Family matters

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The joker gently rocked the sleeping baby girl in his arms. Harley had never seen him so gently, so caring. She smiled as she watched him with their daughter.

He lightly kissed the child's forehead, being careful not to disturb her slumber. "She looks like you when she sleeps." He says, his voice slightly louder than a whisper. Harley leans against him. "Shes got the sweetest face." Harley says, not able to suppress her smile.

The joker plants a kiss on Harley's cheek. "I was afraid I was going to lose you, for good." He says sadly. Harley nods. "Me too puddin." She says as she places a hand on his cheek.

The jokers eyes stare into hers. "I've never known love, until I met you. I didn't believe a love like ours was possible. A love story that will live on forever. I've never known a love quite so deep. Until now." He says, looking down at the baby.

Butterflies tickle Harley's stomach as she watches him. "She's perfect. N ever single way. And I promise you Harley girl, im going to be the best father." He says with a smile.

Harley presses her lips to his. Boomerang watches from the opposite side of the bat cave, tears falling from his eyes as he watched the girl he loved with that monster. "I saved her life." He mumbles to Deadshot. "You killed superman. But you didn't save her life." He says, also looking at the newly formed family.

Batman puts his hand on boomerangs shoulder. "A bit of advice? Get out while you can." He says lightly, walking towards the joker and Harley.

Boomerang took in a long breath. Deadshot shook his head. "What a day man." He says with a chuckle, heading towards the van.
Harley smiles widely as she steps into a room Diablo had set up for the baby, he had painted it a beautiful shade of light pink, and had burned her name into the paint. A white bassinet was placed in the center of the room, a matching rocking chair in the corner.

Harley set Lucy into the bassinet, and gently rocked it back and forth. She was exhausted. The day's events were almost too much to handle, for anyone. Though Lucy had proved to be a pretty well tempered child so far, she knew she had her work cut out for her.

The joker had insisted that June and Rick stay with them, his men would protect them with their lives, the way they protected the joker. He owed them so much more, but for now it would have to do. 

Harley sat down in the rocking chair, taking in a breath. "It almost doesn't feel real." She says suddenly. "What my
Love?" The joker questions, his eyes fixed on Lucy. "Being here.. Being home.. The baby.. You." She says shakily. "I know we'll never have a normal life, or be a normal family. You're never going to coach little league, she's never going to be an honor student or take dance classes. But this feels... As normal as it's going to get.. It feels like.. A family." Harley says, her eyes connected with his.

The joker pulls her into a standing position, taking her face lightly in his hands. "If she wants to be an honor student, she'll be one. If she wants to take dance classes, I'll buy every studio from here to midway city until she fights the teacher she likes. If I want to coach litt-" he stops suddenly. "I don't want to do that, but you get the point." He says, showing off his metal capped teeth.

Harley smiled up at him, her heart racing as it often did when she looked at him. "Baby I can't give you normal." He starts. "But I promise to love you, and our daughter until this insane heart stops beating." He says before kissing her hard.

Lucy begins to fuss and the joker smirks against Harley's lips. "Impeccable timing my dear." He says as he gently scoops the baby from the bassinet, kissing her forehead.
Rick watched Diablo as he held his baby. "You know she kinda looks like Lucy, but Lucy's got the jokers skin.. And those hypnotizing blue eyes." He points out. Rick rolls his eyes. "Dylan isn't the jokers kid fireball." He says, annoyance in his tone.

June laughs. "I created Lucy to look like the perfect mixture of Harley and the joker. I think I did a pretty good job." She says, smiling to herself.

"That you did my dear." The joker says as he strolls into the kitchen, Harley entering with Lucy behind him. June smiles. "May I?" She asks Harley. "Of course!" She says happily, passing Lucy to her. June smiles down at her. Lucy was wide awake, taking in the world around her. "She's beautiful." June comments. Harley smiles. "Thank you." She says softly, seeming to be for more than just the compliment.

The joker studies Dylan. "You've got yourself a beautiful girl Flag." He says bluntly. Rick pats his shoulder. "As do you my friend." He says back.

Tree hands Diablo a bottle. "Better get used to feeding a baby buddy." He says. He hands June another bottle. "Oh, is this okay Harley? You want to feed her?" June questions. The joker steps forward. "I'll do that." He says quickly, scooping Lucy from June's arms, smiling sweetly down at his kid before giving her the bottle.

Harley smiled as she watched him. He seemed to be a completely different person. More appreciative of life. It was obvious he loved Lucy. He was going to be a good father.

Boomerang stumbles into the crowded kitchen. "H-Harley." He says suddenly. Harley turns to him. "Mhm?" She questions. "Can I.. Hold her?" He asks, tears pouring from his eyes. "Y-yeah boomer, of course." She says. She looks to the joker, his face was hard and full of hate.

Harley took her from him, her eyes on him as she carefully placed her in boomerangs arms.  He began to sob as he looked down at her. "She's so beautiful." He blubbers.

Harley didn't know how to react. She just smiled sweetly, and took her back from him once he was finished. She handed her back to the joker who seemed to let lose a breath he had been holding.

"Can we talk?" He questions. Harley nods. "Yeah." She says, stepping onto the back porch with him.
They sat in silence for awhile, listening to the sounds of the night around them. "Harley.." Boomerang says suddenly, breaking the silence. "Yeah?" She whispers. He takes in a shaky breath. "I love you." He says lightly.

Harley feels her eyes sting. She loved him. But the way she loved Deadshot and Diablo. Not the way she loved the joker.

"You don't have to say anything." He says. "I know you don't love me. That's okay. I know he's going to take care of you girls." He says.

Harley looks at him, the moon just hardly illuminating his face. "I'm sorry." She says simply. He nods. "Me too." He says, his voice cracking.

Harley sat with him for awhile before she stood up, placing her hand on his shoulder, not knowing what else to say before she walked back inside.
Boomerang say ontop of the guard tower, his legs swinging off the edge. "Deep in thought?" The joker snaps him out of his trance. "Y-yeah. Guess you could say that." The Aussie says lightly. The joker sits next to him, looking out onto the property.

"You're a good man kangaroo." The joker says. Boomerang watches the sky. "Yeah." He says simply. "You're a good man, with bad habits." He says roughly.

Boomerang looks to the joker now. The jokers face was blank, and hard to read. "I made Harley a promise. To protect her, to protect our family." He says. Boomerang nods. "And you're our family." The joker adds.

Boomerangs hands fiddled in his lap. "That's why I can't continue to let you do this to yourself." The joker says, sadness in his tone. He stands up, and boomerang joins him. "Thank you." Boomerang says, wrapping his arms around the joker, who returns the gesture.

The joker presses his pistol to the back of boomerangs head, pulling the trigger. He watches as his body falls from the guard tower, crashing into the ground below. "You're welcome." He says softly.

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