The Bat

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Rick sat ontop of the building, the bat signal beaming into the air. He glanced nervously down at his watch, and took in a deep breath.

Batman stepped out of the shadows and slowly walked towards him. "Rick?" He mumbles. He shakes his head. "I-I know I shouldn't be up here but I really need your help batman." Rick says urgently. "What can I do for you?" Batman questions. "I think that June was taken by Deadshot and his gang..he left a few bullets behind, a D carved into all of them." Rick says, tears falling from his eyes.

Batman nods. "I'll find her Rick." Batman says bluntly. "Don't worry." He says before using his grappling hook to swing from the building.

Rick quickly wipes away his fake tears, picking up his phone. Diablo answers on the first ring. "He took the bait. I'm on my way." He says, heading for the stairs.
Harley was dressed to kill. I short dress that movable, her hair curled, stunning makeup. Boomerang couldn't keep his eyes off her as she sat at the bar in the club the joker owned. His heart raced and he watched her as she smiled and laughed with Deadshot and Diablo. He wanted to protect her. "I'd make a better father than the joker." He thinks to himself. "What's a doll like that even doing with that man." He scrunches up his face at the thought.

"Come on guys, you've gotta get to the basement. He should figure it out soon." Deadshot says. Harley stands up with a smile. Diablo takes her hand. "After you my lady." He says with a bow. Harley laughs in amusement at his stupid accent, and brushes passed boomerang towards the basement stairs.

Deadshot puts his hand on boomerangs shoulder. "You've gotta get over it man." He says lightly. He shakes his head and follows them, as Deadshot heads up to the balcony, to wait for batman.
Harley played with the things in the drawers of the basement kitchen, throwing knives at the wall, laughing at herself. Boomerang helped himself to the alcohol, trying his best to take his mind off Harley.

"Do you think he's there yet?" Diablo questions. "We haven't gotten the signal to send Harley up yet, so I doubt it." Boomerang says harshly. "What's your problem man?" Diablo mumbles. "You've had a stick up your ass since-" "since what mate? Since Harley died? Since Harley was brought back from the dead?" He hisses.

Harley glares at him. "Yeah since then." She says. "Well Cheers to that." He says tossing back a beer. The door opens and one of the bartenders steps in. "Harley, they're ready." He says. Harley smirks and grabs a knife. "Goodie!" She shrieks. Diablo grabs the knife from her. "Sorry kiddo." He laughs. She rolls her eyes and heads out the door.
Deadshot takes a sip of his beer, his hand slightly shaking. "Deadshot." A raspy voice calls. "Hey bats! How you been man, take a seat!" Deadshot laughs. Batman stands in front of him. "Or not." He mumbles. "Where's June?" Batman says harshly. "It's only February bat, you're a few months off." Deadshot says jokingly. Batman stares at him, clearly not amused.

Batman sits across the booth from him, his eyes on him cautiously. "I don't know nothing about nobody named June." Deadshot says, shooting a look towards a bartender. The bartender nods and heads to the basement.

"Don't play dumb with me Deadshot. There's evidence." Batman hisses. Deadshot shrugs. "Prove it." He tests.

Batman shakes his head. "Maybe the joker and his girlfriend took her." Deadshot says. "Impossible. They're dead." Batman says bluntly.

Harley puts her hand on the bats shoulder. "Batsy!" She squeals. Batman stands up quickly, looking at her. "Quinn." He growls. She takes a bow. "Harley Quinn, at your service!" She says happily, sitting next to Deadshot.

Batman glares at them. "Where's June?" He questions again. "June?" Harley asks. She looks to Deadshot. "Do you know a June?" She asks. Deadshot shakes his head. "Can't say I do!" He shrugs his shoulders.

Batman growls. "Where's ju-" suddenly batman falls to the ground. Harley looks confused. "Never could stand his voice." The joker mumbles, stepping into view. Harley smirks and jumps up wrapping her arms around him. "Puddin!" She kisses him hard.

Deadshot laughs and looks at batman on the floor. "Well Harley, your plans worked so far, let's see about that shark tank huh?" Deadshot says, as the jokers men carry the bat out the back of the bar.

Diablo and boomerang join them on the main floor. "Good job harls!" Diablo says with a smile. "And here you thought I was just another bubble headed blonde bimbo! Well the jokes on you, I'm not even a real blonde." She says with a smirk. The joker growls and bites into her neck. "Good girl princess." He praises her for her plan.

Boomerang turns away from them, walking towards the exit. Deadshot quickly chases after him. "Try and be a little more secretive about your feelings for her. He's going to catch on." He warms. Boomerang shrugs his shoulders. "Oh well." He says lightly, exiting the bar. Deadshot sighs and shakes his head.
Batmans eyes fly open and he groans as the pain hits him. "Don't worry batsy ol pal! I'm not going to kill you." The joker smiles at him. "It looks like you're frowning." Batman points out, as he hangs upside down. The joker frowns. "There." Batman says annoyed.

The joker circles him. "We found June." The joker says. "Strangely enough, YOU had her." He says sternly. "What are the odds?" The joker laughs loudly. "I was set up." Batman protests. "I'm sure." The joker says rolling his eyes.

Harley prances into the room with a smile. "Morning bat!" She says happily. Batman watches her. "Why'd you take her?" The joker questions. "Because, she gave you the chance of being parents. And I won't have that." Batman hisses. "You're a murderer!" He yells. The joker rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah." He says with a yawn. "Quite boring." He says softly.

Batman looks at Harley. "He murdered Harleen." He says roughly. Harley shakes with anger. "Harleen Quinzel died at the hands of a murderer... Harley Quinn was born in the arms of a lover." She says to him. A smirk forms on the jokers face. "That's my girl." He growls.

Batman puts his thumb over a smoke bomb on his belt, quickly pressing the button. The room fills with smoke and Harley gags. "Where is he?!" The joker screams. Harley tries her best to look around but coughs heavily. "Harley get out!" The joker orders, shoving her towards the door.

Harley quickly leaves the room, deadshot and Diablo rush in as the smoke clears, batman no longer hanging. The joker growls and looks at the open window. "I'm going to find you bat. And I'm going to make you pay!" He screams, pushing passed Diablo and deadshot. 

Deadshot looks at Diablo. "Uh oh." He mumbles. Diablo shakes his head. "Uh oh Indeed."

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