Down under

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Boomerangs eyes skimmed over Harley as she fed Lucy, spooning a green mush from a jar into the babies mouth, and giggling when she spit it out. He smiled. She was a good mom.

The jokers eyes burned into him. He made his skin crawl. Why was he back? How was he back? That's the thing about rats, they just keep coming back. The joker smiled at his thought. "You know, not to say I'm not thrilled that you're back, but why the fuck are you back?" The joker mumbles. Harley looks at him, giving him a look. The joker shrugs it off. "You're not the only one with a witch in their pocket mate." Boomerang says as he tosses back his drink.

Lucy begins to whine, exhaustion getting to her as she had missed the days nap due to her fever from teething. "Hopefully you'll sleep tonight little monster." Harley says as she wipes her face and scoops her out of the custom gold high chair the joker had made for her. Lucy cries and reaches for the joker. He smirks and steals her from Harley. "Is mommy being mean?" He coos. "We'll just have to kill her wont we my little devil?" He says with a smirk. Harley rolls her eyes. "Fine, you put her to bed then." She says with a laugh.

Boomerang watches the three of them as they acted somewhat like a normal family would. His chest hurt. He knew he was better for her than the joker was. He wouldn't let anything happen to Lucy, and he was going to make her see that. He makes eye contact with the joker before looking at the ground. "Off to bed my love." The joker says to the baby, kissing her forehead before passing her to Harley. "I'll be up in a moment Harley girl." He smiles and Harley nods, nervousness on her face as she looks to boomerang. She lingers for a moment before she exits the kitchen.

Deadshot shifts awkwardly in his chair. "If there's gonna be blood, just let me know so I can step out." He says bluntly. The joker smirks. "No blood. It's been a long day, I've got a kid." He growls. He looks at boomerang and sighs. "What about fireball?" Deadshot asks. "Alive and well. Wouldn't believe how much more power that little devil got." Boomerang laughs at himself.

The joker growls. "I don't have the energy for this tonight. I suppose you got lucky. You're welcome to stay, of course that'll come with a price." He says. "Nah, I'll be moving on." Boomerang says. "Motel or something." He says. The joker turns and heads for the door, leaving Deadshot alone with the Aussie.

Boomerang looks at him and Deadshot shakes his head. "In not gonna ask." He says standing up, pulling him into a quick hug. "But I'm glad you're alive brother." He mumbles. Boomerang smirks. "You goin all soft on me mate?" Deadshot laughs. "Who? Uncle bullet? Never!" The men laugh together, sitting down at he large table, talking among themselves.
Harley watches as the joker paces back and forth across their bedroom floor, deep in thought. She knew it was boomerang. "Puddin?" She says sweetly, snapping him out of his thoughts. The joker looks at her, sitting with her legs crossed in a baggy pair of sweatpants and one of his shirts. He smiled. This was his favorite look. He loved the skin tight dresses and high heels, but he loved her a little messy.

"Darling." He says as he takes her chin between his thumb and index finger, gently bringing her lips to his. Even after all this time, kissing her was magic. It was a sense of urgency, as if he needed it.

Harley's hands instinctively tangled into his green hair, pulling him down on top of her. The joker gently pushed his body against hers, their lips moving in sync.

Harley breaks the kiss and looks up at him. "What is it my love?" He questions, his fingers lightly brushing over her pale cheek. "I love you." She says lightly. "Always?" He questions, a smirk tugging at his lips. "And forever." She replies before crashing her lips to his again.
Lucy pulls on Bonnie's ears, something the hyena has grown accustomed to. The hyenas had been gentle and protective of the baby, the joker trusted Lucy with them more than most of his men.

Lucy squeals as Clyde licks her cheek. The joker chuckles and sips his coffee. "Hey mate?" Boomerang says. The joker growls, his voice annoyed him. "What?" He hisses. "Could you uh. Join me?" He asks. The joker sighs dramatically. "I suppose." He mumbles, walking into the kitchen.

Diablo sat at the large table, alive and well, just as boomerang said. "Hey man." Diablo says, sadness in his tone. But why? The joker studies him. "Might as well cut the small talk. What's going on?" He say annoyed as he sits down.

Diablo shakes his head. "I didn't know what I was agreeing to at first." He starts- "they told me, it was repayment for saving my life. Thought I was gonna help stop a few bank robberies, play for the good team for awhile-" he says. The joker studies him, his stomach turning. "They're creating.. some sort of, alliance. A league.. of good guys, told me I didn't have a choice, I owed them. I agreed at first. A debt is a debt right?" He says as he looks at the joker. "And then he walked in. Turns out me and ol booms aren't the only people the doc brought back to life." Diablo sighs. "He?" The joker questions. Diablo nods. "Superman." He mumbles.

The jokers heart races, superman? But how? "So what's this mean? What are they planning? What do they want?" Deadshot questions. "Us. The bad guys.." Diablo looks at the joker. "Lucy." He says coldly.

The joker stands and growls. "I can assure you that's not happening." He says. Diablo shrugs. "They sent me here for her.. they think... they think I'm gonna kidnap her and bring her back to them." Diablo stands up and looks at the joker. "They can kill me again if they want. Rather be dead than take that kid from you." He looks at the joker and the joker wraps his arms around Diablo quickly. "There's always a place here for you Diablo." The joker says.

Diablo looks at the joker. "I can only do so much. Superman got this plan, he's coming for Harley. Determined to get her back. Don't know what for." He says honestly. "We gotta relocate. Somewhere private, somewhere that's not Gotham." He says with a sigh.

The joker shakes his head. "Let them come. If they're building an army, we will too." He says harshly. "Better start giving our friends a call tree." The joker orders. Tree nods and grabs a cell phone from the counter.
Boomerang watched out the window as Harley laid on her stomach In the grass with the baby and ace. The cat pranced around, pouncing on bugs and leaves. He smiled. The joker watched silently from the doorway before approaching him. "Nice view?" He hisses. "Beautiful." He says harshly. The joker slams boomerang against the wall and presses his arm against his neck. "You look.. you look long and hard at that beautiful girl, my beautiful girl. You look, and you think about how Harley will never love you. Think about how every night Harley's in my bed, my lips all over that pale skin. You think about that. A war is coming my friend. I'm going to enjoy watching you die." The joker says, letting him go. "Die again I should say." He hisses.

Boomerang looks at him blankly. "I sacrificed so much for you. I got myself arrested to save her." He yells. The joker stares at him. "And she still doesn't want you." The joker says with a shrug. "Wake up kangaroo." He says with a sigh, looking out the window. "Oh, and boomer?" He says as he heads for the door. "This time, stay dead." He growls.

The joker leaves him alone in the kitchen. The sound of the door slamming echoing through the large room.
Authors note:
Just kinda a filler chapter! Next week is going to be a longer and more intense chapter! Hope you're all ready for what's to come! Don't forget to vote!

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