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Harley brushes her hair out of her face, opening her sleepy eyes. She sits up in a panic, her heart racing. "You're safe." Superman says softly, walking towards her. She shakes her head. "I-I don't underhand.. How'd I get here w-why?" She mumbles.

Two and a half months had passed since Harleys last encounter with superman at the bank. Her stomach now showing, a small bump where the child grew.

Superman sits lightly at the edge of the large bed, a sweet smile on his face. "It's okay." He says softly. Harley shakes her head again. "Why?" She questions. Superman tilts his head to the side, reaching his hand out towards her stomach. Harley's hand connects with him, filling the room with the sound of the slap.

Supermans soft face hardens into a scowl. "I'm trying to help you." He says, annoyance clearly present in his tone. "I don't need your help, I need my family." She spits back.

Superman sighs. "They won't find you Harley." He says as he stands from the bed, his eyes on her. "We're in Italy." He says with a smirk.

Harley's hands ball into firsts and she gets out of the bed, standing up to him. "It doesn't matter where we are, it doesn't matter where you take me. It doesn't matter if you shave my head or mangle my face, he will always find me." She growls.

Superman smiles at her. "Your faith in him is amusing." He says turning away from her. Harley's eyes sting and her heart pounds in her chest.

Superman quickly turns around, dropping to his knees his hands finding their way to her stomach.

Harley jumps at the connection, his cold hands on her bare skin, a crooked smiles appearing on his face. "She's moving.. She's moving Haley can you feel her?" He says happily. Harley stares down at him. Her mind raced as fast as her heart did. "What do you want?" She questions, unable to hold back her tears.

Superman stands, taking her chin between his thumb and index finger. "I want the child Harley." He says softly, his eyes burning into hers.
The joker rolls over, the smile on his face quickly fading as he realizes she's not in their bed with him. Something didn't feel right.

He slips out of the bed and into a pair of loose sweatpants, not bothering with a shirt.

He races down the stairs and into the kitchen where Diablo and Tree talk quietly. "Is Harley down here?" The joker questions, tree quickly picking up on his urgent tone. "Uh, no.. She hasn't been down, thought she was still asleep?" Diablo questions.

The jokers face turns cold and he looks to the door as yelling comes from outside.

In a flash he's out the door, heading towards the crowd of Henchmen. "What's going on?" He growls. "Somethings up with the hyenas boss." One says as Bonnie refuses to eat.

The joker feels his hands start to shake. "She's gone." He says softly. One of the men turn to him. "Who's gone sir?" He questions. "HARLEY!" He screams, pushing him out of the way as he kneels next to the hyenas. "Has anyone heard or seen anything?" He shouts. The men shake their heads. "Python was in the towers, you should ask him." A man suggests.

The jokers hand runs through the hyenas fur. "It'll be okay little girl." He says lightly, standing up, heading quickly towards one of the watchtowers at the edge of the property.
Harley flinches as the door to the small room opened. Superman stepped in, dressed normally with a pair of glasses on. "I never got how people couldn't see threw that dumb disguise." She huffs. "It makes me another person." He says simply, moving to her. "Please, if I put on a pair of glasses I'm-" "Harleen Quinzel." He interrupts.

Harley looks at her hands, feeling defeated. "I've got some work to take care of at the news station." He says. "Take me home." She pleads.

He shakes his head. "Not until she's born." He says. Harley's head snaps up. "You're going to keep me here for 7 months?!" She shrieks. Superman smirks. "Oh darling.. She's a Kryptonian.. You've got a month, maybe 2 tops." He says with a slight laugh, reaching for her stomach again.

Harley slams her first down into his arm, the impact not phasing him. "Why don't you just go fuck that secretary looking bitch out there and have your own kid!" She screams.

Superman frowns. "Because a human won't survive the delivery." He says harshly. Harley looks at him blankly. "I'm human." She whispers.

He nods his head. "You're a criminal Harley. Your death doesn't mean anything. Surely the loss of his child and lover will send the joker over the edge, causing him to make a mistake to lead to him getting killed, or ending his own life...but this time, the witch won't bring you back." He says roughly.

Tears pour out of Harley's pale blue eyes, landing on the baggy white shirt she was wearing. "Do they call you the man of steel because your heart is cold?" She mumbles.

He smirks at her. "Because I'm a hero." He says, exiting the room, leaving Harley in a deafening silence.
Deadshot watched as the jokers men piled dirt onto Pythons body. "He was a drug addict." The joker says lightly. "When I found him, he was in and out of jail, nearly killed himself with a heroine overdose. So I took him in. I gave him a new name." He mumbles. Deadshot looks at him carefully. "He hasn't done heroine in 6 years." He says as he plays with the syringe that was found in his arm. "The bat?" Deadshot questions. The joker shakes his head. "Not the bat." He growls.

"You think superman took her?" He laughs. "That would make a lot of sense.. Maybe he's after the kid. We all saw how interested he was in the baby at the bank." Diablo says.

The jokers face hardens and he tosses the syringe into the hole with Pythons body, turning on his heels and walking towards the house.

Tree shakes his head, silently telling the men to let him be.

Captain boomerang tosses a beer into the hole, earning a disapproving look from Deadshot. "What? Sure he'll appreciate a beer where he's going." He says lightly. Diablo shakes his head and ignites a small fire in his hand, grabbing boomerangs arm causing him to yell. "Serves you right." Tree says with a smirk.
The jokers body rocked back and forth as he carved Harley's name into the wall with a pocket knife. "Puddin!" A voice calls. "I hear you baby." He growls, carving the L into the wall. "Come on puddin!" The voice says again. "I'll find you darling... I'm coming." He says.

Tree listens outside the door and shakes his head, not knowing how to help him. Superman could have taken her anywhere, the probability of finding her was slim, and he knew that.

"You'll never see her again." A voice says to the joker. "Fuck off." He growls as he steps back, looking at his work. "She's dead." The voice torments. "Get out of my head..get out of my head.. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" The joker screams as he grabs a pistol and begins firing into the wall, startling tree.

He falls to the ground and screams loudly. "Where are you?!" His voice is desperate.

Tree trembles a little as he enters the room, the joker presses a knife into his skin and tree rushes over to him, grabbing the knife from his hands. "Don't do that boss!" He scolds.

The joker lays on his back, holding his arm above his head to watch the blood drip from the wound. "He's taken her away." He says sadly. Tree nods. "I know sir." He says back.

The joker shakes his head, the blood dripping onto his shirt, a smile forming on his face. "Lovely." He says softly.

Tree grips his arm and attempts to pull him up, the joker screaming as he pushes him away. "She's not coming back!" He screams, tears falling from his eyes now. "He's taken her away and she's not coming back!" He wipes the blood off of his arm with his hand and growls.

Tree watches him carefully. "If you want it bad enough, it'll happen." Tree says calmly. "You brought Harley back from the dead. What makes you think you can't find her?" He says, leaving the joker alone with his thoughts.

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