Chapter - 47 (Mission Impossible!)

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So, I was thinking to write a sequel to this story! What do you guys think? Write your thoughts in the comments!!! Anyways, I hope that this update will be quite interesting, as it contains the past of Troy and his unknown mother!!!! *evil wink*!!! All my love!!!!!

Ana's pov :

Waking up with our mates beside us is probably the best thing which happens in our entire existence. Atleast we'll know that they are safe beside us. Thinking about Abby losing her predestined mate makes my tear ducts active. I can't even imagine my life without my mate, and now that I've found him, I'm never gonna let him out of my sight.

I snuggled furthur into his chest, inhaling his scent. I raised my head and my eyes traced over his slightly tanned features. I ran my fingers over the hard square of his jawline. The softer curve of his full lips, which were now twisted up into a curve. I studied the straight line of his nose, which was more straighter than mine. I raised my head furthur and kissed the sharp angles of his flushed cheekbones. I ran my hands over the smooth marble span of his forehead, which was partially obscured by a tangle of his raven black bed hair.

Last, but not the least, his piercing golden eyes. I saved his eyes for the last, because if I had seen his pirecing golden eyes, I'm a cent percent sure I would most likely lose my train of thoughts. They were wide, and my eyes widened immediately, seeing his wide once.

So, he was awake all the freakin' time when I was openly gawking at him. Idiot!!!

And even though I knew that his eyes were seeing me staring at him, I paid no heed to them. His eyes were warm with liquid gold. And they were framed by a thick fringe of black lashes. As I now made direct contact with his eyes, made me feel extraordinary - sort of like my bones were turning mushy.

"I can feel your love and affection towards me. And they do not match with the irrefutable affection I feel towards you." He grinned at me, as a seven-year old who has just been kissed by his crush on his cheek. He said he felt my love towards him. In other words, he has literally felt my emotions rolling off me.

As I was hit by a bucket full of cold water, I jolted out of his arms in a squish.

"H-how can you feel my emotions? You haven't marked me! Mates feel each others emotions only after they mark and mate, right? Then why are we an exception in this case?" I squeaked the last part. Was something wrong with me? Or him?

"I don't know, yet. And I intend to find out all about this strange powers we are meant to have. And also-" he started getting out of the bed and started walking towards the door. Turning partially towards my direction, he smirked, saying "Pack your stuff. We stay only for a day or two. So, don't pack as if we are leaving this place and never gonna come back."


"Wait! Where are we heading to? And why are you telling me this now ? Can't you have told me this a bit sooner? And why the heck am I rambling?" I groaned and hit my forehead slightly, wincing a bit due to the hard hit. Troy sighed and walked towards me and pecked my throbbing forehead.

"Relax Ana! We are heading to Alaska! I'm telling you about this right now because I didn't wanted you to stress out about this. And no, I couldn't have told you this a bit sooner. And yes, you, sunshine, are rambling!" his voice dripped with mirth when he jutted out the last sentence.

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