The riot

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Harleen walked quickly to the session room, a walk she's made dozens of times these passed few months, but that day seemed like the longest walk she's taken. She adjusted the large bag on her shoulder and smiled kindly at officer Corey at the door, as she always did. "Kinda weird of him to request an extra session today, don't you think?" The officer looks at her. "Well if he's depressed it's best we treat him." She smiles and waits for him to open the door for her. She steps inside and is locked in. The joker smiles at her. "Doctor Quinzel, I live for these moments with you." He laughs. She approaches the table and the jokers smile fades. "You didn't get it." He says through clenched teeth. The doctor takes in a shaky breath and sets the large bag on the table, taking a machine gun from inside. The jokers face lights up, the thought of freedom once again tempting him. "Great work doctor." He praises her. "I'll take you back to your cell, and tell the guard I'll watch you until you fall asleep. I'll take the straight jacket off and give you a universal key, it will unlock any door in the building. Don't use that gun unless you need to. Promise?" She says innocently. The joker leans back in his chair, the chains holding him down rattling under him. "Oh of course doctor, wouldn't use it unless it was needed." She sighs and slips the gun back into her bag. "Officer?" She shouts towards the door. Officer Corey strolls into the room. "Ready?" He mumbles. "Yeah, but I'll take him back to his cell. I want to keep watch over him until he sleeps." The doctor says. Officer Corey's eyes skim over the joker before he nods, unlocking him. Harleen takes the jokers arm and leads him out of the room. "Interesting doctor Quinzel." The joker purrs. "What?" She sighs and continues to walk. "You'll find out." He says with a laugh.

Soon enough they arrive at the cell, Harleen opening the door. The joker moves to his bed and sits down, moving around in the straight jacket. The doctor shuts the door and turns to him, setting the bag on the ground. "Hold still." She says as she gets on the bed behind him, beginning to undo the jacket. A smile forms on the clowns face as he feels the tightness around him fade. Harleen tosses the jacket aside and the joker stands, stretching his arms. His body was pale, like his face. And covered in tattoos. Doctor quinzels eyes scan over his body. The joker chuckles to himself. "Like what you see Harley?" He murmurs. "Doctor Quinzel." She corrects him. She sets the bag on the bed, taking out the gun, slowly turning to him. His eyes were intense as he looked at her. "Don't get yourself killed mister j." She says as she passes the gun to him. The joker moves closer to her. "Nobody can kill the clown darling." He says through a smirk. The doctor unhooks her key card from her belt and hands it to him. The joker tosses it aside and backs Harleen against the wall. His hand moves to gently caress her face. "I won't forget what you've done for me doctor Quinzel." The joker smiles as her as she trembles. He backs away from her now turning his attention to the gun. "Lock yourself in your office, and don't come out." He says harshly. Harleen doesn't move. "Now!" He barks. The doctor rushes out the door, shutting it behind her. "Fuck." She mumbles as she jogs to her office.
An hour had passed since Quinzel had left the joker, and nothing had happened. No sign of an escape, no noise. Maybe she had underestimated him, and his ability to go unnoticed. A slight sigh of relief comes from her lungs as she looks at the clock. Suddenly, the asylums alarms begin. The jokers familiar laugh echoed through the halls, followed by gun shots. Harleen stands up and begins to panic. She quickly opens one of the drawers to her desk and puts a small hand gun into her bag. The sound of cell doors outside making her extremely nervous. Soon she seems the patients running loose in the asylum. "DOCTOR QUINZEL!" A patient slams on the door. "Open up doc! I'm real sick!" He says loudly. "G-go back to your cell I'm not letting you in here!" Quinzel yells. "No?" The man smiles putting a key card up to the window for her to see. Quinzel reaches for her gun and the man quickly unlocks the office door, running in. Harleen drops to the ground screaming. The man grabs her, throwing her over his shoulder before walking out of the room, towards the electro therapy room. "Put me down!" She screams. She watches as a few men run into the room before she carried in, slammed onto the cold table and strapped down. "Get off! What the fuck are you doing?!" She screams thrashing around. "Shut up!" The man screams back. "Christ lady!" He says as he steps away. "Well well well! What do we have here?" A familiar voice chimes. "M-mister j!" She mumbles, relief in her voice. "Has the patient been, uncooperative boys?" The joker smirks. "I think you should give her something to calm her nerves." One of the men says. The joker grabs the handles and smirks. "Y-you gonna kill me?" The doctor says through clenched teeth. "Oh, no sweetheart. I'm not gonna kill ya. I'm just gonna hurt ya. Really. Really bad." He laughs wildly. "Doctor, low charge if you will!" The joker smirks watches as Harleen trembles on the table below him, before putting the handles to her temples, causing her body to jerk upwards. The joker waits a few seconds before dropping the handles. Harleens body slams down against the table and the joker brings his head down, kissing her temple. "It'll be over soon." He mumbles. "Let's move." He says as he walks out of the room, the other patients following behind him. Doctor Quinzel lays strapped to the table, her vision beginning to blur.
"Miss Quinzel? Miss Quinzel come on open your eyes." A voice says. Harleens eyes open slowly. "Hello miss Quinzel, you're at Gotham General, you're going to be okay. Do you remember what happened?" A nurse says, adjusting her bed so she's slightly sitting up. "I-I don't.. Can I go?" She says annoyed. "We're just going to run a few more tests and then we'll see about releasing you okay?" The nurse smiles before exiting the room. Harleen lays her head against the pillow with a sigh. "Gotham City is in a state of panic after patients at the Arkham Asylum have escaped, killing 9 officers, putting a psychiatrist in the hospital, and doing thousands of dollars worth of damage to the building. Authorities, with the help of batman, promise to have the patients along with the believed leader of this riot, the Joker, returned to the asylum." The tv says. Harleen reaches for the remote turning it off. She looks at her clothes lying on a table beside her, before getting up and slipping them on. She leaves the hospital room in a hurry. "Miss Quinzel you're not cleared to leave!" A nurse runs after her. "Am I dying?" Harleen hisses. The nurse looks shocked. "No of course not bu-" "then I'm cleared to go." She says already heading for the elevator.
Harleen sits on her motorcycle In the alley between two shops. She waits patiently before she hears the dull roar of an engine approaching the road. She starts the bike and waits, the sound getting louder and louder before she sees the purple Lamborghini whip passed the alley. She races after the car, the gun burning a whole in her pocket. She keeps pace with the car before it pulls into a parking lot, the engine shutting off. The door opens and the joker steps out, a smirk on his face. "Well hello Harleen." He says, walking around the car, leaning against the back end. "What the fuck...why.." She starts, unable to find words. "Because I needed to get out Harleen. You know that." He says with a frown. "I helped you, I risked my job and my life to help you, and you fucking electrocute me?!" She shrieks. "You needed that, to know what I'm capable of." He says, stepping towards her. Harleen reaches into her pocket and pulls out the gun, aiming it at him. "Maybe I should show you what I'm capable of." She says softly. The joker laughs. "You're going to kill me?" His eyes watch her carefully, and her hands begin to shake. The joker pulls back, slapping the gun out of her hands, earning a startled scream from her. The joker grabs Harleen and jabs a needle into her arm. "Didn't think so." He says roughly, as harleens body collapses.

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