Chapter-31 (Never give up on you!)

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Hey readers....I'm so sorry for a late update...but I kept my studies aside and I'm updating this because I've seen "The Prophecy" losing its #30 in werewolf category. And I don't want that to enjoy!

Troy's pov:

I jolted up, thinking about that bastard hurting my mate, but I was hit by something on my head, which was on top of me. Why does this always happen to my poor head? I groaned lowly and massaged my temple, internally hoping there is no bruise. I opened my eyes, only to see the total darkness surrounding me. One question rose in my head,

where the heck am I? I raised my arms, only to come in contact with the hard surface above me. I looked around to find something, but the darkness wasn't helping me. I then tried to get up (keyword tried) but the surface didn't budge. Then the realisation hit me like thousand bricks. Am I in a coffin? As in the graveyard? Did they just bury me alive? All the crazy thoughts were ringing in my head. I tried to push the lid of this good-for-nothing coffin, but failed. I then tried to use my so called powers. I used all of my strength this time and gave the lid one mighty push. Yes! It flew off the handle, because of my push. I internally smirked, as I got up of the coffin and took in my surroundings.

The foul smell of dead bodies hitting straight on my face and I exactly knew where I was, the mortuary room. I headed towards the door and opened it. All the eyes were on me, I know, because nobody just comes out of the mortuary room alive. I tried to catch the scent of my pack members, especially Ana, but I guess they aren't here. When I reached the ground floor, I got the intoxicating scent of my dear mate. I searched everywhere for her, and finally found her near the reception counter.

"Ana!" I squealed, making her head snap in my direction. At first, she didn't believe her own eyes that I'm alive. We both were just staring at each other, not worrying about the crowd near us. Staring at each other intently, scared that one of us might just disappear. And then I heard her angelic voice,

"T-Troy?!" She then ran towards me and I caught her mid-air. She sobbed uncontrollably in my arms and I was rubbing her back, soothing her.
"Y-you're alive, T-Troy! I
t-thought I l-lost you! I'm s-sorry Troy!" she whispered against my chest, while I kept my chin above her head. "Shush, Ana! Don't cry! It's not your fault. And I'm back, for you! I'll never give up on you! And I'll never leave you alone, when I know you are in danger. You can trust me on that. Now stop crying, sweetheart! We need to rest." I let go her when she stopped her sobbing. I then saw her appearance, red puffy eyes because of crying I guess, dark circles below her eyes, pale complexion for not having proper diet. She too was examining me, as her eyes roamed my face.

Someone cleared their throat, making us snap out of our trance. We then realised that we were surrounded by a huge amount of crowd. Justin then came near me and whispered, "A-alpha King! How? I-" I stopped him by motioning him to the crowd in front of us. I then took Ana's hand and headed for the room.


"I'm not hungry. You have already fed me all this stuff. Now, it's my turn to feed you." I quickly grabbed the plate from Ana's hands and decided to feed her, since she too didn't have anything since that incident. "No, Troy! Don't be so stubborn. You had only one bacon, two sandwiches, two glasses of milk and three apples. That's not enough for you. You need to have more. You need to put on more weight. C'mon! Give me the plate!" she tried to grab the plate but I kept it out of her reach. She glared at me,

"Troy Blackwood! If you're not gonna eat, I'm not gonna give you your surprises." She warned me, making me widen my eyes. "Surprises? What surprises?" I asked her excitedly, making her giggle. Oh I so missed her smiles and giggles! "No! I'm not gonna reveal them to you, unless you finish eating three bacon, two apples, and two glasses of milk." She smirked at me, making me growl in return.

"What the-" I was about to protest but she cut me off by stuffing a bacon in my mouth. I was glaring daggers at her, while she was smirking at me.
" Ugh! I'm done! Now time for my surprises!"  I squealed like an 8 year old. "Ok! I'm gonna give you your first surprise, but the second surprise will be after you recover completely." My smile instantly dropped from my face. "No! I want both the surprises. Right now!" I ordered her, making her chuckle.

In an instant, she crashed her lips on mine, making me stumble backwards. I was slightly taken aback by her surprise kiss, but then I kissed her back with a whole lot of passion. I so missed the taste of her soft, strawberry lips. I nibbled and sucked on her lower lip, asking for permission to enter her mouth, but she didn't give me. I smirked in the kiss and squeezed her waist, making her moan in return. I took this chance and slipped my tongue into her mouth. I then started exploring her mouth with my tongue, gently without overdoing it, as it may seem gross. savouring her taste. I then withdrew my tongue and started kissing her gently. We then broke our kiss, panting for air. I then saw her flushed face and swollen lips and gave her another peck on her lips. I can't just control myself.

"Don't p-put your t-tongue in m-my mouth a-again." she warned me, but I just shrugged my shoulders. "No! I can't stop my tongue from entering into your mouth. It's just so involuntary. Anyways, is this my first surprise?" I asked her, making her blush darker. "Um, yes! Why do you ask? Didn't you like it?" she asked me, making me shake my head. "I loved it. But it's not like a surprise. I thought you would give me a surprise which I expected you to." I said to her, making her confused.

"What did you expect?" she asked me, making me grin. "I expected you would surprise me by-" I closed the distance between us, so that I was near her ear and whispered, "Doing the dirty with me!" I gave a slight kiss on her earlobe and came back to my original position. I then saw her reaction to my words. At first, she was confused, but then, she widened her eyes as realisation hit her. She punched me on my arms, "You idiot! You gross-minded!" I cut her off by saying, "I could be totally gross on bed, if you want me to!" Her eyes widened and she blushed cherry red. God! I totally need a cold shower right now. "Please, Troy! Don't you want your second surprise!?" she asked me, hiding her smile. "What about it?" I asked her. "The second surprise is-" she imitated me , as she too came a lot near me and whispered to me in my ear, "After you recover, you can take me with you to your home!" What?.......


Cliffhanger again... Sorry guys, but it's worth the shot. And I know that this update was a bit romantic, but c'mon, they didn't spend any romantic moment since few days...*wink*....anyways, I'm gonna update and give y'all a new year surprise..until then , please...




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