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Harley's body was weak, and frail. Her stomach was the only large part of her, but it seemed to be taking her life.

She watched as Clark paced back and forth. "I'm taking you away." He says. She shakes her head. "I'm too tired." She says softly. "There's no other choice!" He screams. Harley looks at him curiously. "What's going on?" She questions.

Suddenly Wonder Woman comes crashing threw the ceiling, causing Harley to shriek. "Don't worry child." She says gently. "You're going to be okay."

She looks at superman, who glares at her. "This isn't your business." He growls. "Your done here." She says. "No more." Clark laughs at her words. "And what are you going to do?" He questions.

The door opens, batman steps in, Rick flag on his tail. "R-Rick!" Harley stutters, happy to see a face she knew. Rick quickly moves to her side, his eyes taking in the sight of her. His heart pounded, sad for her. "Hey there kiddo." He says softly, placing his hand on her shoulder. "How you holding up?" He smiles.

Tears pour from her eyes as she tries to sit up, Rick helps her, so her back pressed against the head board.

Clark growled as Rick touched her. "Don't you dare harm that child." He says. "You've already done that." Batman says harshly.

Suddenly Diablo runs into the room, rushing to her bedside. "Hey harls." He says softly. Harley sobs heavily now, her arms trying to wrap around him. He leans forwards, allowing her to hug him. "It's gonna be okay." He says. Suddenly Clark dives for Diablo, but Wonder Woman quickly intercepts him, sending him crashing threw the wall.

She quickly picks Harley up, handing her to batman. "Get as far away as you possibly can." She orders. Harley lays limp in his arms, the movement taking her breath away as batman quickly walks out of the room, heading down a flight of stairs.

Rick and Diablo follow behind them, loud bangs and crashes coming from the room they had left.

"We need that rock." Rick mumbles to Diablo, who agrees.
Batman places Harley in ricks arms as he sits in the back of a van, Diablo and batman getting in the front and driving away quickly.

Rick pushes the hair from Harley's face. "You okay?" He asks. A small smile forms on her sickly face. "Yes." She says softly.

Rick feels his eyes sting as he looks down at her. He had never seen anyone in such bad condition. He knew June wouldn't have done that to her. The baby was human. Superman had something up his sleeve. Something that was making the baby develop at an ungodly rate, killing Harley in the process.

"Don't cry." She whispers as tears escape his eyes. "I'm sorry." He mumbles, wiping them away. "I'm so sorry."

Harley lets her eyes close, the exhaustion hitting her hard. "I miss nhim." She says lightly. "I miss him more than anyone could imagine." A smile forms on her pale face as she lays seemingly lifeless in ricks arms.

"Tell me about him." He says softly. This makes Harley's smile bigger. "Loving him is the most magical feeling." She starts. "I remember the way he looked when we first met.. The first time I walked into that room and realized who he was. 'The joker' the way he looked at me...it..it was electric." She mumble, breathing heavily as if just talking was hard for her to do.

Rick bit his tongue in attempts to stop the tears, but he failed. "Come on honey tell me more, tell me about Mister J." He says, trying her best to keep her awake.

She opened her eyes slightly. "I love him." She says softly, still smiling. "He's gonna be such a good dad." She mumbles. "You're gonna be a good mom." Rick says.

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