Batter up

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The joker paced around his office, mumbling to himself. Harley's eyes followed him back and forth and back and forth again and again. The joker suddenly stopped and smiled. "Yes..yes that's what we'll do." Harley gave him a confused look. "Harley girl, come to daddy." The joker says with a smirk, extending his arms. Harley smiles happily as she walks to him, wrapping her arms around his body. The joker does the same, planting a small kiss on her forehead.

The joker had never been one for affection. He had never been with anyone who made him feel like he deserved to be loved. Not like Harley did. Harley made him vulnerable.

The joker gently ran his fingers through Harley's hair, holding her in silence for a moment.

"You're going to help me tonight princess." The joker says lightly. Harley looks up at him with a sweet smile. "Whatchya need me to do Mister J?" The joker smiles wickedly. "I do believe we're going to a baseball game Harley dear." He purrs. Harley's eyes widen and she smiles. "You mean?!" She says excitedly. The joker nods and lets out a loud laugh that travels throughout the mansion.
The joker had left before Harley did. She didn't know where they were going, or what they were doing. Other than attempting to once again take care of Bats. The thought made Harley smile. Batman had made the jokers life hell for years.

"You ready Har?" Tree chimes as she swings her bat. She nods and let's the bat hang over her shoulders. "Let's do it."
Harley waited in the shadows, her eyes on mister J as he paced. Soon enough, the deep raspy voice of batman teased, "we meet again, clown." The joker smirks and turns to him. "Ah Batman. How are you, hows business?" He laughs, but batman isn't amused. Harley watched carefully.

"Did you have anything to do with the Gotham Bank robbery?" Batman says grumpily. "Hmm, bank robbery? I'm afraid I know nothing about it." The joker sits on a chair that's oddly placed in the middle of the room. Batman stepped in front of him, his back now turned to where Harley was. She smirks.

"It's over joker." Batman says. "Ah. Bats, just a question before you escort me back to the asylum." The joker says, crossing his legs. "Do you play baseball?" He coo's. This was Harley's signal.

Harley quietly stepped out of the shadows. "Baseball?" batman asks. "Batter up." The joker laughs. Harley raises her bat and bashes batman over the head, instantly knocking him out. The joker moves to her, kissing her hard. "Fantastic baby." He praises.

The joker takes everything attached to batmans belt, and cape. His henchman had already raided the batmobile, and took their own baseball bats to the expensive looking car.

Harley sat in the passenger side of Mister J's Lamborghini, fiddling with the baseball bat as the joker yelled at a few henchmen outside. "I told you TO DESTROY IT!" He screams. Harley steps out of the car me goes to his side. "Aw come on puddin I'm real tired!" She whines. The joker looks to the sky and groans. Suddenly his face changes and he walks to the side of the building. Harley follows. The joker stares up into a security camera. Harley waves. "HARLEY!" The joker scolds her. "What? We already got caught mister j, no sense in not having some fun." "....go wait in the car Harley." He says seriously. Harley simply shrugs her shoulders and returns to the car.
Harley pet her hyenas and watched as he joker made numerous phone calls. She had come to call the animals Bonnie and Clyde. "For fucks sake you need to find out who's in charge, AND KILL THEM!" The joker screams into his phone. Harley liked watching the hyenas ears perk up when the joker raised his voice.

The joker slams his phone onto his desk and puts his head in his hands. "Harley baby, we're royally fucked." He sighs and turns to her. "Is it my fault?" Harley asks quietly. The joker looks at her for a moment. "No." He says simply. Bonnie places her head in Harley's lap, and Harley scratches behind her ear. "Are they gonna take us to the asylum?" She whispers. "They won't find us here." The joker reassures.

Despite the jokers words, harley was worried. She didn't want to be separated from him. She eventually decided to stop watching the joker scream at his phone, and go to bed.

"Puddin I'm gonna go to bed." She says getting up. The hyenas pick up their heads and watch her. The joker roughly pulls Harley against his body, his lips attaching themselves to her neck. "Are you asking me, or telling me?" He speaks before his teeth lightly bite at her skin.

Harley's hands tangle themselves into the jokers hair. She bites her lip and tilts her head back. "Tell me what you want." The joker speaks against her skin. Harley stays silent.

The joker swipes everything off his desk with a solid movement, and slams Harley's body onto it. He roughly grips her face, forcing her to look at him. "Tell me." He says looking into her eyes. "I want you." Harley moans before grabbing the back of his neck, pulling him down to her.

The joker slips out of his shirt before picking Harley up, walking her to the bedroom across the hall from his office.

He lays her on the bed, slipping her shirt off as well, before he lays down, rolling her ontop of him.

Harley's lips graze his collar bone, her hand running down his body, earning a low noise from the joker. Harley's teeth sink into his neck, not enough to make him bleed, but enough to cause him pain.

The jokers hands wrap around Harley, forcing her hips hard against his as she begins to grind against him. Harley's breath was hard and warm against the jokers skin, giving him more motivation.

The jokers fingers unbutton Harley's shorts and she wiggles out of them, tossing them aside. The joker smirks at her as she kisses down his body, slipping him out of his pants.

I'm a swift motion, the joker rolls them over, so he's hovering above Harley's pale body.

The jokers lip crush against Harley's as he lowers himself onto her.

Outside the door, the hyenas lay, letting the henchmen know not to bother them.

The jokers hands lace with Harley's and he looks at her face, a smirk slowly pulling at his lips. "Such a good girl." He mumbles.

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