Jake Peralta- Jacket (h)

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Sometimes you felt envious of your fiancé, Jake, he got to go out and do what he absolutely loved whilst you were still in education.

You were originally from Britain; however, you had moved out to America when you got a place at New York University so that meant leaving everything you knew for an amazing opportunity.

About a month after you moved to Manhattan, a few weeks prior to you having to start at NYU, you decided to go and see what other places were like and travelled just over an hour to Brooklyn as it was somewhere you had always wanted to go.

Whilst in Brooklyn, a detective ran straight into you causing you to spill your coffee down your shirt – such a movie moment.

He was very apologetic and offered you his jacket so that you could cover up the stains, you were hesitant at first but then accepted on the condition that you would be able to give it back at some point. He agreed of course, giving you his number before he disappeared presumably to catch up with his partner.

After that day, you went back to Manhattan, but you called Jake to explain that you could come back to Brooklyn to return his jacket. He declined and told you that he would come up to visit you instead, and when he did he ended up offering an outing which involved coffee and walk through the park to which you accepted.

From then on you and Jake had been together; after your first year at NYU and living in the dorms, you made the decision to move to Brooklyn and Jake had invited you to move in with him to save renting somewhere.

It had been three years since then, you were engaged to Jake as well as approaching your final few months at university before you got to graduate and actually find a job.

You didn't mind the commute to university every day, you had taken to going on the train instead of driving as it was a shorter journey by about twenty minutes and you were able to avoid traffic.

Due to exams coming up, you had been granted study leave of sorts which meant you only had to go in for exams or lectures that your professors wanted you in for.

You had been holed up in yours and Jake's bedroom since that morning, whilst Jake was out at work, and when he returned you were still in the same spot but the differences were, he could tell that you had gone for a shower and you had changed into leggings and one of his t-shirts.

He sighed at the sight of you looking extremely stressed before making his way to sit by you on the bed.

He gently placed his hand on your slightly exposed back due to your t-shirt having rode up "Baby, you need to take a break" he spoke in a soft tone.

You shook your head, sifting through some sheets to find the one you wanted, "I took a break for lunch and when I went to have a shower" you defended yourself whilst not turning your attention to him.

He realised that he wouldn't win for at least a few more minutes, so he resorted to sitting behind you on the bed and pulling you to lean back against his chest.

"Okay, the hypothesis needs to include the independent and dependent variable but must be specific" you rambled off basics to yourself, just to ensure that the information was stuck in your brain.

Jake comfortingly rubbed small circles on your hips "Baby, you know that information off by heart now. You have been studying and learning for the past three years" he reminded you.

You groaned and leaned back against your boyfriend "It all seems to merge together in my head" you stated as you put the index cards down next to you "I can't differentiate between one topic to another and it's like a hectic mad run in my head to fit it all in" you explained your frustrations to him.

He rested his head on top of yours "That sounds like a sign for you needing to take a break Y/N" he told you in a slightly stern tone "How about, we go out and get some coffee before going for a walk" he suggested.

You turned around in his arms "Like our first date?" you questioned with a smile on your face.

He mimicked your smile "The very one. It just won't be Central Park this time" he pecked your lips after having spoken to you.

"I think I can take a break for that" you had a small smirk on your face whilst you talked.

He chuckled and kissed your forehead "How about putting the very same jacket on then?"


Written by Hannah.

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