chapter seventy

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eliana dropped her bag onto the mats next to the bars. "morning, peter."
"already warmed up?"
"how's your arm feeling?"
"it's fine." she gave him a look. "it's been fine."
"great. i just wanna talk some stuff out first, okay. take a seat." peter sat down on the ground and motioned to the spot in front of him. "so, this year's a little different, yeah?"
she nodded.
"pan ams are in june, and then trials july ninth and tenth. i wanna talk about some skills. not necessarily ones that you're going to compete, but should you get to the olympics, you'll be able to whip out there."
"like what?"
"if you're up for it, a nabieva would be really good to have. we'll get a bigger mat this time." he laughed. "i think working a triple double dismount would be great. then you can show that you're working on it during the karolyi camp. as long as you have it almost solid, they'll love it."
"oh, i'd love that."
"of course, for floor, you have your pass, and i think we're gonna add a punch layout to double twist. your yurchenko is good enough for vault, there's not much to improve there. and beam."
she groaned. "i hate beam."
"i know." he laughed. "but you've definitely improved over the past year. we should keep that trend going."
"i want to mess around with gainer dismounts, and definitely a new mount. i think you can get an arabian connection too."
"that doesn't sound too awful."
"oh, well, i'm glad." he laughed. "i think we'll use these weeks before you leave to decide what you're doing and solidify your routines, then start really training when you come back."
"let's go."

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