Stiles scoffed, "Oh my god, not the scarf king!! He literally is so usele-"

He was cut off by Isaac raising his hand. Stiles grabbed at his throat as he began to choke, and soon Scott was gasping for air as well. You couldn't think straight, so you did the only thing you could think of doing. You sprinted back down to Isaac, grabbed the back of his head, and pushed him down to kiss you.

You could hear the sounds of Scott and Stiles gulping in air as Isaac's arms encircled your waist and pulled you closer. You knew the distraction wouldn't last long, and you also knew that he wasn't in his right mind, but you had been longing for this very thing since the day that he moved. You savored the moment, yet it was gone too soon.

He pushed you off of him and yelled, "You can't stray me from my task with lust as your only weapon! I was GIVEN a COMMAND, and I HAVE to OBEY it!"
Isaac fell to the ground, knocked out cold. Mama McCall stood behind him with a large frying pan still raised in case he might stand up again, "I love to see your boyfriend back, (Y/N), but I'd rather see my daughter with someone a bit less insane."

Part 2 coming soon!!

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