Jake Peralta- Hot Detective (h)

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You didn't often go out with your friends, not because you didn't want to but more because of the fact that all of you were just so busy.

You and your girlfriends had such hectic schedules and that meant finding a day or an evening where you could all meet up was hard.

However, that evening was the first time in months that you were all meeting up for an evening of films and drinks.

As you looked around at your group of friends you really couldn't believe how much had changed since you all met all those years ago – you were all in relationships, some married with kids, you all had decent jobs and if you were honest you felt as if you could say you were happy with how your life was going.

"So, Y/N," one of your friends spoke up once the drinks were really flowing. "How is it going with your hot detective?"

You giggled as Jake popped into your head. "He is quite hot isn't he," you agreed which caused everyone else to giggle as well.

One of your other friends raised her glass. "To Y/N's hot detective!"

You laughed loudly as your friends echoed the words and a blush flamed on your cheeks.

"But seriously Y/N, how is he?"

Smiling, you shrugged slightly and took a sip of your drink. "He's good, we're actually looking at buying a house soon," you admitted as you were yet to tell your girlfriends about the latest development.

As soon as those words left your mouth your ears were assaulted with excited squeals from your friends.

"And yes, I am beyond excited," you told them once they'd all stopped squealing.

"Does this mean what I think it means?" one of them asked you excitedly.

Blushing when you realised what they meant, you shook your head. "I don't think he's got anything like that planned for a while."

And with that the conversation moved onto other things, but soon enough it got to the point where you all needed to be heading home – far too sloshed to even hold a decent conversation.

"Y/N! Your hot detective is here!" your friend shouted from their front door.

Giggling you got up, waving goodbye to your friends that were still in the living room and made your way out to Jake's car.

He was stood leaning against his car and shook his head when he saw you practically stumbling out of your friend's doorway.

You were giggling to yourself the whole way down the drive and broke into a big smile when you eventually caught his eye.

"How much did you drink?" he questioned with a smile on his face.

Shrugging you stumbled into him causing him to wrap his arms around your waist. "Not that much," you mumbled into his chest.

He chuckled. "C'mon baby, let's get you home and get some water into you."

You looked up at him and pouted. "I'm not even that...that drunk," you struggled to find your words for a moment.

"Of course, you're not baby," he soothed you as he opened the car door for you.

As he held your hand, he helped you into the passenger side of the car, you couldn't deny the fact that your head was spinning a considerable amount.

"Bye Y/N!" your friend yelled from her doorway. "And bye Y/N's hot detective!"

Jake raised an eyebrow at the nickname and laughed as he waved towards your friend before making his way round the car to get in himself.

"Hot detective huh?" he questioned once he was sat next to you.

That set off your drunken giggles yet again and every time you looked over at him, you'd burst into another fit of giggles.

Jake couldn't help but laugh at you himself, knowing that you were the one person that could make him laugh like that and that you were just the one person for him.

Even though you believed he had nothing 'planned', he knew that he had that gorgeous ring hidden away in his bedside table.

With the plan to be down on one knee in the empty entryway of your new home one day soon.


Written by Hannah.

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