The end of all days

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The wind from the open window blew on the jokers face. His eyes were closed but he wasn't asleep. Tree silently drove the Lamborghini, they hadn't spoke a word in multiple hours, but he supposed it was better that way. The joker went from sobbing, to screaming. He has never seen him so messed up mentally, and that was saying a lot.

Everything reminded him of her. The sound of the car, the smell of the air. He couldn't shake it.

After torturing Griggs as the bar, they had gotten the location Harley was supposedly sent, but to the joker it felt like he was chasing the moon. He always seemed close, but it was impossible to grasp.

He ached for her. Every inch of him wanted her. He would give anything to hear her laugh, have her body pressed against his, it was intoxicating to the joker.

He kept trying to act normally, but nothing made sense without her. Everything that felt normal before Harley, felt foreign to him now. She was his fire.

Tree clears his throat, breaking the deafening silence in the car. The jokers eyes stay closed, for fear of tears spilling from them again. "Hm." The joker makes a small noise with his throat. "They haven't fully evacuated midway city." Tree speaks softly, not wanting to trigger him again. "Then the people will scream. There'll be fires, no one will stop me. The end of all days. I'll fucking destroy  the city just to see her again." The joker growls. A smile forms on trees face. "So be it."

Something about the situation didn't seem right to her. Bane hated batman, so did she. She didn't have anything against him, so why was she going to fight him? "Scuse me? Mister Flag?" Harley says, picking up her pace to get to him. "See I just don't want to do this, not worth the fight. Just kidnap the bat and give him to them they'll stop." She says simply. Rick pushes his gun against her. "Lady shut up!" He screams. Harley smirks. "Awww guys he's trying to be scary!" She laughs and shoved him off, rejoining the others.

Rick shakes his head. "Unbelievable. You are unfuckingbelievable." He mumbles. "Am I?" She shrugs. "Hadnt noticed." She smirks and boomerang lays his arm over his shoulder. "Peppy little fucker." He says to Rick. Rick groans. "We complete the mission, or you all die. That was pretty clear before we left belle-Reve." He states. "Why didn't you call the actual superman? Or that flash guy?" Diablo says sarcastically. Harley erupts in a fit of laughter. "Maybe they were booked." She jokes. They laugh with her. Rick shakes his head again. "Unbelievable." He mumbles. "Let's move."
Harley walks behind the others, her feet killing her. "Hey you guys can we maybe just rest for a minute? I could go for a burger." She groans. Boomerang falls back and scoops her up bridal style. Harley smiles at him and points to the sky. "Onwards!" She says deeply. Boomerang laughs as he continues to walk.

Suddenly croc falls to his knees. Rick rushes to examine him. "You've lost a lot of blood." He points out. "No shit." He growls. "Call for a helicopter to come and get him." Rick says to one of the other men. Boomerang sets Harley down on the hood of a car. She sighs and lays down. "I used to sit on the hood of Mister J's car and watch him yell at his men." She laughs for a second before it starts to fade. "He'll be comin sweetheart." Boomerang says softly.

Deadshot puts himself on the hood next to Harley. "So you got yourself arrested to help that green guy find her?" He questions boomerang. Boomer nods. "Crazy what you'll do for a mate." He says eyeing a bar across the street. "Next time those guys show up, just shoot them, let's get this over with." Diablo mumbles to deadshot. "Next time those guys show up just barbecue them, let's get this over with." Deadshot mimics. Diablo rolls his eyes and steps away. The noise of a helicopter getting closer.
After croc was taken away, they began to grow more cautious. He was the most powerful asset to the team.

"We going somewhere specific, or we just walking?" Deadshot says, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "We think there's a bomb somewhere in the city, we're going to attempt to locate it." Rick yells back. "Pretty big City Flag." Diablo says with an annoyed tone. "Pretty big bomb." Rick calls back.

Harley had been silent for awhile. Her mind was everywhere but where it needed to be. She missed him. She missed his smile, and his laugh. She missed the way he terrified his henchmen, but most of all she missed the few hours a night they had to themselves, pressed together in the jokers large bed, his skin on hers. He was different then. He was gently, kind. Something about the jokers aggressive nature both terrified and excited her, it always had. There was so much power in that menacing laugh.

"You okay doll face?" Deadshot breaks Harley out of her trance. "Huh?" She looks at him. "Oh...yeah. Just the heels." She says pointing to her feet. Deadshot laughs. "Can't give you any advice on that, but I can try with what's really bothering you." He says softly.

A loud clap of thunder sounds. It had gotten dark in the city, and rain started to pour over them. Harley found it comforting.

"Alright gang, we're gonna stop for a bit, hydrate." He says pointing to a small bar. Boomerang instantly takes off, the first to enter the door, the rest following.
Boomerang was on his third beer, everyone talking among themselves. Harley didn't feel like drinking. She rarely did.

Suddenly the tv in the bar turns on, and Bane stands with a light haired women. "Times ticking." He says with a laugh. "Soon the city will lay in ruins, and the sky will fill with ash, but if you think that's a problem, beware the toxic gas." He laughs again before the tv turns black. "Sounded like-" "the riddler." Diablo says sharply. "Who was the lady?" Deadshot looks confused. A small sob comes from Rick. "Her named June." He says softly. "S-she's my wife." He cries, laying his head on the bar. Harley feels her heart break for him. She knew how he felt.

"So that's why we're here huh flag? They took your wife?" Deadshot shakes his head letting out a hard breath. "Why?" Boomerang asks, confusion in his words. "She's a metahuman..the enchantress." He says lightly. "Well why doesn't she just enchant her ass and poof back to you?" Deadshot mumbles. "She can't summon her for awhile." Rick says lightly. "Why?" Harley leans forward onto her elbows. "She's pregnant." Rick says bluntly. Harley's stomach turns. Boomerang tosses back his beer. "Well shit." He whispers. 

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