Chapter - 44 (Revelations!)

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Hello busy people!!! I hope y'all read the newer version of chapter 43, as the previous version was missing some context. And I'm extremely sorry for updating after a long break. Anyways, I hope y'all like the new cover of this book.
Thanks Magical_bookz  for the above picture!! And I'll be glad if you guys post me your covers too, for this story of course!!

Ana's pov :

It's morning 10. I slowly, yet carefully tiptoed out of my room to the hallway. The person I was searching for is nowhere to be found. I guess he went on a run. I'm gonna start my preparation for the " Operation -Prophecy " . The main objective of this mission is to extract the entire truth from Justin. I know that he's hiding some vital facts about Troy's unknown mother, our powers, etc.

I'm gonna use my power of persuasion and extract all the truth from him. I thought that this plan is gonna work out. But little did I know, that plan is gonna backfire....


"Justin! Jusss!" I started yelling, looking like a maniac in front of everyone. I don't care if anyone thought that the future gonna - be Queen is still childish. Finally, I found him wandering around in the hallway. 

"Where the hell have you been, Jus? I've been looking for you over an hour. What's the matter ? " I asked him curiously.
"You said you've been looking for me. For what? Do you wanna ask me something? " he replied, completely ignoring my previous question. I wonder what's bothering him.
Ana, don't you divert from your mission. Ignoring his protests, I took hold of his hand and took him to the nearest spare room. "Ana! What the hell?" He whisper - yelled.
"Hush! I wanna ask you about something. Or maybe, someone." I saw something akin to terror in his eyes. "I wanna know everything about the Prophecy. And I mean, Everything!" I crossed my arms across my chest and waited for him to say something.
"I think I've already told you about it. And I'm not gonna say it again. That's it!" Sayingthat, he started walking away.
No! Mission is gonna fail! And I'm not gonna let that happen.
" Wait! Justin! I wanna know everything about it. Please jus! You people are keeping secrets from me. I'm in the dark. I didn't know what's going on in my world. Please!" I pleaded him. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly. Sighing, he leaned onto the nearby wall, facing me, he started reciting,
"Ana, I think you have some sorta idea about your powers. Let me make it clear. You have the power of persuasion, healing, teleporting and more are yet to be unleashed. All of the above powers have released because of you kissing Troy. And when you both complete the uhm- mating process, all of your powers will be unleashed. So, coming to Troy, I just know that his mother is a witch, Margaret Phillips. You know her by the name Aunt Maggie. You remember? We would play hide-and-go-seek with her. And the biggest secret is that you are part of the Prophecy. And whoever are a part of the Prophecy will have certain difficult situations in life. In your life, your most difficult condition is your mate." I was shell-shocked hearing his words.

"My mate?! What do you mean by that? What about Troy?" I asked him.  "It's not about Troy, Ana! It's about your other mate." WHAT?! What the heck is he talking about? Me, having two mates, or is it just two? How many mates do I have, to be precise? "Jus, who is my other mate? And why in God's name do I have two mates?" I asked him, with a hint of anger and malice. Aurora is totally against the fact that I have another mate.

 "Ana! It's Xander Griffin! The vampire prince, or you can say Vampire King! I'm afraid this is the truth. I knew about it just a few days ago. Xander told me about it. And I think it's false. Because aunt Maggie didn't mention anything about it. Tell me the truth Ana! Didn't you feel any sort of connection with him? Anything? For example, if you touch Troy, you get those weird tingles, right? Did you feel anything like that with Xander too? Because I didn't believe him. I want to know the truth from you Ana. Tell me!"

My mind was blank hearing those words. Of course it's true. Why didn't I accept it until now? I felt some teeny-tiny bit of connection with him. Right from the moment I've met him, I knew he was more than just a friend to me(or so he says). But I didn't accept it, because of Troy. I didn't wanted to disappoint him. I know that Xander is good-looking, kind-hearted, everyone knows, but I've never seen him/imagined him to be my mate. Why should fate be this cruel? Why do I have all these problems? Now, the biggest question is, does Troy know that I have another mate?  What happens when he gets to know about this secret? I'm sure there's gonna be a war between two supernatural Kingdoms. 

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I raised my head to come face to face with Justin. He knew I was overthinking. My eyebrows crease when I do that. "Don't worry Ana. Troy doesn't know about this. I'll tell him when it's time. Now, let me remind you. Now that you have known about Xander being your mate, maintain some distance from him, And he shouldn't know what you're up to. Your heat is gonna start next week. I want you to go on a vacation with Abby, Chloe and Sadie to Hawaii. Be there until your heat completes. I don't want you and Troy to complete the mating process just yet. And I seriously don't wanna become an uncle to your babies. Okay? Now, take some rest. I have some important meeting to attend to. Do not spill the beans to anyone. Am I clear?" He asks in a monotonous way. I give him a mock salute and start heading to open the door. But the moment I open the door, my eyes widen like saucers seeing him just outside our room.............


Abby's pov:

This can't be happening. No! I'm dreaming. He is not alive. He is dead. This is just my worst nightmare. Wake up, Abby. Wake up And you'll be free from these nightmares. Wake up! No! He's not gonna kill you. He's your mate. Mates don't kill     their mates. Then why is he trying to kill me? Did he become a ghost? Has he come here to take revenge on my Ana? No! No!

 "NO!!!" I was instantly awake from my not-so-peaceful slumber. Beads of sweat started to form on my pale face. It just doesn't make any sense. Is this his way of communicating with me? From past few nights, I've been having these weird dreams in which Luca tries to kill me, Ana and Troy. He keeps chanting the words "the war has already begun" over and over again. Is he helping me or trying to get me killed? Is he on our side or on the enemy side? I need to talk to someone about this. Ana! My diaper buddy! I need to tell her the truth about Luca being my mate. She has to know. And since we're going to the vacation next week, I may have a chance of  getting her attention.

I need to tell her. I have to tell her. I have to warn them. I have to warn them about the war. Otherwise, it will be too late!!!!


After a long time! I'm sorry guys. I promise that I'll keep y'all updated.... Anyways, shoutout to whoever guessed that Xander is Ana's mate!!!! Yay!!!! So about the cliffhanger, who did Ana see anyway??? Please don't forget to




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