chapter forty-five

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tuesday, september 1
eliana yawned and blinked as she felt the plane start to descend.
ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. we are about to touch down in scotland, so please fasten your seatbelts and put your tray tables up. thank you for flying with american airlines.
she looked out the window at the sun rising over the water, and sighed. she knew ben had probably just watched the sun set. communication was going to be especially hard for these couple days, with him on the west coast and her in glasgow for the competition. she grabbed her phone and snapped a picture as they prepared to land.

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elianadempsey: good morning glasgow

her phone buzzed as she got off the plane with a text from ben.
get there okay?
she shook her head and smiled.
go to bed, it's like midnight where u are
he texted back immediately.
gotta make sure my sweetheart's ok :)
she smiled and tucked her phone back into her pocket. lola trudged up beside her, looking like a zombie with her eyes half-closed.
"good morning, sleeping beauty." eliana said. lola yawned. "is every flight that long and awful?"
she laughed. "just wait until you have to fly to tokyo."
lola groaned and laid her head on eliana's shoulder as they walked to the bus that would take them to their hotel.

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