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aaaaand that's a wrap!
wow. writing that last thing was like...very cry. many tears.
you gotta love one day spurts of writing that somehow take you to the end of your book.
i've said it before, and i'll say it a million times: THANK. YOU. y'all have been so supportive of this and are my constant motivation to like... actually write and do semi-productive things. so yeah. thanks a bunch.
i got the idea for this story in april of this year while rewatching the 2016 women's all around final, and i honestly did not expect it to go this far at all. at first, i thought it would be a one shot of a gymnast going on a date with ben, and then i thought it would be a short story, but here we are...105 chapters later. it's been kind of a crazy ride, but i'm thankful for it.
i'm gonna plug myself again because why wouldn't i so...if you love mr. ben tyler cook then you should read my other two stories: fake and head over feet.
AND if you're a harry potter fan and you love mr. draco should read contstellations, which is posted on my non-broadway account: @k8evie.
AND AND also posted on @k8evie is a julie and the phantoms fic called sunset boulevard!
alright. i guess that's it then. that's all for ben and ellie.
don't you dare worry, though. ya girl is ALWAYS thinking of cringey wattpad story concepts, and i will ALWAYS impulsively write them for your entertainment.
much love, k💓

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