Chapter-10 (Proposal? Not Really!)

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Hey guys and girls!!! Trump's the new President of USA... Congo Trump!!! Anyways, did Ana's power got revealed??? Find out....


Ana's pov:

What just happened? I snapped my fingers, and the door got opened! Troy was standing in all his glory, in a daze. He was looking at the door, which made me chuckle.. Jus entered the hallway and was confused, just like us. I then snapped my finger again, to get the 'magical' string attached on one end to the door and the other end in my hand. Troy then looked at the string, and finally towards me. Hah! " Ana!" yelled Jus, breaking mine and Troy's eyelock! " I just attached a string to the door and was playing with it. And I opened the door when I heard the bell." I said in a 'duh' tone. Jus didn't seem to believe me, but Troy believed. Thank Goddess! " Anyways, Alpha king! What a pleasant surprise! Please do sit down." Jus added up. 'Such a gentleman!' I mentally smirked at his gentleman behaviour. " No thanks, Alpha Justin. I'm here to talk to Ana- I mean Ana's parents!" He coughed before uttering the last sentence. " They are not here!" said my bro, glaring at me. "Well, so I would like to have a conversation with Ana...... privately" Troy looked up at me and smirked.
Jus yelled in my mind, " Don't you dare do anything you regret later, and don't let him touch you!" "Fine, Jus!" I mind-linked him. " Um, Tro- Alpha King! This way." I gestured him upstairs and started to my room. "What do you wanna talk?" I asked him, when he was closing the door. " You need not close the door, you know." I glared at him. He smirked, raising my heart beat, " Well, Ana, I wanna make a proposal."
At that time, I'm sure he can hear my heart beat. He said he wanna make a proposal. About what? About our wedding? Oh great God! I don't wanna marry at this age. I'm still 18. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see Troy kneeling in front of me. My breath hitched. " Would you like to be my date for tonight?"what!


It's been an hour since Troy's proposal! An hour since Abby and Chloe started dressing me up..." Ana! You look smokin' babe!" squealed Abby. "Thanks Abby! And Chloe, you too." I thanked them. Even though they tried to make me happy, I was still lost in my thoughts. What happened that time? How did the door got opened? And how did the string just made its appearance? Jus didn't intend to speak to me, I guess Troy told him about our so called 'date'. I think we're gonna have a heated conversation tomorrow! I sighed, thinking about the consequences of tomorrow. Suddenly, the door opening sound broke me off my thoughts.

There, near the staircase, he was standing in all his glory. His short stubble was totally shaved off, showing off his amazing 5 'o' clock sharp jawline. His lips were deep shade of pink. Did he apply lipstick? Nope! His hair was neatly combed. He wore a formal black suite, with grey tie. His suite perfectly fitted his muscular figure. He was reminding of Christian Grey. Oh shit! I haven't seen that film, I heard Abby gossiping about him. Wait a second! Am I checking him out, again! I have seen his huge grin forming on his pink lips. I lowered my head, blushing in embarrassment. He took my hand in his and started escorting me to his black Lamborghini. " You had white sports car, right?" I asked him. " Well, I love cars. So I just buy whatever I feel fascinating. I have more." He whispered in my ear, making me shiver. "Where a-are you taking me?" I asked him. " You'll see" he said to me, while opening the car door. "Get in, m'lady" he showed off his British accent. So cute.


It's been half an hour since we're in this car, waiting for our destination, well not mine. In this half an hour, I kept asking him about the place where we're heading to. " Alpha King! Are we going to any restaurant?" I asked him for 100th time. " Ana! I'm Troy, only for you. How many times should I say that?" He squeezed my hand in confirmation. "It's getting darker every minute, Troy! I don't wanna be late for dinner." I yelled at him. "Relax, cupcake! We're gonna have dinner, together." He whispered in my ear, making me blush fifty shades of red! He grinned, knowing about the effect he has on me. We then took a left turn and headed to the abandoned woods. " Troy! Why are you taking me to the woods? Are you trying to take advantage of me? Please! Don't! I-" he shut my mouth by placing his hand on my lips. "Relax muffin. I'm not going to do anything to you. Besides, you're my mate. I'll do everything I want to, after your permission. " he whispered huskily, making me blush red. "You don't have any idea, do you?" He asked me. What did he mean? "What?" I asked him. He smiled and took my hand in his and said, "We're here, Ana ?" I looked at the place and was amused to see the scenic sight in front of me. I didn't know there was this amazing place in the middle of the woods. "Did you like it, my love?" He asked me. "Stop calling me with all the weird names. I have a name and its Anabelle. Anyways, I totally like this place. It's freakin' amazing." I squealed in excitement, and hugged him. At first, he was startled by my act, but he hugged me back. "Let's have dinner, shall we?" He took my hand and started near the candle lit table.


"I really loved the dinner. Especially spaghetti, pasta and noodles." I said to Troy, who was busy staring at me, as if I'm the only girl in the world. "Hey buddy! It's rude to stare at people like that, you know." I said to him, looking as much innocent as possible. "So, Ana! When am I gonna get a reward?" He asked me, a slight smirk appearing on his flawless face. "Reward? Ok fine! What do you want?" I offered him. His grin grew bigger and then said the words which made me gulp, " When are you gonna give me my first kiss?" Shit!


Troy's pov:

I didn't know what has gotten into me that I told her that. But literally, I just wasn't able to get my eyes off her. My wolf, Alex was constantly yelling to mark her, make her mine, right now, at this very moment. She wore a pale pink dress which extended upto her knees, fitting her curves. Oh I so wanna take her at this moment. She was soo thin, I can tell that. I was scared whether she gets hurt when we.... Stop it Troy! You're becoming a pervert... She cleared her throat, bringing me out of my thoughts. "What do you mean? I don't have any idea of how to kiss. On the other side, I guess you are familiar with all those stuff." That's it. I growled loudly, making her shriek in return. I got hold of her wrist and pinned her to the tree, and lowered my head in the crook of her neck. "You'll find it hard to believe that I saved myself for you." She gave a sweet moan that sent my heart to an overdrive. I lost it. And I did one thing which I wanted to do right from the moment I've seen her........
I kissed her! Well shit!


Yay! They just lost their first kiss with each other.... I'm sorry guys, but I guess I'll not be able to demonstrate about their kiss, because I don't know...🙄 Anyways, to be clear, I haven't seen "Fifty Shades of Grey" film because it's Rated-R, and only adults can watch it.. C'mon guys, I'm not an adult. I'm just 17 years old... please




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