The new normal

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The joker watched as his men carried boomerangs body towards the house. Tears fell from Harley's eyes, nobody asked, but everyone knew.

Lucy slept peacefully in Harley's arms as she watched the men out the window. "I'm going to put her to bed." Harley says lightly. The jokers eyes were focused on her. "Harley.." He says sternly.

She simply shakes her head, turning away from him. "It's late." She says simply.

The joker sighs as she walks out of the room, taking the baby with her. He runs a hand threw his messy hair and looks as Diablo walks into the room.

They stand together in silence for awhile before the jokers mind tears him apart. "He crossed a line." He hisses. Diablo shakes his head. "We know that." He says, sadness in his tone. "He crossed a line, and he messed with the wrong guy. None of us blame you for what you did. Maybe.. You could have handled it differently." Diablo says, trying his best not to push the jokers buttons.

"I'm not someone to be fucked with." The joker hisses, rushing out of the room.

Diablo shakes his head and draws in a deep breath.
Harley rocks Lucy in the white wood rocking chair Diablo had made for her. She was asleep, and wouldn't easily be woken if Harley were to leave the room, but she just wanted to be with her. She liked knowing she was hers.

"Harley?" The jokers voice intrudes. Harley looks up at him, nodding. He entered the nursery, shutting the door behind him. He smiled softly at Lucy in Harley's arms before his eyes moved to her.

She looked different. She looked exhausted, her cheeks still sunken in from what superman had put her through, but nowhere near what she looked like before. He felt his chest start to hurt as he looked at her. "Come to bed." He says simply. She thinks about it for a second before she nods, handing Lucy to him.

The joker gently kisses her forehead before setting her in the Bassinet, rocking it a few times before he took lHarley's hand, pulling her out of the nursery, and into their own room.

Harley sat at the edge of the bed, blankly staring at the wall. The joker awkwardly sat next to her, taking her hand in his, lacing their fingers. "Harley, look at me." He says.

She continues to stare at the wall, seeming to be well aware of what he had said. This angers him. "Harley." He says sternly, to which she still disobeys. "Harley!" He growls, roughly gripping her chin in his hand.

Harley pushes at him. "Don't!" She shrieks. He instantly lets go of her, knowing he had fucked up.

Harley sands up, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "I can't do this." She says shakily. The joker stares blankly at her. "Can't do what?" He questions. "We aren't fit to be parents J.. She's going to end up hurt, or worse.  What's going to happen next time I get locked in belle Reve? Or you at Arkham? What's going to happen to her?" Harley says, her body shaking.

The joker hadn't thought about it. "Nobody's going to take her from us Harley." He says, stepping towards her. Harley takes another step back. "I love you.. So much." She sobs. The jokers heart pounded as he watched the only thing he ever loved fall apart in front of him.

Harley's eyes connected with the jokers and he instantly stepped forward, cupping her face and crashing his lips into hers. Harley's arms instinctively tangled into his green hair as he pushed her back against the door. Harley parted her lips, allowing the jokers tongue to wrestle with hers as her legs wrapped around his waist.

He roughly bites her neck, earning a loud moan from Harley, goosebumps forming on her pale skin. "Tell daddy you want him." He growls. "I want you." She moans. The joker growls and pushes his body hard against hers.

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