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Harley's stomach growled loudly as she rolled over on the cell floor. She watched as the guard flipped through a magazine. "Hey sugar, you think I could get somethin to eat?" She says sweetly. The guards eyes scan over her, a smile on his face. "You know the deal sweetheart." He says, flipping the page.

Harley rolls her eyes and stands up, walking to the bars. "Come on, I'm starvin mister!" She whines. A loud noise and yelling interrupts her.

"Aye come on mate that's a little tight!" A familiar voice yells, Harley watches as the guards drag captain boomerang into the room where her small cage like cell was held. "B-boomer!" Harley shrieks.

Boomerang smirks at her. "Fancy meetin you here princess, what're you in for?" He winks as the guards toss him into a neighboring cell. Harley moves as close as she can to him.

"What happened?" She whispers. Boomer shakes his head as all the guards exit the room. "Set myself up doll face, he knows we're here." He whispers, keeping close watch for any guards.

Harley smiles and sits on the ground, her stomach growling again. "Christ, ain't they been feedin ya?" Boomer chimes. Harley shakes her head. "Not one bite." She sighs. "J's gonna feed them to the hyenas aye?" Boomer laughs, trying his best to make Harley feel better about the horrible situation. She did feel better, she wasn't exactly sure where the prison was located, how far away from Gotham she was, but seeing boomerang made her feel more hopeful. The joker would come for her sooner or later.

"Would you guys shut the fuck up." A voice yells from above. Harley's eyes skim the room, locking in on a cell on the above floor. "Yeah, I'm talkin to you little girl." The man was tall, muscular. "Come on man leave her alone." Boomerang mumbles, laying on the ground.

"Some of us don't really give a fuck about who's coming to get who, if you ain't bustin us all out, keep your fuckin mouths shut." He says.

A guard enters the large room again. "Alright deadshot quiet down." He says, hitting one of the bars on Harley's cell. "Hey I didn't do nothin!" Harley protests. "I don't care." He says simply, striking the bars again. Boomerang stands and walks to the edge of his cell. "Oui! You think I could get a beer, whiskey? Somethin?" Boomerang jokes. The guard leaves Harley's cell, her eyes returning to deadshot. "Wonder what he did." She thinks.
"Alright kiddies-" a guard says, unlocking Harley's cell. Another unlocking boomerangs. "Time for your meds." He says, approaching Harley. She easily strikes him in the face, forcing him to the ground where she continues to beat on him. A loud hearty laugh coming from boomerang as the other guard rushes to help.

"God damn it Quinn!" The guard rips her up by her hair, earning a pained shriek from her. He begins to strike her in the face with his baton.

Deadshot watches as he strikes her. "Come on Griggs you're fucking with the jokers girlfriend, you really want that hanging over your head?" He calls down. The guard stops and Harley drops to the floor, blood pouring from her nose. "Always lookin out for me Floyd." Griggs says. "Deadshot." He calls back.

Harley lets out a loud laugh, forcing a smile from boomerang. "Not a damn thing can break that girl." He says to Griggs. "We'll see about that." He says as he exits the room.

The jokers eyes watch as his men loaded the vans with guns, and other such weapons. He thought about the last time he saw Harley, being carried away by batman. Batmans voice had been echoing through his mind for the last week. "He left you." But did Harley believe that? Did Harley really believe he would just leave? The joker hadn't been seriously hurt by the accident but he couldn't risk being caught, not again. He felt awful about Harley being taken, but soon he would make things right. He was going to kill batman for her.

The jokers thoughts were interrupted by Tree entering the room. "Boss." He says lightly. The jokers head turned away from the window. "He's in." He says simply. A smile forms on the jokers face, the thought of Harley not being alone. "Is she safe?" He mumbles. Tree shrugs. "She's in prison." He says simply.

The joker poured himself a shot of whiskey. He had kept himself intoxicated most of the time, in attempts to make the pain more bearable, but it wasn't. It hurt. The joker didn't think he was capable of feeling love, until he met Harley. Harley made him feel capable of anything, now that she wasn't with him he felt lost, and vulnerable. He couldn't think straight. It batman crashed through the window right then and there, the joker didn't have the energy to fight with him. He was physically and mentally fucked.

"Boss?" Tree breaks his thoughts again. "Hmm?" The joker mumbles, his eyes connecting with trees. "There's rumors.. About.. Using the guys locked up in Belle-Reve, to help them catch a guy." Tree says. "We hacked into a couple site, there's a list." He says handing it to the joker.

The joker didn't understand. "Deadshot, Diablo, captain boomerang, killer croc..Harley Quinn." The joker mumbles. "They think they're going to use Harley to catch some criminal?" He growls. "Apparently there's some freaky shit happening in Midway City.. A super human." Tree says. "What like superman?" The joker chuckles. "Superman." Tree confirms. The jokers mind began to drift. "We leave tonight." He mumbles, gun in hand.

Harley's eyes studied the tattoos on the mans face. "Problem?" He mumbles, noticing her. Harley shakes her head. "Nope." She says with a smile. The man ignites a fire in his palm. "Oooooo could you light a cigarette with your pinky?" Harley asks excitedly. "I could burn the building down with my pinky." He says with a smirk. Harley smirks back at him. "Prove it." She whispers.

"Careful doll face, you're messing with a fire breathing gang banger." Deadshot says, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I ain't gonna hurt nobody." Diablo mumbles. "My pyro days are over." He sits on a bench and Harley shrugs her shoulders.

Boomerang looked around the small room they had been taken to. "Why the fuck did they put all of us in here?" He questions. "Gonna make us fight to the death, last one standing gets to eat." Deadshot teases.

Suddenly the door open, and a large man with skin like a lizard steps in. "I surrender!" Harley says raising her hands. "Damn mate, you fall into some chemicals or somethin?" Boomerang laughs. Harley shoots him a harsh look. "My bad princess."

Croc sits next to Diablo. "Nice to see you again brother." Diablo says. "I'm all for reunions, but why the fuck are we here?" Boomerang asks agains.

"You're here because I told you to be here." A man says entering. "Rick flag." He says glancing at all of them. "It's no secret that this country has been ripped apart by superman." Harley's eyes glance over the man. "We're sending you guys to take him out." He says simply. "Take out superman?" Deadshot asks before erupting in a fit of laughter. "You fuckin dumb?" He says still laughing. "If you succeed, your out of here, all charges dropped, no questions asked. If superman is still alive by the end of the week, you're all dead." Flag says looking over all of them.

The inmates glanced at eachother, cautious of the man.
Rick flag

Rick walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. "Did you tell them?" Griggs asks. Rick nods. "Mhm." He says setting his gun on the table. "They think it's superman?" Griggs whispers. "Mhm." Rick repeats. "Well they're in for one hell of a treat aren't they." Griggs says walking away from him. "One hell of a treat." Rick repeats, glancing at his watch.

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