Jake Peralta- Obvious (c)

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Jake and you were sat in the break room, having your lunches and chatting. You had a healthy home cooked meal, whilst he had three slices of two-day old pizza with a horrible microwave slime on top and half of a burger that you remembered him buying earlier in the week when there was a buy one gets one free. It did make you feel sick to see his lunch but whenever you bought him something remotely healthy, it'd end up with Amy's name on in the fridge.

Amy walked in to grab some paperwork she had left on a far table. You saw Jake's eyes light up as she entered the room.

"Santiago looks like a librarian," he snorted, instantly knowing it wasn't an insult but tried to voice it as one.

"I heard that," Amy sighed as she grabbed her paper and begun to walk out of the room.

"You were supposed to!" He shouted after her.

As she left the room, he slumped in his seat defeated.

You had been friends with Jake since nursery and you were able to read him like a book. Even if you didn't know him so well, you'd still be able to see that he was completely infatuated with Amy.

"When are you going to tell her?" You asked.

He looked at you. "What?"

"When are you going to tell Amy that you like her?" You laughed. "Everyone can see it, other than her."

Jake sighed. "How did you know?"

You rolled your eyes at him. The poor boy thought he was being subtle with his interest in her, but it was more than obvious.

"Oh Jake," you smiled softly as though he was a child. "It's clear as day. You were like this with Jenny the whole way through school."

Once again, he sighed, letting himself droop onto the table, pushing his food out of the way.

"I really like her, but she just thinks I'm an idiot," he frowned.

"You are an idiot."

Most of what Jake did was idiotic, but he had a kind heart which truly made him who he was. He never meant harm, but he wasn't going to being joining Mensa anytime soon.

"Thanks," he said sarcastically.

"You are an idiot Jake. You do a lot of stupid crap, but you're a good person, and Amy knows that. It's obvious that she likes you too, but she's never going to tell you that. You're going to have to make the first move kid."

"She likes me?" He grinned excitedly.

"Yes, so tell her how you feel."

"I will!" He exclaimed getting up to his feet and running off to find her.


Written by Charlotte.

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