The Royal fools

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The joker watched as Harley danced on the stage dead center of the club they owned. Low moans coming from his chest as he watched her hips sway. "Mister, J?" A voice says nervously. The jokers eyes don't break away from Harley's body. "Sit." He orders. The man sits across the large booth, fidgeting nervously. "So. Your boss has sent you on business." The joker says, his tongue swipes across his lips as another moan surfaces. Harley smirks up at him, knowing she's getting to him.

"Yes sir." The man says. "He needs you to.. do away with someone." He says lightly. The jokers gaze turns to him now, the thought of another murder exciting him a bit more than Harley was. "I'm listening." He says curiously.

The man nods. "Boss needs you to get rid of the metahumans." He says lightly. "I need names kid." The joker growls. The man nods and hands him a folder. The joker opens it and growls. "Is this some kind of joke?" He hisses. "Wonderwoman is a friend, and firework here died months ago." He says as he slams the picture of Diablo on the table. "Died sir?" The man questions. "He helped Wonder Woman with stopping bosses bank robbery a week ago." He says.

The joker growls. "You're wasting your time." The joker hisses. The joker looks to see Harley grinding on some poor guy who didn't know how to get out of it. The joker growls with excitement and lets out a low whistle, watching as Harley struts across the floor to the stairs, soon emerging into the booth.

"Mmm come to daddy baby." The joker hums as he licks his lips. Harley sits on the jokers lap, her teeth digging into his neck earning an excited grunt from him as his hands found her ass. Harley rolled her hips over his in response.

The man watched, shaking lightly. The joker watched as he watched Harley. "Hmm." He hums. "Harley, baby. To be frank, I'm sick of you." He says bluntly, pushing her off of him. Harley pouts. "You belong to him now." He says pointing to the man. Harley smirked, knowing what was coming.

She pranced over to the small man, sitting on his lap, her tongue licking up the length of his cheek. "Hi cutie!" She says playfully. "You wanna play?" She giggles as the man shakes under her. "I-I-I don't understand." He pants.
The joker yawns, disinterested in the pair. "You know what? You should just kill her. Less of a problem for both of us." The joker says handing the man his pistol. The man looks at her. Harley gets up and bends down. "Right between the eyes!" She says with a giggle.

The man knew it was a trap. If he said no, the joker would kill him. If he killed her, the joker would kill him. The man turns the gun and shots himself in the head. Harley shrieks and laughs loudly as blood spatters over her. "Oh what a mess!" She laughs, turning to the joker who's got his eyes closed in bliss. "Smart man." He says as he opens his eyes, taking Harley into his arms. "Tree, send his boss the body. He's not the only one who can play jokes." The joker growls, looking at Harley. "Come on baby. We've got a little monster waiting for us." He smirks.
Deadshot watched as Lucy crawled around on the floor, occasionally getting into something and crying when Deadshot moved her. She had started crawling around 6 months, and she was coming up on 8 months soon. Deadshot loved her like he loved his own kid, who he hadn't seen in nearly a year. "Your parents are gonna kill me ya know? Way passed your bed time. They're gonna kill me." He sighs, watching as she played with a pair of teething keys.

He hears the roar of the jokers Lamborghini coming into the garage. "Are you ready for Deadshot to die?!" He says jokingly. Lucy giggles and Deadshot smiles. Harley and the joker stroll into the room and the joker scoops her up. "What are you doing up my little devil?" The joker coos, kissing her head. "I tried to get her down but she wouldn't, think she's got a slight fever, might have a tooth coming in." Deadshot says. The joker nods. "Noted, I'll have tree get her some meds." He says as he feels her forehead.

Harley sits next to Deadshot, who notices the blood on her. "Should I ask?" He laughs. She laughs too. "Strictly business." The joker hands the baby to Harley and she puts kisses all over her face, making the baby shriek and giggle. The joker smirks. "I love when she does that." He says with a chuckle.

