Chapter - 28(Death!)

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Hey readers... I'm back!! And I've told y'all that this chapter mentions about Luca's death.... And also has a twist in it.... Be prepared....!

Ana's pov :

"Chloe?... " how did she escape? I tried to blurt out those words but I guess my throat became dry.
" Ana?... " she was as shocked as I was.
"Chloe! How did you escape from the dungeons?" I finally found my voice and asked her.
"Long story, Ana. You won't believe who is with me. I-" she was cut off by Sadie clearing her throat. Oh! I forgot she was here.
"Oh sorry Sadie. This is Chloe and Chloe, this is Sadie, who took your place, while you were kidnapped." the moment I told her the truth, she slammed Sadie to the wall, clutching her neck.

"How dare you? How dare you to go near my mate and act like me? Huh?" Chloe was raging with fury. When I was about to stop her, we heard a loud growl near the door, "Let go of my mate, Chloe!" Logan stood there, only in his boxers, his fists clenched and eyes pitch black and was shaking. And he called Sade as his mate. Chloe immediately released Sadie, making Logan relax.

"Logan! What are you doing here? And where were you all the time? All these days? Wait a minute! Sadie said that her mate was captured and kept over here. That means you too were kidnapped, and you're her mate? " I let out a squeak of shock, reprocessing the entire matter. "Yes! And Sadie used to visit me every night. But she didn't this time. So I guessed that y'all knew about this. So coming to the matter, I and Chloe came here for a map, which has all the directions of this creepy forest. Ana! Luca's very dangerous. He has a witch on his side. We need to hurry, to help Justin and Alpha King. Or else, we'll be too late." we nodded and started searching for the map.

After few minutes of continuous searching, we finally found it. And we headed to the warplace.
Hold on Troy! We're coming!


Troy's pov :

Where the hell is Ana? I've warned her to stay indoors, but when I mind-linked Abby, she said she didn't find her there. Sighing, I concentrated on Luca, who was injured pretty badly. A smirk made it's way on my lips, making him growl in return.
"You think you win by injuring me? I will show you what's the actual meaning of an injury, King." he shifted back to his wolf form, and came charging towards me. My wolf growled loudly in disrespect and took control over me. Luca clawed my muzzle, making my wolf whimper in pain. I caught it's neck, but before I could snap it, I heard Ana's angelic voice, "Troy!" I turned my head to see Ana, captured by some rogues.

 "King! Ana will die if you won't release him." they smirked when I released Luca. He was panting  hard, while I tried to get to those rogues, to help Ana. Just then something pierced into my back. I growled out in pain and tilted my head backwards, only to see a silver dagger in Luca's hand. When I tilted my head to see Ana, she wasn't there.

"Die, King! Have you not realised yet? I've pranked you. And it was too very easy prancing you. It wasn't Ana, though. How can you even think that I'm gonna let her die? Huh? You see, I have a witch alongside of me, and she has created a vision, of Ana being captured by my men. And you thought it was real. How sad? Now, after your death, which is gonna happen in about five minutes, I'm gonna take Ana with me. And you haven't marked her, which made my work a lot easier. Goodbye, King!" black dots were appearing in front of me and my vision blurred. But I could see Luca grinning and I vaguely heard my name being called out, before I slipped into unconsciousness.....


Ana's pov:

It's been approximately 20 minutes since we've started searching for that bloody map. And unfortunately, we haven't found it. I tried mind-linking Troy, but I guess he just shut his link, to concentrate in the fight. "Found it!" Logan squealed, making us groan at him. "Relax, Logi! It's just a map. Now we have to get out of here and help them. C'mon." I yelled and in the span of few seconds, we rushed out of the cottage. All of a sudden,I felt a searing pain on my back. I fell down on my knees, because of the intensity of the pain. I then realised that the pain wasn't mine, but was Troy's. "No! Troy!" I shifted into my wolf and sprinted off into the woods, to save my mate.

Aurora was whimpering, every passing minute, for the pain of our mate. When we finally arrived at the warplace, my eyes widened seeing my beautiful mate's wolf lay there unconscious. Seeing my mate's wolf lifeless form, I let out a ear-piercing growl which ignited fire in the entire forest. The fire was forming a barrier around Troy, keeping him away from the blazing fire. I was still in my human form, but my eyes were electric blue, glaring at Luca, whose smirk faded from his ghostly seeing the fire around him. "Ana! Who's the man, huh? I've successfully destroyed the barrier between us, Troy! Now nobody can stop us from being one, sweet chicks! C'mon babe. N-" I cut him off by clutching his neck. I looked into his eyes and saw fear in them. I smirked, "What happened, Luca? Scared about something? Now, I'm telling you, no, I'm commanding you to hurt yourself! I wanna see you hurting yourself." I let him go. "You c-can't do this to m-me, you c-can't command me. Y-ahhhhhhhh" he started screaming, grabbing his neck. What! He then started clutching his own neck.
"What's h-happening to m-me? S-stop it ahhhhh" he then pierced his own hands. Blood was oozing out of his arms, legs and neck. What's happening?

All happened in a matter of few seconds, and I found Luca snapping his own neck. "Remember A-ana! I'm just a p-pawn. The actual K-king is on h-his way. B-beware!" that's it. We heard a tick sound and he lay there unconscious........


Luca's dead.... What about Troy? Is he dead too? I'm feeling sorry for him... *sobs*... Anyways, please




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