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So, guys, I know that I'm mixing different parts of the Teen Wolf timeline together, but I swear it's for a good reason, even though Isaac won't be in the first part of this story. Like a wise man once said, "Just Do It" {Shia LaBeouf}
(Y/H/C)= your hair color

It was about 11:00 PM, and you were pulling your favorite black beanie over your head and tucking stray (Y/H/C) strands into place. Your pocket of bobby pins, gadgets, and a large, stretchy black bag hung from your tool belt comfortably as you checked to make sure no one was around. After a full check once more to make sure that you're completely black outfit and your tools were all ready, you silently slipped out of your crimson Jeep Wrangler and snuck towards the bank.

Yes, you were a robber, but it was more of a talent than a job. You knew that your family, the Stilinskis, were going through a hard time, and all you needed to get was a small pick-me-up. No biggie, since you were a pro at this. Both your dad and Stiles didn't know about this particular talent of yours, and you were more than happy to keep it that way. At the moment, Stiles was at some weird school dance with Lydia Martin, which you didn't believe at all. He would probably sit there the entire night and stare from afar, like he did last year.

You sauntered up to the back exit of the bank. You hadn't robbed this one before, since your usual one was shut down for "security issues". Earlier that day, you had snooped around here to scope out the area, and already took the cameras and alarms out.

With a smug grin, you easily picked the lock with a trusty bobby pin and slipped inside while quietly shutting the door behind you. It was pitch black, but all you did was flip open your sunglasses and switch on your favorite modification: Night Vision. After a few quick turns and dead ends, you were met with a large safe.

Now, you had cracked safes before, but this one looked complicated. Thankfully, you had a decoder with you, and in minutes you had punched in the code and swung open the door. Inside were marked lockers labeled with name and amounts, so you stuffed about $100,000 worth from a variety of lockers into your bag and turned to go... Only to find a figure standing in the doorway.

The police officer held a gun steadily aimed at your heart, "Drop the bag, and put your hands in the air." Your ears buzzed at the familiar tone as you did what he said, "Jordan? Is that you?" Deputy Parrish visibly shuddered at the sound of your voice, and put down the gun before turning to talk behind his back, "Yep, I know this one. Repeat Rookie, hasn't done much. Probably her first big project." A deeper voice mumbled a few words before Parrish and two others moved in and handcuffed you.

~20 minutes later~

You didn't make eye contact with anyone as you were led to a police car. You had already cried and sniffed out your story about how you were set up, and someone was making you do it, and two of the officers believed you. You had given them fake leads on an even bigger criminal than just a cat burglar. You had put on such a good act, that they weren't even taking you to jail!

Parrish was assigned to take you home. In the car, he turned to you, "Don't bullshit me, (Y/N), why were you stealing money from them?" You sighed and kicked your feet up onto the dashboard, "Jordan, you KNOW Dad needs it, and I even told you that he did!" Parrish groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Gosh, why do you have to be so STUPID at times!!"

You stared at him in shock, "I didn't know boyfriends were supposed to SAY that!" Parrish laughed sourly, "I didn't know girlfriends robbed BANKS on the weekends!!" You scoffed, "Oh, come on, at least I'm not in a fight club to get money or something." Parrish rolled his eyes and tossed you a bag that he always had with him packed with your extra clothes, "Yeah, sooo much worse than stealing." "Borrowing", you snapped. He switched the police car in reverse with a sigh, "Where are you parked?"

After tugging on the mismatched clothing: a short black dress that you never wore anymore, red converse, and a dark grey sweater, you stood outside the police car with your hand resting on the open door. Parrish looked like he was stressed and thinking about something, so you joked, "It's kinda like a cat and mouse game, you know? Except you never expected the cat to fall in love with the mouse. How long have we been dating, Jordan? 8 months-"

Parrish cut you off, "(Y/N), I've been thinking long and hard about this." Your heart beat quickened, since you didn't know what was about to happen.

He came out and stood in front of you, "(Y/N), go home. Don't follow a life of hiding in the darkness and sneaking around. Maybe... Things will turn out differently than they are now." You stared at him, "What do you mean?" He took a deep breath, "(Y/N), I'm breaking up with you. It's too much to hear you lie to everyone, and to be the only one who knows the truth. I'm sorry, but maybe we can try again once you've cleaned your act up."

Your jaw dropped as your looked into his gorgeous brown eyes, "You're kidding. You're breaking up with me, because I'm trying to support my family?! I don't steal MUCH! If I wanted, I could have stolen ALL the money, and not have gotten CAUGHT! I've done this enough to KNOW my limits, and it's NOT bad... Right?"

Tears welled in your eyes as he looked away and began to walk back to his police car. You yelled, "NO, Jordan!! Don't do this to me!! I never chose for my family to be HURLED into this freakin war between SUPERNATURAL BEINGS!!" He closed the door that your hand held and drove off, leaving you to stumble into your car in a hurricane of emotions.

All you knew to do was drive, and get as far away from this damn bank as you could.

Please leave comments, guys! I love to hear from yall!! Part 2 coming soon!

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