Rosa Diaz- Stretch Marks (c)

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You hated the summer. The summer was a horrific time and you would have rather moved to the south pole than have to put up with such muggy hot weather. Every day was hard to get through with how hot it was and you were almost drowning in your sweat, however the night was by far a lot worse.

As the sun set you had assumed that it would become a bit easier to cope as it couldn't have been as hot without the sun beating down on you- that wasn't the case. It was equally as bad if not worse.

You and your girlfriend Rosa were getting ready for bed, and truthfully wearing anything was pretty much its own form of torture, but with social norms and issues with your own thoughts you were stuck in your nightie over the top of your underwear.

When you went back to your bedroom you saw your girlfriend Rosa laying on the bed in her underwear, fidgeting to find what position was the best to sleep in with the stagnant hot air.

You tried not to bring much attention to the fact that you were sweating through your clothing and your hair was stuck uncomfortably to the back of your neck as you slid into bed next to Rosa. As soon as you laid down next to her, her attention shot to you.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah," you said with a fake smile.

"Are you sure? You look very hot, you sure you want to keep that on?" She questioned.

You nodded, subconsciously resting your arm around your middle.

Her expression quickly became concerned as she rolled so that she could look at you properly. You didn't want to tell her the truth but you knew that you had to at some point.

"I- urm... I'm not comfortable with my... urm... I have stretch marks," you muttered quietly.

She smiled at you, which was always a rare sight that you loved to see.

"It's okay," she said softly. "We all have some things that make us feel down about ourselves but you shouldn't feel bad about your stretch marks."

Rosa moved in her place on the bed so that she knelt by your side resting a hand just above her hip.

"Look, I have stretch marks. Most people do. They aren't a bad thing to have," she stated to reassure you. "Can I see yours?"

You were hesitant at first, but you nodded your head. She slowly moved your night shirt up, not wanting to rush the movement to unnerve you. Once she had moved the fabric high enough to see the marks lining the skin on your stomach, she gently ran a finger across the marks that were visible.

"They are beautiful," she said softly. "Every part of you is beautiful, you should never doubt that."

It warmed your heart that she could think so highly of you even if your thoughts of yourself were by far a lot lower. Even though it didn't mean that you were going to feel completely better about yourself, it did help to know that you had someone there to try and help you feel positively about how you looked.


Written by Charlotte.

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