The Bay

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Harley watched as batman punched the joker, over and over. Harley's screams filling the room, but the chairs held her in place. Batman holds the jokers weak body up. "I told you, it's over." Batman says as he drives a knife through the jokers stomach, letting his body drop. "NO!" Harley screams as she thrashes around, the chains digging into her wrists. Blood poured from the jokers body, but his eyes were fixed on her. "Be good, Harley girl." He mumbles, a smirk creeping onto his face for the last time.

Suddenly Harley jerks awake, screaming loudly. The joker instinctively grabs the pistol he slept with on his nightstand, before he is fully awake. "Harley!" He yells as he realizes nobody was in the room.

Harley breathes heavily, tears spilling from her blue eyes. "I-it was a bad dream puddin." She cries. The jokers face softens and he sets the pistol down, wrapping his arms around her body. "Nobody's going to hurt you Harley. I'm never going to let anybody hurt you." He coo's, kissing her cheek as he pulls her back in a laying position.

"I'm not scared of me getting hurt mister J, I'm scared of you getting hurt." She whispers as she traces his tattoos with her finger tips.

The jokers eyes close, enjoying the feeling. "Harley I've told you before, but I'll tell you again." He says with a sigh. "This clown, can't be killed." He says bluntly.

Harley doesn't reply. Her fingers continue to trace his tattoos, before there's a scratch at the door.

The joker groans and rolls over. "Why didn't you put them in their cages." He says with annoyance. "I did." Harley says sitting up. The joker sits up too. "Then why are they out?" He mumbles.

Harley walks to the door and slowly opens it. The large hyenas rush into the room, jumping on the bed. The joker growls. "Off." He says simply. The hyenas leave the bed and lay on the floor.

Harley peeks her head into the hall. "Shit." She says walking out of the room. A dead henchmans body in the hallway, blood splattered on the walls. "P-puddin?" Harley calls for him to join her.

The jokers eyes glance at the body then at the hyenas. "Go get your bat baby, we've got unwelcomed company. Take the hyenas." He says grumpily as he grabs a gun from his office, heading towards the stairs.

Harley grabs her bat from under the bed, and heads for the door. "Come on babies." She says, the hyenas following behind her.

She decides to head to the opposite staircase, lightly swinging the bat in her hands.

The hyenas walk ahead of her, Clyde growling lightly. "What's wrong, huh?" Harley asks looking ahead. Harley gasps and ducks as a metal object flies at her. "What the fuck?!" She screams. "Harley?" The joker calls from somewhere in the house. "Puddin!" She screams back. Bonnie and Clyde lunge into the closet, and a voice yells. "I'd get the fuck out of there or they'll tear ya to shreds!" Harley yells.

The joker runs up the stairs. "There's someone in the closet!" She shrieks. "Aye J get em off me mate!" A voice calls. The jokers eyebrows raise. "Boomerang?" The joker says In surprise. "Yeah yeah! GET EM OFF!" The voice screams. "Call them off Harley!" The joker shouts. "Come here babies!" Harley says calmly, the hyenas leaving the closet happily sitting at her feet.

A muscular man steps from the closet, his hand bloody. "Bloody hell where the fuck did ya get those?" The man says pointing at the animals. Harley looks at him confused. The joker laughs wickedly. "eBay." He jokes.

"Harley, baby, this is Captain Boomerang. He's robbed every bank in Australia, and half the banks in America without getting caught." The joker says. Harley smiles and extends her hand. "Harley Quinn, how do you do?" She says happily. Boomerang takes her hand and laughs. "Peppy little fucker ain't ya?" He wipes the blood from his hand onto his jeans. "Great to see you, great indeed but, how exactly did you get in?" The joker says, heading for the stairs. Harley points for him to follow.

"Left your window open." He says simply as he follows. Harley walks to the bedroom, putting her bat away. She sighs lightly and sits on the bed, Bonnie and Clyde joining her.

Tree walks passed the room, and backtracks when he sees her. "Everything okay Har?" He says, leaning against the doorway. Harley shrugs her shoulders. "Yeah. I guess so." She mumbles, her hand stroking Clydes fur.

Tree enter the room sitting next to her, scratching under Bonnies chin. "You worried about him again, huh?" He looks at her.

Harley nods. "Had another dream." She says simply.

Harley had become very close with Tree, she often sat and talked with him as he did random things the joker asked him to do, when mister J was too busy for Harley.

"Just dreams Harley. You know that." He says standing up. Harley nods and watches him. "Gonna go get the body?" She jokes. He nods and laughs. "Livin the dream Halrs." He says as he heads for the door.
"So you were a doctor?" Boomerang asks before guzzling half a beer. "Psychiatrist." Harley says lightly. "And you fell in love with him?" He says pointing to the joker, who was watching her. "Yep." She says bluntly. The joker smirks, amused by her lack of enthusiasm.

Boomerang let out a deep chuckle. "Well you really scored didn't ya mate?" Raising his beer to him. The joker laughs and pulls Harley to him. "Guess you could see I'm the lucky one." The joker growls, pulling her In for a deep passionate kiss.

Boomerang watches them. "Ah big softy." He croaks. This angers the joker, causing him to lightly push Harley away from him. "Careful kangaroo." The joker hisses. "You know damn well what I'm capable of."

Boomerang once again raises his beer to the joker. "Amen." He says simply.
"We're on a winning streak Harley girl, why stop now?" The joker says lightly as he puts a duffle bag full of guns into the back of a van. "Quit while you're ahead." Harley says, concern present in her voice.

The joker roughly grips her face, staring coldly into her eyes. "You know better." He says sternly before releasing her. She sighs and grabs her bat, looking to tree.

Tree simply nods, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Come on baby, you're riding with me." The joker smirks. "Boomer, you can ride with them in the van, if things go south we meet at the drop point." He says heading for the Lamborghini, Harley following behind him.

Harley places her bat on the floor and fixes her hair in the mirror. The joker smiles at her before starting the car, revving the engine a few times. A low satisfied noise coming from his throat.

Harley smirked and grabbed onto the seat. "Come on puddin, do it!" She shrieks. The joker laughs wildly as he shifts the car into drive, speeding out of the parking lot.

The car sped through the streets of Gotham city, weaving in and out of traffic.

The jokers laugh echoed through the streets, along with the roar of the engine. "Oh boy, looky here Harley girl, halloweens come early, we've got company." The batmobile speeds up behind the car.

Harley groans. "Let's race bats." She says with a smirk. A loud bang coming from the top of the car. Harley grabs the hand gun from the center console and begins shooting through the roof. "Fuckin bat!" She shrieks.

"Hold on baby." The joker yells as he takes a sharp turn in attempt to shake batman from the car, a failed attempt.

The joker growls and punches the roof of the car, his face suddenly changing. Harley looks as the car speeds towards the docks. "P-puddin." She says shakily. The car now yards from the barrier. "Puddin I can't swim!" She screams as the car crashes into the bay, sending Harley through the windshield.
Batman carried Harley's lifeless body from the docs to the batmobile. He set he onto the hood, feeling for a pulse. Nothing. "Fucking hell." He mumbles before pressing his mouth to hers. Harley's body jerks and she coughs loudly.

"Take a good look at Gotham Quinn, it's the last time you'll see if for awhile." batman says coldly. "W-Where?" Harley mumbles. "He left you." Batman says before sticking a needle into her arm. The city began to blur, and then turned black.

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