The voices

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The air in the car seemed to become more stale and toxic to breathe the farther they drove. The joker rocked back and forth in the back seat, Tree occasionally glancing back at him as he drove.

"Puddin!" A smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Baby!" He mumbles. Tree glances at him through the mirror. "Boss?" He questions. "Didn't you hear it?" The joker murmurs. Tree looks at the road again. "Your minds playing tricks on you boss. Just sit back and calm down okay?" Tree says calmly. "How can I fucking calm down when it's so god damn STUFFY IN HERE!" The joker punches the roof of the car repeatedly, causing tree to pull the car over, the van pulling over behind them.

Tree enters the back of the car and sits with the joker in silence for a moment before the jokers sobs break it. "I can still feel her fingers on me." He cries. "I can feel her tracing the tattoos on my chest, I can fucking hear her voice!" The joker puts his head in his hands, sobbing heavily.

Tree was the only person, other than Harley that the joker had ever cried in front of. Tree places a strong hand on the jokers back. "We'll get her back J. We won't stop until we do." Tree hands joker a tissue, but he declines.

"Do you want someone from the van to ride with us?" Tree asks, truly concerned. The joker shakes his head. "I want Harley." He says harshly. Tree nods and steps out of the car, walking to the front again before starting it, taking off.

"Jesus!" Deadshot yells as Harley swings her bat, just barely missing him. Harley lets out a laugh and pokes deadshot in the stomach with the larger end of the bat. "That's a nice uniform, kinda looks like a wet suit, do you surf?" She teases. Deadshot glares at her, holding up his fingers like a gun, making the sound effect. "One bullet girl, one bullet." He jokes.

"Has anybody really thought about this superman shit? Isn't that guy on their side?" Diablo points out. Deadshot shrugs. "I dunno home boy, maybe he got tired of it." He says as he aims a gun at the wall, looking threw the scope.

Flag walks through the door and clears his throat. "Gettin sick mate?" Boomerang asks. Flag glares at him. "You better watch yourself, or I'll have deadshot kill you." Rick hisses. "Nah, you don't gotta worry about me. Kangaroo boy didn't do shit to me." Deadshot says motioning to boomerang.

Harley laughs again. As boomerang shoots deadshot a look.

"Grab whatever you need for a fight, we're wheels up in 15." Rick says before walking from the room again. "What wheels?" Harley asks. "Helicopter probably." Diablo says. Harley shrugs. "That sounds fun." She says with a smile. "Yeah, fighting one of the most powerful super humans on the planet sounds like a real cake walk." Deadshot says, rolling his eyes.
Harley shifts uncomfortably in her seat. "I'm a little afraid of flying." She yells over the noise of the helicopter. "So I suppose when superman takes your ass into the clouds you won't enjoy it?" Deadshot kids. "He's taking me to the clouds?" Harley squeals. Deadshot slowly runs his hand over his face. "The joker really has you fucked up doesn't he?" He laughs. "Huh? I should kill everyone and escape that the parachute?" Harley says suddenly, all of their heads turn towards her. She laughs loudly. "Sorry, sorry! The voices." She smirks. Rick shakes his head. "Fuckin psycho." He mumbles.

"Come on mister j, come play with me!" Harley shrieks as she slides onto the jokers desk. "Harley girl, daddy's working." He mumbles, trying it hard to hide a smile. "Awww come on puddin work can wait, I'm bored!" She whines, pulling his face to hers, kissing him hard on the lips. "You're such a good girl." He mumbles. "Boss" Harley says. "Huh?" The joker looks at her confused. "Boss" she says again.

The joker is shaken awake by tree. Joker runs his fingers over his lips. "What?" He growls. "They launched the task force.. She's no longer at the prison.. We don't have her location anymore." Tree says softly.

The joker slams his head into the window repeatedly. "Find her! Find her! FIND HER!" He screams. Tree jumps out of the car, running to the van parked behind them. The jokers hands shook uncontrollably. "I'm coming baby... I'm gonna find you." He mumbles to himself.
A few henchmen enter the club, walking over to Griggs. "Come with us." They say. "Excuse me?" Griggs says with a laugh. The men lift him from his spot, dragging him into the kitchen, slamming him down on a chair. "What the fuck is this about?!" Griggs asks.

Tree enters the room, handing a few stacks of cash to the men. "Can I go man?" Griggs says standing. "I'd keep your god damn mouth shut." Tree says harshly. "Come on bro, this is bullshit!" Griggs yells. "Blah blah blah blah blah." A voice chimes. "All that chit chats gonna get ya hurt." The joker smirks at Griggs. "Oh my..." Griggs trembles. "I think you know where my little devil is, don't you?" The joker says, circling him.

Griggs nods. "T-they're headed to midway city." He mumbles. The joker cups his face in his hands, an erie smirk on his face. "We're gonna have so much fun together."

Harley drags the baseball bat along the ground as they walked. "No offense princess, but if you don't stop that shit I'm going to beat you with it." Deadshot mumbles. "Bring it on bullet boy." She says with a smirk.

Harley looked around at the destroyed abandoned city. "Why would superman do this? What's his motive?" Diablo asks Rick. "Who knows." He says bluntly.

Suddenly there's a flash of light and a loud laugh from somewhere close by. "Uh oh." Harley mumbles looking around. "There!" Croc growls pointed to a building. "Looks like superman." Deadshot mumbles. "Smells like superman." Croc growls. "That ain't superman." Boomerang says, annoyance in his tone. "Lex Luthor." Diablo mumbles. "Uh oh." Harley says again.

Deadshot punches flag in the arm. "What the fuck is this flag?" He growls. "You wouldn't have come if you knew you were fighting someone on your side. You cut and run I'll end you." He says. Deadshot takes a breath. "You're a dick." He mumbles under his breath.

Suddenly the group is showered with gunfire "down!" Rick yells. Harley drops to the ground crawling under a car. Deadshot begins to fire back, Rick following him. "What the fuck?" Rick yells to the top of the building. "No way." Diablo mumbles. "Bane." Deadshot says bluntly as he fires. A sudden grunt comes from croc, as a bullet strikes his arm. "Nothing personal my friends!" Bane yells from the building. "But I'd get out of the city while there's still time!" As fast as the fire started, it was over, and the pair disappeared from sight. "What's that mean flag?" Diablo asks. Rick begins to walk down the street. "Let's go find out." He yells back.

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