The last game

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The doctor worked on Harley frantically, Diablo holding her hand. She listens closely to the screaming of the doctors upstairs. "Is puddin dead?!" She shrieks loudly. "No." Deadshot says softly. The doctor
Shakes her head. "She's bleeding out." She says in a panic.

Diablo grabs her hand tighter. "She's gotta get to an actual hospital." The doctor says, calling for an ambulance.

Suddenly a few of the jokers men appeared carrying a body. Harley began to shake. "Sit still!" The doctor scolds.

Harley gets a glimpse of trees face now. The blood drains from her already pale face and she screams loudly, struggling to get off the table. "Hold her down!" The doctor yells. Deadshot grabs her. "Sedate her!" Diablo orders. The doctor quickly jabs a needle into Harley's arm as she screamed, fighting as long as she could until she was pulled into unconsciousness.
The joker paced outside of The operating room, deadshots head followed him back and forth.

Captain boomerang threw up violently into a potted plant in the hall of the hospital. Diablo makes a disgusted face. "Seriously?" He shakes his head.

Boomerang stands up gripping the wall. Deadshot glances at him, obviously crying. "Drink your feelings away boomerang, good idea." He says harshly. Boomerang slams his fist into the wall. "I didn't mean to hurt her!" He screams. "Hey! You're going to need to quiet down or I'll have you removed!" A nurse yells from down the hall.

The joker watches as boomerang crumbles to the ground. It made him smirk. "You killed your henchman, why are you smiling?" Diablo asks. "The bullet was meant for the Aussie." The joker growls. Diablo stays silent.

Boomerang sobs on the hospital floor. Deadshot sighs and stands up, helping him. "Come on man, let's get you to a bed." He looks back at Diablo. "I'm gonna go rent a motel room." He says. "You comin?" Deadshot questions. Diablo looks to joker. "Go on." He says lightly.

Diablo stands and helps deadshot get boomerang to the elevator.
The joker dozes off in a chair outside the operating room before he's jerked awake. "Hey." Rick says lightly, sitting in the chair next to him. "She still inside?" He questions. The joker nods. "You're lucky I haven't had you killed for lying to me about her and boomerang." He says coldly. Rick nods. "I was scared for my family." He admits.

The joker study's him. "What I was asking you to do had nothing to do with your family. Harley didn't risk her life and kill our child saving yours, for me to rip it away from you." The joker growls. "I'm mean, but I'm not that mean." He softens and lays his head in his hands.
"She's lost a lot of blood." The doctor explains. "There are also signs of infection." He says sadly. The joker growls. "The last doctor she had didn't do a very good job of patching her up, that's why it not only ripped open, but made the initial wound larger." He points to Harley's now larger scar.

She looked sick. Her breathing was uneven, the way it usually was when she slept.

The joker stares at her. "Is she going to be okay?" Rick asks. The doctor nods. "She should be okay, but she'll need to stay here under observation for a few days. I suggest you go home, get some rest and come back in the morning." The doctor says. The joker nods. "Thank you." He says bluntly before the doctor exits. Rick looks at Harley. "I'll stay with her tonight. Won't let her out of my sight." He says softly. The joker leans down and kisses Harley's cheek. "Call me if she wakes up." He says, taking another look at her before heading for the elevator.
Deadshot and Diablo sat in the jokers large kitchen. It seemed so empty without tree. He was a funny guy, intelligent. He was rational about all situations and always had everything under control.

"This shits just fucked man." Diablo says suddenly. Deadshot nods in agreement. "I don't know what to do, ya know? J mans gonna be so on edge, his main henchman gone, Harley in the hospital because of boomerang... I'm just hoping he stays asleep for awhile." Diablo mumbles. Once again, deadshot nods in agreement.

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