The Dress Dilemma

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Hello, I appreciate all of the love and support that I've gained from writing this!

It had been a rough day full of procrastination and confusion, and you were caught up in a whirlwind as your boyfriend dragged you to the mall to buy a dress for the party that you were being forced to attend that night. It wasn't what you wanted to do...but you had to make sure Jackson was happy. If you didn't please him, he had ways of making sure that you complied eventually. It was an unhealthy relationship and you knew that, but you couldn't find a way out of it.

"Try this one on. It'll fit your figure the best."

Jackson shoved a tiny red dress into your arms, and you grimaced at the multitude of straps that looked like they were made to make your life more complicated. You opened your mouth to say something about how it was going to be HELL to try on, but he just shoved another little black dress into your arms,

"Alright, go try those on, and show me both."

You were ushered into a small stall with the door slammed shut behind you. In a quick movement, you dumped both of the dresses into the cushioned bench that was provided and locked the door from the inside. With a sigh, you took one look at the dresses and plopped down onto the bench beside them.

You did NOT want to put those death traps on, but you knew it was inevitable. Jackson was not a patient man...and you didn't want to put him in a bad mood. He was so much easier to deal with when he was happy. Now, everyone was probably thinking "why doesn't she just break up with him? He's a total douche". Sadly, you had tried. He turned into a complete mess and begged to treat you better, but it still hadn't changed. If anything, he had become MORE clingy.

Deciding that you had procrastinated enough, you quickly stripped off your comfortable sweater and jeans, took the red dress off of its hanger, and begrudgingly stared at it like two opponents before a fighting match. Taking a deep breath, you began to wrestle with the fabric. After about five minutes, it had finally been pulled over and the straps were where you THOUGHT they were meant to be.

Looking in the mirror, you just felt plain uncomfortable. The fabric barely covered your back side and left little to the imagination in the front. You wondered how on earth girls felt comfortable in these outfits, but they must have been either confident or intoxicated.

Taking another deep breath, you opened the door a bit and peeled out, "Jackson? I have the first one on."

However, your boyfriend was M.I.A. With a sigh, you threw open the door completely, crossed your arms over yourself, and peeked out into the store. You weren't expecting to make eye contact with one of your best friends.

Isaac's eyes were wide as you looked over at him, and you let out something like a squeak as you dove back into the dressing room space. It was too late, though, and Isaac came around the corner,

"Hey, (Y/N)! What are you doing here, and why do you barely have any clothes on?"

You rolled your eyes as you tried to hide your body behind an open dressing room door, "Jackson forced me to try this on. I'm really not feeling it, trust me. Why are you here?"

At be mention of Jackson's name, Isaac's eyes went cold, "Oh, of course he would make you do that. I was here because both Allison and Scott were busy. They sent me to pick up her dress after alterations had been made. Are you sure you're alright?"

You looked around to make sure that a certain someone wasn't near, and you shook your head as your voice turned into a harsh whisper, "No, I actually hate this. I would give anything to just not go to this party and just hang out at home or something."

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