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Harley's finger tips gently brushed down The Jokers arm. She was careful not to wake him. She studied the bruises on her arm from the previous nights events and she smiles to herself. Nobody had ever made her feel the way the joker had.

He looked different when he slept. That was her favorite part. His face was relaxed and calm, not like he was during the day. He looked peaceful.

Harley feels pressure at her feet and she smiles as she feels ace moving up between their bodies. "Hi baby." She whispers to Ace as her hand moves from the jokers body, to his.

The joker makes a small noise. "Harley, that cat ranks higher to you than I do." He says jokingly. Harley smiles as she hears his voice. "I love you in different ways Mister J." She replies as she strokes ace's fur. The jokers eyes open and he looks at her. His eyes admire her naked body, remembering what had happened the night before. His lips form into a smirk and he places a hand on her shoulder, his thumb brushing over a dark bruise. "How do you feel darling?" He asks softly. Harley's eyes move to meet his. "I'm ontop of the world puddin." She replies. This pleases him, and he leans forward, pressing his lips to hers. A feeling he had began to take comfort in.
"Fuck!" One of the jokers henchmen yells as the female hyena snaps at him. This earns a wicked laugh from the joker. Harley rolls her eyes and takes the meat from the henchmans hand. "Fuckin pussy." She says with a huff, walking towards them. "No miss Quinn do-" he stops and watches as the two hyenas sit patiently at Harley's feet. "You underestimate her." The joker says with a laugh. "So talented." He says as he watches the way Harley feeds the animals.

Harley smiles and kisses them both on the head before exiting the cage, locking the door. "They're just babies." She says to the henchman. The joker smirks wildly as she walks to him, wrapping her arms around him. The joker points to the door, telling the henchman to leave.

"You do wonderfully with them. I must admit you had good intentions with getting them, and I do believe I made the right choice by letting them stay." The joker says, stroking Harley's cheek with his finger. Harley smiles up at him. "Thank you puddin!" The joker watches her carefully. "I need you to do something for me baby." He says with a frown. Harley frowned too. This wasn't going to be good.
Harley slowly pulls on the dark skinny jeans. The feeling made her skin crawl. She slid into the blue blouse and tied her hair into a bun, so you couldn't see the colors. She had put on a few layers of foundation, to make herself look less pale. Finally, she put on a pair of glasses. She stood in front of the mirror, looking at her former self. A couple tears fall from her eyes. She picks up her cat and presses her face into his fur.

There's a knock at the door. "Miss Quinn?" Harley wipes her face and takes In a breath. "Y-yeah?" She answers. The door opens and the jokers main henchman walks in. He notices she had been crying and he sighs walking over to her wrapping her into a loose hug. "I know this is hard. Boss knows too. He's upset with himself but it's gotta be done." He attempts to comfort her. Harley looks up at the tall man she's come to call tree. The joker had changed all their names, but many of them weren't around long enough for her to know. "You look great." He says lightly. She shakes her head and wipes her face again. "Do I have to see him like this?" She mumbles. Tree nods. "Come on Har, you can do this. It'll be more of a shock to Boss than it is to you. Fuck with his head, say something you said to him while you were his doctor." Tree says grabbing Harley's hand. She nods and takes in a breath. "Let's do it."

Harley stood outside the jokers office for a few minutes before she knocks. "WHAT?!" He screams. Harley jumps. "Great." She mumbles. She opens the door and smiles sweetly. "Good morning mister J, clearly something has you agitated. You've gotta calm down or the guards will take you for shock therapy. I know you don't want that." Harley says, her voice had changed to match her look. The joker shakes lightly and runs his hand through his hair, staring at Harley. Soon enough a smirk creeps onto his face. "Fantastic. Fantastic Harley." He says praising her. He extends a hand for her. She takes it and the joker roughly pulls her onto his lap, taking her face in his hands. "Don't be scared. I won't let anything happen to you Harley. I won't let anything ever happen to you." He whispers, looking into her eyes. Harley found it hard to hold back tears. The joker knew. "Tears make you weak Harley." He says. This shocks her. He had said this to her in the asylum. "I feel like I'm losing my mind puddin." She whines. The joker kisses her head and smiles. "Darling, we're well passed that." He laughs loudly.

Harley gets off his lap and fixes herself in the mirror. The joker stands and hands her a hand gun. "Remember, you're only a distraction. If things get bad, I have it handled." He looks at her. "Don't fuck up kid." He says before kissing her hard.
The walk to Gotham bank was long. Harley kept thinking about what was going to happen. She was more afraid of The joker getting hurt, than she was of herself getting killed. She shook the thought from her brain and continued up the street towards the bank.

Her hands were in her jacket pocket, one holding the gun, the other her ID card from her days at the asylum.

Her heart began to race as she approached the bank. She took a shaky breath before entering. She began to shake when she saw him. "Keep calm and stick to the plan." She thinks. She walks to the table beside him, and begins to fill out a deposit slip. She feels his eyes on her. "HARLEEN?!" He shrieks. His voice startles her. She looks up at him. "Officer Corey." She smiles sweetly. "B-but you're...you're.. You were dead!" He says loudly, catching the attention of the others in the bank. Perfect. "Was I?" She says sweetly. "They found your body in the woods..how...where?" He mumbles. A few people approach them, they begin throwing questions at Harley. She begins to get nervous. "Could I have a little space please?" She asks. Soon enough the bank tellers leave their places to get a glimpse of Harleen Quinzel, back from the dead.

Harley tries her best to answer a million questions at once, and this goes on for ten minutes. Soon her phone begins to vibrate, signaling her to get out. Harley pushes passed the crowd and sprints out the door, heading down the street. "Harleen!" Officer Corey calls after her. "Fuck." She mumbles. A smile pulls at her lips when she sees the Jokers Lamborghini stopped at the end of the street. She picks up her pace running towards it. The door opens as she gets close, and she jumps in, the car speeding off before the doors closed.

Harley pants heavily, putting her hands on the dashboard, desperate for air. "You're such a good girl Harley!" The joker laughs wildly. "Such a good girl!" He smirks as he speeds down the streets of Gotham. "Y-you got it?" She speaks through labored breath. "Baby, we got all of it. There's nothing left, and there's no evidence." His laugh sending shivers down her spine. "You did so good darling, let's get you home and out of those clothes. Though I do like Harleen, Harley Quinn is the only one for me." He smirks and takes her hand as he pulls into the long hidden road headed towards their mansion.
Harley let's the cold water hit her body, sending a wonderful shock through her. She wanted to erase any trace of Harleen Quinzel. "Maybe I should jump into the chemicals again." She mumbles as she wipes her face. The jokers arms snake around her waist, pulling her body against his. "Once was enough with the chemicals darling." He laughs lightly, his lips attaching themselves to her neck. Harley smirks and tilts her head back, allowing him to do as he pleased.

The joker pressed Harley against the shower wall, his hands sliding down her body as the water washed over them. Harley wrapped her legs around his waist, a soft moan escaping her lips as the jokers teeth grazed her neck. "You made me very proud today Harley." The jokers breath forcing goosebumps to form on Harley's pale skin. Harley's hands tangle themselves into the jokers wet hair.

There's a knock at the door and the joker slams his fist against the shower wall. "This place better be on fire." He growls. "WHAT?!" He screams. "Boss we've got a problem." A henchman says from outside the door. "Don't we always?" He grumbles. "It's the bat sir." The henchman says. The jokers face hardens and Harley unwraps her leg from his body, looking up at him. "To be continued my dear." He says as he roughly grips her face, forcing her into a kiss.

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