He Visits You at Work

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Idk why I like coffee shops so much, but I just do lol whoops
(B/F/N)= Best Friend's Name
(Y/F/D)=Your Favorite Drink

You tied on your dark green apron and fit the Starbucks hat on your head as you walked to your spot behind the cash register. (B/F/N) walked by and discreetly elbowed you in the back, "You're not late today, I'm surprised. How's my favorite co-worker?" You smiled, "Actually pretty good, even though I didn't hear anything from Isaac yesterday or this morning."

(B/F/N) called out a customer's name and set the drink on the counter before replying, "I'm sure it'll be fine. He might have business to attend to, because of what he is, you know-". You shrugged, "Maybe, but I don't know. Just make sure to not say what he is. (B/F/N) laughed, "I was gonna say puppy not wolf. Relax, (Y/N), I'm a pro at keeping secrets."

A deep voice called your best friend's name, and they gave you a quick salute before running to the back. Your attention snapped in front of you as the door opened... and a cranky old man walked in. You smiled politely as he walked up and began to speak, "God, do you even have anything good here? What is this crap? I guess I'll try a regular black coffee, but DON'T put anything special in it, ya hear?"

That's basically how your first 2 hours went. You had a ton of customers and a good many of them came off as rude when something happened that wasn't your fault. As your second hour of work began to roll to a close, all you could think about was the break that you had in 15 minutes.

You were fixing an order when the little bell chimed again, meaning that someone else had entered. Seeing as the bell had chimed about 1 million times that day already, you thought nothing about it. When you turned back to the cash register with the fake smile plastered on your face, you gasped. In front of you was the exact thing that you needed to brighten your day.

"I'll have a grande (Y/F/D), and a venti vanilla hazelnut coffee with one pump of mocha and the nonfat whipped cream with just a few sprinkles on the top and a whole lot of chocolate shavings."

Your jaw dropped and you stared at him when he had finished, but you couldn't help but smile, "Leave it to Isaac to get the most complicated thing on the menu." He laughed, "Yeah, I did that on purpose just for you. You have a break in a few minutes, so you can join me at a table if you'd like." You gave him a challenging look, "What if I don't come?" He smirked, "Then I'll have to drink this (Y/F/D) along with my vanilla hazelnut coffee with-" "FINE, Fine!! Don't wear yourself out repeating that, geez."

Right on schedule, you scraped back the chair opposite of your boyfriend and dropped into it, "It's been such a long day." Isaac took a sip of his drink and slid you yours, "I can tell. Did you miss me?" You downed a fourth of the contents before responding, "Where were you?"

He sighed and stretched his arms back behind him, making his muscles even more visible, "Derek was making us train really really hard, so he took up our phones and worked us until we were better puppies than we used to be."

You shrugged, "Ok, I understand. How was Erica?" Isaac scrunched up his nose in the most adorable way, "Annoying. She kept trying to get in my face and talk to me, so I kept pushing her away. Finally, she moved on to Boyd." You nodded and smiled, "Well, that's good. They always had a connection." Isaac locked eyes with you, "Yeah, I know where my connection lies."

You both leaned in closer to kiss over the small table, but then your phone began to chime. You quickly glanced at it, to find that it was your alarm to get you back to work. You showed it to Isaac as you drank the rest of your drink, "Time's up, lover boy, gotta go. Thanks for surprising me, though!! Meet me when my shift ends."

You stood up and began to walk back to the counter, but you felt a tug on your hand as you were yanked backwards and spun into a pair of strong arms, "I didn't say that you could leave without a goodbye." Isaac kissed you quickly before hugging you and whispering, "See you tonight, lover girl."

You smiled up at him and pranced back to your spot behind the cash register, where your best friend had their arms crossed and was staring after Isaac, "Damn, girl, you caught a good one."

Hello, lovelies, don't forget to like and comment!!

What's your favorite type of coffee?

Comment your fave!!
Mine is a caramel mocha :)

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