Harley laughs and stands up. "You've gotta get to bed cutie." Harley says, holding Lucy in her arms. The joker nods and kisses Lucy before pecking Harley. "Say goodnight to bullet!" Harley says, leaning over so Deadshot could kiss her. Deadshot dramatically kisses her forehead. "Mmmmwah!" He says, once again making Lucy giggle before Harley headed up the stairs.

The joker plopped down on the couch and let out a sigh. "Long night?" Deadshot questions. The joker nods. "A kid came to the bar for his boss who wanted me to take out a few metahumans." The joker mumbles. "Hmm. Which ones?" Deadshot asks. "Wonder Woman and el Diablo." The joker says without hesitation. "El Diablo? Our Diablo? Dead Diablo?" Deadshot rambles. The joker nods. "Apparently he's alive, and working with Wonder Woman." He laughs. "He was basically cut in half. It must have been a trap or something." The joker says, closing his eyes.

Deadshot thinks for a second. Wonder Woman had taken Diablo and boomerangs bodies. What if... no.. not possible, she's no witch.

"Puddin?" Harley says sweetly, forcing a smile on the clowns face. "Hmm?" He asks. "Wanna come to bed?" She asks, his smile growing. "Duty calls bullet boy." The joker says as he stands up, chasing Harley up the stairs.

Deadshot shakes his head with a chuckle. "Young love." He mumbles as he lays back on the couch.
The joker slammed Harley against the wall, his hand wrapped around her throat. "Tell me." He growls. Harley pants, a moan escaping her pink lips. The joker growls and roughly bites her cheek. "Fucking tell me." He orders. "I'm yours." She moans. The jokers hand finds her pants and he rips the button off, yanking them to her ankles.

Harley steps out of them and pulls his shirt off, her lips finding his collar bone as he falls back onto the bed, pulling her ontop of him. "You're so fucking beautiful." He hisses, his hands gripping her ass as her teeth graze his skin.

Harley's hips press down against his, earning a moan from him. "I want you." She whines. "Too bad." He says simply. "Please?" She says breathlessly. "No." he says with a smirk. Her teeth bite into his neck, her hips desperately grinding on his as she moaned. "Please!" She begs. "No." he says again.

Harley's hands pressed on his chest, allowing her to sit up and look down at him. "Oh come on!" She whines. The joker shakes his head. "Not until we know." He says. "Having sex won't effect if I'm already pregnant puddin!" She groans rolling off of him. 

The joker chuckles and pulls her ontop of him again, holding her. Her fingers instinctively begin to trace his tattoos. "I just want to love you." She says. "I don't need sex to know you love me Harley girl." He rolls his eyes. "Sometimes I just want to hold you." He says.

Harley's fingers lightly move over his skin, a feeling the joker could never get enough of. "I love you." She says, kissing his chest. The joker smiles. "I love you." He says back, kissing her forehead. Lucy begins to cry in the other room, causing Harley to sigh. "I'll get her." The joker says, Harley rolling off of him. He slides on a pair of sweat pants and heads to the nursery.

Lucy cries and holds out her arms when she sees him. The joker smiles and picks her up, kissing her. "Poor thing." He says in a sad voice. "Life's just so hard huh?" He laughs as Lucy begins to calm down. "Come on, we'll get you a cold teething toy, maybe you'll get some better sleep." He says heading towards his and Harley's room.

"We're gonna head down stairs, I think her mouths hurting." He says. Harley nods. "I'll come." She says with a shrug as they head for the stairs.
Deadshot bounces Lucy in his arms as she chews and plays with a frozen teething ring. "Diablo?" Harley questions. The joker nods. "That's what he said." He mumbles, taking a sip of a mug of coffee tree had made. "That makes no sense." Harley says as she plays with the keys to the Lamborghini. "I know that, that's why I'm thinking it was some sort of trap." The joker says. "It wasn't." A voice says. An all too familiar accent.

"No.." Deadshot says watching as he stepped into the room. Harley's mouth feel open as boomerang looked at them. The joker couldn't compose a coherent word, or thought. "Nice to see you too mate." The Aussie says, grabbing a beer from the fridge. "Hmm. Good brand." He says as he opens it, tossing it back.

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